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The Sky is falling down on me.
The walls are caving in.
Everything I ever known.
has crumbled to the ground.
Getting lost in the bustle
with nowhere to go.
I can't go back.

You're standing there with a blade.
Waiting to plunge it in.
Just another act to please the crowd.
Ravished heart, tortured soul.
Enough is enough.

I've realized I have chosen the wrong path.

Overthrow The Heavens

The Israelites marched around
the walls of Jericho.
For seven days.
Seven priests.
Bearing seven trumpets.
Surrounded Jericho.

On the seventh day they revolved.
Around the city seven times.
On the seventh try they shouted.
And the walls tumbled down.

Do you believe you patron saints.
We're really sent by tetragramation.
Black magicians like those they killed.
Black magicians like the one they burned.


False propheting for false gods.
Burn them alive.
See if they survive.
Witchcraft of the sevens.
Drown them with a stone.
See if they still breathe.

Overthrow the Heavens.

Hand In Hand

We walk hand in hand.
But out of place.
Smashing a face.
Without any actions.

We use to go together.
like the stars in the midnight sky.

I'm lost with no one to help me.
So confused with this life.
Should I stay or should I go.
My heart will be broken.
By the end of the day.
Because I know you will not,
be there to embrace it.

For Every tear that drops.
Is A needle in my heart.
And for every needle in my heart.
Is a scar without you.

The Great Vindication

Forced on their knees.
Victims of our in humanity.
This all goes unseen.

And this machine is ran by our consumption.
Our blinded eyes,
They endure their pain.
And commit their lives for the sake.
Of our illusioned world,
And the oppressors who keep them,
On their knees.

I cannot live this way,
My exsistance is dependent on exploitation.
I will find my path that won't contribute,
to pain and suffering.

The roads we walk upon have been paved,
With their blood.
Where is our compassion?
And our respect for life.

We are the voice of the voice less.
Kill the patron inside of you,
That gives the pimp the power.
And give them their freedom.
Give them their freedom.

Untitled #2

This winter hold my last day,
I feel it in the way the black,
wind penetrates my skin and,
corrupts my bones.

Nothing could stop the warmth,
from escaping this battered body.
And finding its place amongst the stars.
Where it will become one more thing,
I've lost and wish, could feel this pulsing
through me again.

Giving me the courage that I,
Need to get off of this road.
I've been thrown down onto.
I will soon be left here to rot.
The dyeing inside of me has become,
too much to bear.


In Whose Name

The walking wounded stumble through
blood-soaked streets,
their feet knived by shards of shattered windows.
The fine dust of crushed buildings
penetrates their pores, blackens their faces and hands,
Clinging to the membranes of their nostrils.
They taste burned flesh when they swallow,
A silent scream sticks in their throats.

They yell but no one hears them.
They scream, but no one cares.
Look at the sky I can see it
Coming. Falling the last breath of the living.
You've seen the names before--- God, Jesus, Allah, or Jehovah
In whose name is it this time?

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