This site is constantly being modified. Check back often. Last updated 09.02.2001. Click here for log.

Welcome to my site about Caving in Indiana! Indiana is full of holes in the ground and other karst features that cavers study, explore, survey, preserve, cleanup and thoroughly enjoy. Here you will find some helpful information about caves and karst in Indiana as well as some photos of some of the less sensitive limestone caves in the area. Caves can be a dangerous environment for the inexperienced, and should not be entered without the proper equipment, conservation ethic, or general knowledge of the cave, necessary to safely explore the caves. You should also be aware of some of the various wildlife you may encounter in the cave and how to treat them Shop Buy Online.

This is not your one stop source for cave information, but hopefully will prove interesting to beginners and long time cavers alike.

On-site Stuff -- Cave Descriptions and Photos
(no locations or maps)

Photo Pages and Trip Reports

Descriptions and Photo's for Specific Individual Indiana Caves (under construction)

The Mind of a Caver

09-02-2001 Indiana Closed Caves List

Caving Discussion Forum

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This website is designed and maintained by Chris Kollmar NSS# RE46045

WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that Caving can cause Cancer, Liver and Lung Disease, Miscarriages, Unwanted Pregnancies, Low Sperm Counts, Brain Tissue Damage, Muscular Dystrophy, Forgetfulness, Left-Leg Paralysis, Internal Hemorrhaging, Geekiness, Carbohydrates Deficiency, Negligence, Slow Motioness, Bureaucracy, Deforestation, Sexual Atrocities, Lack of Personality, Inflation, Heavy Machinery Malfunction, Anaphora, Plagiarism, Lying-to-Congress Disease, Gerrymandering, Incrimination, Schwa Deletion, Non-Confirmation Syndrome, Defenestration, Illiteracy, Sarcasm, Broccoli Overcooking, Frequent Defecation, Gossiping, Getting-Lucky-on-the-First-Date Syndrome, Mass Extinction, Ozone Depletion, Global Warming, Gas Leaks, Hailstorms, Arms Race, Legs Race, Gender Confusion, Transexualism, Misunderstandings, Gibberish, Boredom, Nausea, Vomiting, Hyperbation, Hyperbole, Manuscript Loss, Anarchism, Liposuction, Unsuccessful Barbecueing, Gargling, BONKing, Mavisms, Talking-in-Third-Person Syndrome, Limousine Overcrowding, Elevator Stalling, Messianism, Low Scoring on Standardized Tests, PBS Pledging, PTA Joining, PTL Propaganda, S&L Bailouts, Dirt Under your Fingernails, Deficit Spending, BL&T Indigestion, Armpit Enlargement, Proletarianization, Antidisestablismenterianism, Panic, Disillusionment, Asymmetrical Twins, Helmet Head, Appointment Cancellation, Foreplay Disruption, Stuttering, Dogmatism, Bath Tub Clogging, Eviction, Infant Mortality, Cryptorchitis, Shistosomaisis, Nepotism, Baldness, Bad Spelling, Maximum Verbosity, and General Failure in Life.

(as cited by the S.U. Outing Club -- It's just a joke!)

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