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Spidler Sightings...

The following pictures are alleged actual sightings of suspected spidlers that have been sent to me. All are interesting, some are baffling, perhaps even fantastic(al[istic(al)]). See for yourself, and be astounded!!

This picture was sent to me by Jak:
"I found this Spidler on a submarine around the coast in Antarctica, due to the long journey it had to sell its boots to buy some corn, i had to barter with it to allow the photo, i think i saw a baby Spidler in a barrel near by."

The importance of this sighting is: it serves as proof (as if proof were needed!) that spidlers are, indeed, travelling and breeding outside of their natural habitat. Since this incident was sighted a while back, it's likely that spidlers have since found more sophisticated methods of travel.

This picture was sent to me by Akate:
"While at the football last year (Chester City Vs Forest Green Rovers if i remember correctly) i happened to see a strange looking creature stood along side me on the north terrace of the deva, whats that i wondered, and finding it kinda comical, i took a picture of it with the digital camera i had on me. Unfortunately i accidentally set the camera to 'paint' setting, so the picture looks like it has been created in paint, but its not, its real! 2 b honest im not even sure it is a spidler, cos its eyes look kinda strange & its got a head, nose & mouth, it could b an ugly spider, but since u r a spidler expert I was just wondering if u could tell me exactly what it is? Its hard 2 tell because its wearing a very cunning disguise, with the hat & large flower n'all, but if its not a spider I was thinking it could just be..maybe..possibly, one of the lost spidlers of the spidler land before time?"

This is an interesting creature; definitely not a regular spider, but neither, judging by the features that have been pointed out, is it a 'conventional' spidler. I'm inclined to agree that it may be a more "primitive" member of the spidler family (possibly even protus-spiddus, or 'the missing spid') suggested by its rather bulbous head, and attendance at a football match; this is an environment that regular spidlers would most likely avoid.

This creature was sent to me by Michael, who has named it a fridler, since the appearance of the creature is basically that of a spidler, but with some characteristics of the frog (colour? ability to hop? possible ribbitting noise?) it has been suggested that the creature could possibly be a spidler/frog hybrid.

While there is existing evidence of hybrid creatures (such as the spidge) I have never seen a creature exactly like this myself. Some of the 'skills' of the frog would definitely benefit the spidler; for example, its high jump and amphibious nature would allow the spidler entry to a number of Olympic events. With the spidler's apparant spread into a number of differing environments, it seems likely that more "mongrel" spidler-types will eventually be sighted.

This creature was sent to me by Sponge. I'm not sure this is a genuine spidler. For one thing, it's sitting in a classic "in-a-web" pose, suggesting that the creature is.. in a web. While spidlers can build webs, they rarely use them, preferring to find alternate homes, such as shelters, igloos, sheds, etc.
The googly eyes seen on this specimin are a prominent characteristic of the spidler, although they tend to protrude from the head in a slightly different way. There are no shoes present, so either they were mislaid (as with Jak's sighting, above) or the creature never owned any.
I can't be 100% sure, but I strongly suspect this is a regular spider who got a bit startled by something, or a spider who's trying to pass itself off as a spidler. Considering the spidler is an amazing creature, far superior to the regular spider, and indeed, most other known forms of wildlife, it's natural that the spider would want to imitate it.
(It has been said that genuine spidlers get free entry to a number of pubs, bars, clubs and cinemas, but this may just be a rumour.)

Lynn sent me this interesting picture of a female spidler:
"This is a rarely spotted female Spidler. She is waiting for a Slpie [in case u didn't know they live in Antarctica, and are the Spidler's main source of food when they can't go out] I took this picture while she unknowingly hunted in front of me. Unfortunately, she saw me and ran into the shadows. I have spotted many rare animals, one such is the Guzima. Very rare, found in Asia, very delicate, beautiful things. Perhaps I can find a picture of a Slpie. I have been trying hard to capture pictures of Spidler, and perhaps learn more of their rituals. But as you said it is very difficult."

This is an interesting contribution, as it not only highlights once more the highly sensitive and elusive nature of the magical spidler creature, but also provides further details of their eating habits for those who are less 'in the know'. I, of course, have a fairly sizeable chunk of knowledge stored in the folder of my brain marked "spidlers", but we are all still learning. I find Lynn's enthusiasm for the spidler admirable, and would urge her and other spidler enthusiasts to keep searching for, and spreading awareness of this fascinating creature.
(Because they're worth it.)

If you have a story to tell about a spidler sighting, and /or a picture to share, please don't hesitate to contact me, and i'll post it up here to share with the world.. well.. that select percentage of the world's population who happens to view this site, anyway.
Tell your friends/ enemies/ frenemies!

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