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A Homework Manual For Biblical Living
Wednesday, 17 May 2006

I've got only one more piece to do and I'm all done with my 2005 summer courses and I can then get a jump on 2006. I want to be done with all my course work before I get to school this summer... please help me stay diligent and disciplined Lord!

Posted by indie/51godchaesr at 11:04 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 4 April 2006

well we're down to crunch time with school... They've given me until APril 10th which is not far away at all... less than a week.

Still got a lot of work to do.

Posted by indie/51godchaesr at 4:41 PM EDT
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Thursday, 9 February 2006

it's been tough staying focused on school... I have been really undisciplined and it's frustrating...

Posted by indie/51godchaesr at 11:33 AM EST
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Wednesday, 11 January 2006
*big sigh
Mood:  crushed out
Topic: general
I have one paper "done" it's got everything in it but it's 18 pages and it needs to be 10?!~

The biblical hope paper is 1/2 done and the repentance paper isn't even started...

baby should be here tomorrow we think...

Posted by indie/51godchaesr at 12:09 AM EST
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Tuesday, 3 January 2006
School work update...
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: general
Just as an update on where I am with school work:

been very distracted with learning how to do research papers... i don't think I did anything like this in college. I've done the rough draft for my jealousy paper and I'm about halfway through on my hope paper...

just found out that my repentance paper is 15 pages and that doesn't include a 5 page homework handout that I'm supposed to mock up with it!

I haven't even started some of the other general assignments...

I'm basically done with the addictions book but I have creativity and insight to read yet

All this and Marghie is going to be giving birth in 10 days and we're selling our house in Georgia here real soon and I'm teaching Sunday School on Sunday This is a picture of the boys at Christmas... now if we would just get some snow to go try that bad boy out!


Posted by indie/51godchaesr at 8:14 PM EST
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Thursday, 1 December 2005
Part 2
Topic: Anxiety/Worry
What are the effects of anxiety on the person who worries of the verses we studied in part 1?

Posted by indie/51godchaesr at 7:51 AM EST
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Thursday, 3 November 2005
Bible Study on overcoming anxiety - "You can be peaceful!" Philippians 4:6-9
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: Anxiety/Worry
Part 1
Study the following verses and then write down everything they indicate about anxiety or worry. (Remember that in the King James Version the words care and careful are often synonyms for worry.)

- Luke 10:38-42: Martha allowed herself to become distracted with much serving and being troubled over the things of this world instead of choosing to make the Lord her portion
- Proverbs 28:1: The righteous aren't worried or anxious but the wicked become anxious to the point of fleeing even when no one is pursuing them
- Ezekiel 4:16,17: Having little to eat and drink brings about anxiety and dismay
- Luke 8:14: The word of God is choked out by the cares of this world and the fruit of a righteous life never grow to maturity
- Luke 21:34: Worry and anxious thoughts about the cares of this life will weigh down your heart
- Proverbs 15:13,15: Worry and anxious thoughts about the cares of this life will crush your spirit. Being free of these things is like giving your heart a continual feast
- Psalm 38:3-8: Worry and anxious thoughts about the cares of this life will bow you down prostrate to the point that all day long you will go about mourning and groaning. There will be nothing sound in your flesh and your health will fail you. You will feel as if you are carrying a burden that is too heavy for you.
- Genesis 45:3: Anxiety will not allow relationships to be restored
- 1 Samuel 28:20-23: Worry fills you with fear to the point that there is no strength in you. Your life can become filled with terror and your responses irrational
- 2 Thessalonians 1:7: you are not to worry when you are afflicted because we will be granted relief when Jesus returns
- Psalm 77:4-10: you have trouble holding your eyelids open. you can become troubled to the point you can't speak. you can feel as if God has turned his back on you

Posted by indie/51godchaesr at 4:12 PM EST
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