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Lag Family

Page 8

Papa Lag's Love Garden
This was a painting Mama had commissioned a famous artist to do for Papa's birthday. It signifies the love and nurturing bestowed on the Lag family by Papa. They are all well fed and watered and were hand picked for having special qualities, just like Mama and Papa. Everything's always rosy (or at least flowery!) in Lag Land....pic by momma

Snowball Fight
This is the Lag's in Canada last winter having fun in the snow. TracyLag had been trying to get the boys with her snowballs, but her throwing technique wasn't too good, she just managed to drop them on the babies most of the time, who in turn ate them! Anonylag was better at it, and got his target every time after running and bowling like a professional. Dan had a problem with the snowman... just as he was about to add the head, he realised Krutch had added his own!! Mom and Papa looked on in amusement... their kids were nothing if not good entertainment!...pic by Babyshylag

Baby Great Escape
The newest BabyLag is already an expert escapologist. Most nights she climbs out of her cot desperate to see what the other Lags are doing, she can’t stand the thought of missing out on something. Mom and Pop installed hidden cameras to keep an eye on her bedtime activities, but Baby knows they are there and just poses for them! ...pic by Babyshylag and adapted by momma


Yes, it's official, the Lags are Lagomorphs! The way the family is breeding it was only a matter of time before they turned into rabbits and continued multiplying. The love of carrots should have given it away! Papa deserves that cigarette after producing such a wonderful bunch of bunnies and he has booked Mom into the Warren Lag Hotel for a well earned rest, so she will be 'bright eyed and bushy tailed' ready to take on more adorable little furry Lags in the future!...pic by momma

DracuLAG's Castle

While the aunties took the little Laggies out for a fun night of trick-or-treating, Pop and Uncle Tank decided to have a little fun of their own. With Uncle Tank dressed up as Draculag and Poppa and Momma as Frankenlag and his bride, some of the older kids (those who weren't out scaring up trouble) got into the 'spirit' of things. They were all having a hauntingly good time... until Prozielag got carried away with the whole thing and accidentally lopped off Dan's head!! Doodles held it aloft for a family portrait before Poppa got out Momma's sewing kit and spent the rest of the evening sewing it back on. With everyone giving advice and getting in the way, he wound up getting it a little crooked; but if Dan wears turtlenecks and keeps his shoulders cocked a certain way, it's hardly noticeable......pic by mama and papa

Christmas is Coming

Santa ClausLag and his elves needed a little break from all their Christmas preparations. Here DaveyelfLag was having his turn at being led around for a reindeer ride. While some of the other elfLags waited their turn, MasterpiecelfLag came gliding by... test-driving a newly-made sled. (The favorite part of their job is trying out all the toys that Santa makes.) BabelfLag prefers trying out the candy canes, much to Santa's chagrin.. with all he has to do, the last thing he needs is having to touch up all the places she's licked them. DoodleslfLag is happy to ring the bells and PiccyelfLag is good at checking the list. In this case, she was checking off those who'd had their ride. DrLAGonzoelf was getting a little impatient for his turn and thought it was unfair that he didn't get to test out that sled. After they'd all had a ride on Rudolph, Mrs. ClausLag took them inside for milk and cookies. Then they got right back to work. There is a lot to be done between now and Christmas Eve.

Day Trip Gone Wrong

On one of the many Lag family outings poor ol' Poppa's car couldn't cope anymore and broke down. They had to be towed (backwards) all the way home. The kids thought it was great fun and made the most of the new experience. Unbeknown to Mom and Pop, earlier the boys had been playing at being mechanics. They pulled a few cables out and had tried to put them back again, but the girls liked the red ones and insisted on keeping them!....pic by momma

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