In 2003, the Wea Indian Tribe started a "Tribal Library Reference Collection." This collection will be used by our People, and all other interested persons into the future for educational purposes to learn about the Wea Indians, and the Woodland Indian People's history, culture, genealogy, lifestyle, spirituality, farming, food preservation, medicine and herbs, wiikiaami (wigwam) and village construction, language, clothing, historic village site locations and more.
To date we have over sixty (60) books, pamphlets, journals, historical and genealogical publications and magazines; French history and genealogy; maps and atlas'; VHS and CD videos/movies, documentaries, lectures and seminars; music; mixed archaeological data; Northwest Territory State & County histories; and various artwork: such as rare lithographs, donated to the Tribe by individuals, or purchased with Tribal Library funds. This doesn't include items like; privately owned family collections of maps, genealogical records, and historical documents, also government archives and manuscripts, which are on loan to the Tribal Library Reference Collection at various times through the year.
We are now currently accepting donations to our Library from any individual, organization, or company that would like to give a very special gift of a book or any other item of importance to the Tribal Library. Each donor will receive a letter of recognition, and have their name affixed to the item they donated, as well as being placed on our permanent Library Record as a contributor. Monetary donations to the Library in any amount are also accepted.
Please pass this word onto others that you know, and help our Library grow for the future of our Tribal Children and others. Please send all donations to:
Wea Indian Tribe - Library
13325 Loyalty Drive
Fishers, Indiana 46037
Please enclose your name and postal
mailing address with each donation.
Or You Can Send Monetary Donations Through PayPal:
If you have any questions, please contact our
DEBRA BROWN - Administrator
Or write her at the above Wea Indian Tribal Office address.
Created By: Peehkonteeki
®All Rights Reserved

NOTE: All pages that depict the WIT Seal have been donated to the WIT and are the official website of WIT.
Webmasters, Editors & Owners: Brenda Haffner-Lindley & Lori Budash.
DISCLAIMER: All other pages and links on this domain that do NOT depict the WIT Seal do NOT belong to WIT, and
they are privately owned. Any information contained on the other pages and links are NOT sanctioned by the WIT.