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Active Blather: July 2006

July 13, 2006
When You Pay Peanuts Expect Monkeys: I found out yesterday at work that I will be receiving a 35¢ raise. Finally I'll have enough money to buy that pack of gum I've had my eye on.

Master of My Domain: I just renewed my domain name (, of course!) for another year. For those interested, and are still available.

The Number of Ketchup Packets I Received at Lunch Tuesday: Eleven

The Syndication Package: Suffered some lettering woes yesterday and ruined two strips with excess ink. That was slightly frustrating, but I'm over it now. I did rebound with at least one strip successfully inked and lettered. I have 24 strips at the moment.

Currently Living in My DVD Player: The second season of Deadwood

It's Not Easy Being Green:

The Ceramic Tile and Carpet Frog
Here's some sad news concerning The Ceramic Tile and Carpet frog. From what I read at The Star Press, the giant frog fell apart as its new owners attempted to move it last Friday. Thus a little piece of local color is now history. Bummer.

July 8, 2006
Midsummer Revisited: This past Thursday found me playing a wall again. All of us rustics (and Puck) performed at the Minnetrista Cultural Center for their Faeries, Sprites & Lights benefit and it went pretty smoothly. We did all of the rustics' scenes and our audiences were small, but enthusiastic. It was just fun to act around and be silly with a bunch of talented actors again. I had a good time and I got a couple of free chicken shish kabobs out of the deal, too!

The Syndication Package: Twenty strips are all set for the most part. I'll probably be sending them away at the end of July if I continue to ink at this rate.

Currently Living in My DVD Player: The fourth and sadly final season of Home Movies

The Number of Ketchup Packets I Received at Lunch Yesterday: Three

Deadwood Quote of the Day: "Every day takes figurin' out all over again how to fuckin' live."-Calamity Jane

July 6, 2006
Independence Day: Spent my day for the most part inking strips. Tim and Brad bought some fireworks and they went boom. The shuttle went up and so did North Korea's missiles. Unlike last year, I did not back into someone's car and that is a good thing.

Workplace Discovery: While throwing stuff away at work on Monday, I saw a juice bottle full of urine in the dumpster. Of course, it could have been apple juice as well, but I wasn't in the mood for a taste test.

The Syndication Package: The inking continues with nineteen strips completed so far. I'm generally pleased with the results despite wanting to scream whenever I screw up a line. I want everything to look perfect and a minor flub can really be discouraging.

Local Landmark:

Muncie's Giant Frog
The frog statue that has stood guard in front of Ceramic Tile and Carpet for decades may soon be history. The carpet store has been out of business for a couple of years and the new owner of the building has no need for the deteriorating mascot. However, she did offer the frog to anyone willing to remove it at their own expense and I guess someone accepted the challenge. According to The Star Press, a middle-aged couple plans to take in the frog and place it in their backyard. However, the statue isn't in the best of shape and it may crumble apart once it is moved. I'm hoping the fates wouldn't be that cruel to a giant, cement frog and it will soon find a new life as a piece of lawn art. I know I'll be keeping my flippers crossed.

June 29, 2006
Good News: After weeks, months, and years of hemming and hawing, I have finally started to put the finishing touches to my syndication package. Yes, I'll be sending Those Funky Idiots back to the syndicates soon and I guess we'll see what happens. So far I have inked six strips. I'm aiming for thirty-six. More progress soon.

Shirts: It's not safe being one of my shirts. I stupidly tore one of my newest shirts today and then the cursing began. It's a small tear, but it's already ruined in my mind and I really loved that shirt! It was plaid and orange and I really looked good in it! Hopefully, I can get another one to replace it.

The Number of Ketchup Packets I Received at Lunch Yesterday: Ten

Geography: Audrea Quinton is in San Diego. For those who don't know, Audrea was one of the talented actors featured in a little public access show near to my heart called Those Funky Idiots. Audrea played Sara Euler and The Rummage Sale Lady. She and her beau recently headed out west to find their fortune and, according to all reports, they are settling in nicely. Good luck, Audrea, and keep in touch!

Deadwood Quote of the Day: "Change ain't lookin' for friends. Change calls the tune we dance to."- Al Swearengen


Grrr!! Argh!!

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