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<a href="index.html">· index <a> YOU ARE HERE. why would you click a link to a page you are already at....actually why would i make a link to a page you are already at........actually i'm going to make it not link fact you dn't need any links.... it's not my job to hold your hand and make sure you never get lost.................... welcome to the real world kid
· Guitar Heroism ☀ OLD ☀
· Page 2
· The Real Page 2
· Turning Japanese
· Sneep
· Super Dodge Ball
· Song of Storms
· This Page Has Nothing To Do With Super Dodgeball ☀ NEW ☀
· Trophy Room ☀ N
EW ☀

visint our unfilliates

I'm about to open How

Don't click this one, it crashes Firefox

Hello! Welecome to my internet. I have made this internet. I hope you like this internet. Please add this internet to your bookmarks as this internet is updated on a regular bassis.


Describe it in three characters or less:
I see! Thank you for participafor participafor participa

One day, while toward the , I noticed I had misplaced my . I couldn't help but shout ! Curse my I thought to myself as I . "If only I had remembered to earlier, then I wouldn't be in such a ... Well, let's hope doesn't . At least that way I'll still without much ." However, my would not last. It was quickly . I grabbed the and made my ! But it was too late... By the time I managed to they had already .

<-- if you think about it, cancelling a cancel and uncancelling a cancel would be the same thing

Behold the star collider
Activate it now thusly
"Hold on!" yells the foreman
He is a dissenter and will soon be shot
Crack an egg over a barrel or the other way 'round
That's the only way
To get to the bottom of this
Loud rubber Tylenol
Thou hast lost an eighth
Turtle soup is actually hail
Order it from your favourite magazine
Stay tuned
And now a word from our censor
Grey compression
Scrape it with a sock
If that's not enough
then you will be shot, too
If you had hoped to avoid this
Then explain why
You have made a tweezer from crunchy leaves
In science class
We dissected Spongebob
It was gross
freed frin thaif avges i heoy gre and my oyughth

I have the

You will notice that I am good at internets.

Now piss off! d ^__ ^ b

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Love your new blog. Can't wait to see what you write about. Go for it!

I can't believe that doesn't work! I hate the internet. <i>Continue►</i>