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What's a Spidler?

Spidler: NEVER confuse it with a Spider.

As you're looking at this page, I have to assume that you have some tiny amount of interest in finding out what a Spidler is, and why this site is named after one. No, I'm not claiming that I am an actual spidler.

That would just be crazy.

No, a Spidler is similar to a normal, everyday, run of the mill spider, but with some very important differences:

  1. Spidlers wear boots
  2. Spidlers have large googly cartoon eyes
  3. Spidlers are very talented creatures.

You probably think that :

  1. I'm lying,
  2. I'm bonkers in the nut, and
  3. You're wondering why you're still reading.

Well, can't help you with number 3, and number two is still undecided, but as for number one, you're wrong.

The reason you've never seen a Spidler is because they aren't commonly found in most areas of the world. They tend to stick to the coldest areas of Antarctica, where they can live in peace among their fellow creatures, namely penguins and giant woodlice.

Also, though they may venture out on other days (a Spidler got to eat!) Spidlers are only really visible on leap years, especially that stupid extra day in the stupid month of February. So, no wonder you've never seen one! Very few have.

Remember also that there is no evidence to prove that the Spidler does not exist. So my argument is as good as anyones.

The talented Mr Spidler


So what makes the mighty Spidler so much more talented than your normal spider? Well, alright, so regular spiders are more talented than your average insect, being able to build webs, climb up walls, and scare people out of their wits. But they can't do a fraction of the things that a Spidler can do.

The talents of a Spidler include:

Obviously, there are many more, but they can't all be listed here...

ALSO: A couple of people (with too much time on their hands... yes, like me) have asked me how you should say "Spidler".
Well, my lawyer has told me I'm allowed to answer this question, so:

You pronounce it "Spid-ler" (like "riddler")

There. Hopefully that's taken a weight off your minds, and you can all sleep at night now. Phew!

The Spidler, as you can see from the evidence presented here, is a talented and remarkable creature. I am happy to be named after the Spidler, but would like to point out that should anyone take the name of the Spidler in vain, they may be attacked by many lizards or sparrows (depending on season and availability) or "contacted" by my pet Giant Squid, Clive.

Just a friendly warning... let's be careful out there...

New Evidence!!!! New Evidence!!!!

~See the many and varied types of Spidler!~

Yes, the scrolly text does not lie!
Thanks to the wonders of Clive the squid, and his frequent visits to the Lost & Found, I came into possession of a ticket to Antarctica. Not wanting to pass up an opportunity like this, I snapped up the ticket, grabbed my camera, packed a few essentials (clothes, cofoffee, cheese straws) and set off straight away!

The pictures I collected are now on show for all to see, exclusive to The Spidler Site!!

***Click here to witness fuzzy evidence of one of nature's most wonderous creations!***

You'll be amazed, verily!!!
Alright, so it's not that great... but I was never any good at photography... and they all heard me coming... and it was cold in Antarctica...
Just to clear up any misunderstandings, Clive *says* that he *didn't* claim the ticket under false pretences; it really was his... he just left it on the bus one day.
He also claims that the 25 gold watches he brought back one day were just things he'd misplaced, too.
You can draw your own conclusions about Clive's truthfulness...

***New Sightings! Click here!!***

Some amazing examples of spidler life which have been sent to me.. you won't believe your eyes!

Seen a Spidler? Tell me! TELL ME NOW!!

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The magical "Spidlerdance": feet of flames! (Well, he's got no shoes...)

Learn about the mysterious Clive

Discuss Spidlers and Giant Squids at the totallystupid squid forum! (now sadly deceased~ R.I.P :( )