1. God said: Now, behold, O man, I have declared my first and second resurrections unto thee. And in like manner is the third resurrection, but still higher. And so on are all the heavens of Jehovih, higher and higher, until the inhabitants thereof and therein become very Lords and Gods.
2. Nevertheless, hear thou, O man, the wisdom of thy God, and be appreciative of the way of resurrection being opened up unto thee.
3. Now, I declare unto thee, there are angels lower than the first resurrection; being incapacitated, from various causes, from knowing who they are, whence they came, or whither they are going. Yea, many of them know not words of speech, nor signs, nor tokens; but are as destitute of knowledge as young babes.
4. Many of them died in infancy; some of them were killed by abortion; some of them were idiots, and some of them deranged.
5. Many of these live by fetal. And that thou mayst know, what fetal is, behold. Jehovih hath given thee testimony in mortality, whereby, when a young child sleepeth with a very old person, that child is devoured of its substance. In such case, the old person is fetaled on the young child; the old person is said to live by fetal.
6. Now, hear thou, O man, the judgment of thy God: Half the people, born into the world, including still-births and abortions, die in infancy. Therefore, there are a thousand million angel infants fetaled on the earth every thirty years.
7. These angels never obtain objective knowledge of the corporeal earth, but are compelled to learn subjectively earthly things through mortals upon whom they are fetaled.
8. Judgment is rendered against all nations and peoples on the earth for this great darkness, these early deaths. And, because these angels are thus bound to mortals, and can not go away from them until such time as mortals die, mortals are responsible, and bound to train them up by examples of righteousness and good works.
9. Now, aside from such angels, there are such as are slain in war, whose minds are in chaos, who, dying in the heat of passion and fear and anger, become wild and bound on battle-fields, or, mayhap, stroll away into deserted houses and castles, and are lost, bewildered and unapproachable.
10. Of these, there are hundreds of millions; and they are in all countries and amongst all peoples in the world.
11. They are distracted and tormented with their own fears and bewilderment.
12. Judgment is rendered against all nations and peoples in the world who engage in war, thus bringing these afflictions upon the angels of heaven.
13. Judgment is rendered against every nation and all people in the world who carry on war, or who are accessory to war, whereby any man, created alive by Jehovih, is slain, in defence of any king or other ruler, or in defence of any country or government in all the world.
14. And, whether war be offensive or defensive, my judgment is against its aiders and abettors, and against the kings and queens, or other rulers who are parties to war, willingly, knowingly, or otherwise.
15. And I judge him guilty also who is general, commodore, captain, sergeant or private that engageth in war or taketh part therein, aiding, abetting, or otherwise, whereby any man, created alive by Jehovih, is slain or caused to suffer death.
16. And yet, aside from angels who are in chaos, there are hundreds of millions who are in declension, instead of resurrection. Such angels are those who in mortal life were whipped and tortured in prisons, or, mayhap, were hanged, or otherwise put to death.
17. These angels take delight in evil instead of good. Sometimes they go about singly, and sometimes in gangs of hundreds and even thousands.
18. In olden times, the false Gods used such angels to fulfill curses on mortals; and to carry poison in the air, and inoculate mortals with foul diseases.
19. Behold, in this day, my angels have shown thee that they can bring flowers and ponderous bodies; even so could the false Gods with their trained warrior angels, who delighted in evil, cast mortals in death by poisons and suffocation.
20. Judgment is rendered against all nations and peoples who use prisons as places for whipping and torturing prisoners; and against all nations and peoples who put to death, by hanging, shooting, or in any way whatsoever, any prisoner, or any person whom Jehovih created alive.
21. Judgment is rendered against the judge and the jury who condemn to death any man; and against the law-makers who make, or have left in force, a law authorizing death as a penalty against any person whom Jehovih created alive.
22. And this is the bondage I put upon all such as obey not my judgments, and conform thereto: They shall not rise above the first resurrection in heaven, whilst war remaineth upon the earth. Even though their bondage be a hundred years, or a thousand years, yet this, my judgment against them, shall not be put aside.
23. Neither shall any king, nor queen, nor any other ruler in all the world, impress as a soldier, any man who is unwilling to engage in war. And whosoever obeyeth not this my judgment shall not rise above the first resurrection in heaven whilst war remaineth on the earth.
24. Neither will I more consider the prayers of any king, or queen, or any other ruler, or any nation or people in all the world who engage in war, offensive or defensive, or who aid or abet war in any way whatsoever.
25. But I will abandon all such people; and my Lords shall abandon them; and my holy angels shall abandon them.
26. And they shall be left as a prey to their own harvest of evil spirits, and to all manner of drujas.
27. And they shall be afflicted with assassinations, and intriguers and despoilers, and with anarchy and riots and destruction.
28. For they shall be made to understand that whosoever Jehovih created alive is sacred upon the earth; and that whosoever heedeth not these, my judgments, sinneth against the Almighty.
29. Behold, it is not sufficient apology for them to say: O, an evil king will come upon my country and possess it!
30. I say unto thee, O man: All countries are Jehovih's. Be thou His servant unto peace and righteousness, having faith in Him.
31. Behold, thy God hath come to put away old things, and to give unto you the kingdoms of Jehovih, as they are in His exalted heavens.
32. Heed thou the judgments of thy God; thou canst not stay the hand of the Almighty.
1. God said: Hear the judgments of thy God, O man; look thou upon all the world with the eye of a God.
2. Be thou comprehensive in judgment over all nations and peoples upon the earth.
3. Jehovih hath said: Out of My very self created I all the living; brothers and sisters made I them, from the members of My body.
4. Jehovih hath said: In the early days of a world, behold, I provided unto man different continents and islands, separated by mighty waters, that man, in one division of the earth, might not interfere with man in another division of the earth.
5. Jehovih hath said: Behold, one nation and people I allot to one civilization, and another nation and people I allot to another civilization. Separately, on the different divisions of the earth and on the islands in the seas, situated I the different peoples I created.
6. Jehovih hath said: But, when the world groweth older, and man attaineth to wisdom, I say unto him: Build thou ships, and sail across the waters I created; go visit thy brothers and sisters in the different divisions of the earth.
7. Jehovih hath said: And man mastereth the ocean, and cometh to his brothers and sisters, afar off, and I say unto man: Because thou hast mastered the ocean, let this be a testimony unto thee, that there shall be no barrier, henceforth, between all the nations and peoples I created.
8. Jehovih hath said: In kosmon I come, saying: Be ye brethren upon the face of the earth and upon the waters of the earth; these are the legacies I bequeath unto My children.
9. Jehovih hath said: Be ye a help and a profit unto one another, judging wisely of the differences which circumstances and places of habitation have developed in the races of man.
10. Now, I, thy God, O man, declare this judgment unto thee: Inasmuch as thy wisdom hath surmounted the corporeal barrier, the ocean, betwixt thee and thy brother, it is meet and proper, that thy soul surmount the barrier of prejudice against thy brother.
11. And that, instead of making laws against him, thou shalt do the opposite of this, and throw open the place of thy habitation, and thy soul, and thy love, to receive thy brother, godlike, and with open arms.
12. Flatter not thyself, that thou canst turn aside, or set backward, the seasons of the Almighty.
13. Wherein thou dost this, affliction shall surely come upon thee.
14. Behold, I have made the heavens of the earth universal; and established heavenly roadways around about the earth, that the angels of the different nations and peoples may be as angels of universal heavens, to help one another.
15. Wilt thou make a law to incite the enmity of the spirits of the dead against thee? And open the door for still more agressive wars?
16. Shall the laws of man interdict the march of Jehovih?
17. Now, behold, when kosmon came, I said unto thee: Come with thy God; peacefully shalt thou knock at the doors of Chine'ya and Japan, and they shall open unto thee.
18. This, thou accomplished; and those who had been exclusive hundreds of years, turned from the olden ways to welcome Jehovih's hand in thy promises.
19. Now, I declare unto thee, I will not more have exclusiveness in any of the nations and peoples in all the world.
20. Neither shall there be taxes and duties of one nation or people against another.
21. Behold, thou hast asked for the Father's kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven, and I will give unto thee. As thou hast prayed, so will I answer thee, in the name of Jehovih.
22. Thou shalt not serve both, Jehovih and mammon. Neither shall the light of my heavens be with thee, save thou heedest my judgments.
23. I will have all the ports open and free, nor shall there be partisan taxation, in favor of one nation against another, nor of one people against another people.
24. It is not excusable for thee to say: Lo, the poor foreigner will come and consume my riches!
25. Thou shalt say the opposite: Welcome, my poor brothers and sisters! Whatsoever is mine, is yours also. Come ye, and dwell within my country; it is ample, and Jehovih will provide unto us.
1. God said: When a man hath young children, he maketh just laws, in order to teach them discretion, justice, harmony and consideration, in regard to one another.
2. But, when his children attain to be men and women, man no longer holdeth a law over them, for they become his equals, as brothers and sisters.
3. Even so, in the ancient times, provided I thee, O man, with governments and laws for different nations and peoples.
4. Nevertheless, I said unto thee: Let thy government be as a father over the people, and not as a separate matter against them.
5. But thou hast disobeyed my commandments; thy government is as one thing, and thy people as another thing. That which should be one entity, thou hast made into two.
6. Thy government hath become a separate self from the people; and the people are as servants, supporting the law-makers, who trade in projects and schemes for their own profit and glory.
7. Since the earliest days, all the governments of man have drifted into this.
8. When a government no longer filleth the grade, according to the advancement of the people, behold, thy God withdraweth his heavenly protection from that government. And, straightway, the people run into anarchy.
9. Lay not the blame of anarchy and revolution and assassinations on the people; my judgment is against the government in all cases. These conditions of vengeance are but the fruit resulting from the government's divergence from the will of Jehovih, and the march of His light.
10. As, for example, the offspring of inharmonious parents, or of parents wrapt up in selfishness, are lower in grade than their predecessors, even so do the subjects of a king decline in grade in proportion to the prevention of liberty and the neglect of general instruction.
11. Judgment is rendered against government wherein it provideth not liberty to the people, and neglecteth providing means for the development of the talents created with all.
12. In these respects, O man, governments are measured and graded by thy God. And, whenever a government setteth up itself to enforce and strengthen itself by violence against justice unto the multitude, behold, I turn away from that government; and I call away my Lords and holy angels.
13. And, thereupon, drujas come upon that people, and the people fall upon their government, and destroy it.
14. If a government be a king only, and he have no holy council, then the responsibility of the shortness is wholly his.
15. But, if the king have a holy council, then the responsibility for shortness lieth partly with the king and partly with the council.
16. Judgment is rendered against them, not only in this world, but in the es world. And each and every member of such council shall be bound in the first resurrection until he hath made amends unto all his people for the shortness he manifested on the earth.
17. Hear the wisdom of thy God, O man, and consider the way of righteousness in the governments of mortals:
18. The nearer the twain are to being one, that is, the government and the people, the nearer they are like unto my heavenly kingdoms.
19. The more diverse the government is from the people, the farther it is from the kingdom of thy God.
20. Let this be a guide unto thee, O man, in prophesying the change and the overthrow of governments: According to the square of the distance a government is from Jehovih (which is Righteousness) so is the quickness of its coming change or destruction.
21. Think not these matters are governed by chance or accident: Jehovih is Perfect Righteousness: the all Everlasting.
22. He is All One. For a people and their government to attain to be all one with each other, this is great strength, with a long existence and internal peace.
23. This, also, shalt thou consider, O man: All governments are tending toward oneness with one another. This is the march of Jehovih. None can stay Him.
24. Consider, then, what is wisdom between governments: To make themselves reciprocal toward one another.
25. A government that setteth up itself for itself, and against other governments, is a selfish government. And thy God rateth it the same as a selfish man, being diverse from Jehovih and his kingdoms.
26. Judgment is rendered against such a government. Neither my Lords nor my holy angels shall bless that government.
27. Governments that practice affiliation, to bring about reciprocal brotherhoods between governments, are on the right road toward the Father's everlasting kingdoms.
28. Flatter not thyself, O man, that these matters can escape the observation of thy God. The affairs, legislations, laws, treaties, and all things whatsoever that governments accomplish, are known and recorded in the heavens of the earth. And the leaders, kings and councils, shall, soon or late, face them; and they shall judge of their own fullness or shortness in serving Jehovih in righteousness and wisdom.
1. God said: Whoso liveth with Jehovih is free from Jehovih. These need no man's government; for they practice righteousness, peace, love, industry and wisdom, with due regard to one another.
2. Such is the Father's kingdom on earth. In which there shall be no laws made by man; neither shall there be leaders or rulers.
3. The progress of man is toward this; the progress of the governments of man should shape toward such a consummation.
4. The time was, when laws were requisite unto all things, even to the manner of a man coming in and going out of a house; and to every occupation that man followed; with licenses and taxes regulating them; the time of apprenticeship to a barber, to a weaver, to a lawyer, to a preacher, to a physician, to a smith, and to all other trades and occupations, with examinations and passports to practice within the king's dominions; with rates for fees and rights and privileges.
5. But these laws and governments were for the past eras; they were righteous in the first place, for they shaped man's judgment, toward perfecting himself.
6. But, behold, a new time is in the world; from the acquisition of knowledge a new liberty hath been born into the world. And it crieth out on every side: Throw open the doors unto all trades and occupations; behold, the multitude are sufficiently wise to judge themselves as to who they shall patronize.
7. Judgment is rendered against the laws and governments of man in all cases where they prevent the liberty and choice of man to his avocation and knowledge.
8. It is not sufficient for thee to say: Behold, the public will be taken advantage of by ignorant pretenders. Thou hast no right to say what the public will suffer, and thus base a law on prospective damage.
9. When the public have suffered, and when they, themselves, demand protection by such laws, then shall such laws be made. To make such laws beforehand, is to sin against Jehovih.
10. It was said of old: Thou shalt keep holy the Sabbath day. And it was defined what a man should not do on that day.
11. Judgment is rendered against that law; nevertheless, I put not aside the practice.
12. But the time hath now come when man shall judge himself as to whether he will or will not keep any day sacred.
13. Moreover, man shall not, henceforth, be accountable as to whether he keep or not keep any day as a sacred day. Yet, this accountability shall be unto all men, whether they fulfill in wisdom and righteousness their utmost capacities.
14. There was a law of circumcision; but I render judgment against that law also, for it hath fulfilled its time. This law, I put aside in practice. But I give it as a permission to the adult, that he may or may not fulfill the circumcision according to his own judgment.
15. Judgment is also rendered against infant baptism; and I put aside this law also, and I make it an abomination before Jehovih.
16. Nevertheless, when a child hath attained to fourteen years of age, and it choose of its own accord to be sprinkled with water, to conform to the rites and ceremonies, then that child shall be thus baptized in the name of Jehovih, but not in the name of God, nor any Lord, nor a Savior, nor an angel.
17. This is wisdom, O man, to have no law or government between man and wife.
18. This is ignorance, to have a law between man and wife.
19. Yet, because there are bad men and bad women who do marry, it hath been found necessary to have a law between man and wife, as regardeth their duties.
20. But consider how wrong it is to have a law between a good man and a good wife, as regardeth her duties. Better is it for them to be thrown upon their own love and judgment.
21. After such manner gave I governments and laws unto all peoples. To the bad and evil-minded, rigid laws, with many details; but to the wise and good, I come now as an emancipator, saying: Go ye, without laws and government, fulfill your destinies according to your own judgment, that ye may be an honor and glory to Jehovih.
22. In kosmon, man shall not be longer driven in yoke and harness, but shall stand upright before Jehovih, practicing his highest light with rejoicing, being a free man, and a brother to his God!
23. Behold, the Uzians have a custom of eating bread, and drinking wine, saying, after the manner of the worshipers of Baugh-ghan-ghad of old: Eat of this, for it is my flesh; and, drink of this, for it is my blood, signifying, that that they do, was commanded by me, God of heaven and earth.
24. Judgment is rendered against this custom, with abhorrence; moreover, it shall be, henceforth, known as blasphemy against Jehovih.
25. Thy God never commanded man to eat flesh and blood, nor pretended that bread and wine were flesh and blood, nor commanded them to be eaten in remembrance of the flesh and blood of any man born of woman.
26. Also have they a custom of decorating and draping themselves in crepe, and characterizing the same as a sign of mourning for the dead.
27. Judgment is rendered against such custom, but without prohibition.
28. Jehovih created alive, and Jehovih taketh life away, for all things are His.
29. Remember thy Creator with wisdom; and neither in thy dress nor habit shalt thou censure Him for what hath been.
30. Neither curb thou the full sorrow of thy heart and thy soul, because thy brother or sister, son or daughter, or father, or mother hath passed away.
31. But remember, Jehovih is over all His works, and provideth wisely unto the living and the dead.
32. Jehovih hath said: To man I gave an earthly body that he might learn earthly things; but death I gave to man that he might rise to the inheritance of My heavenly kingdoms.
33. He appointeth a time unto all; to some an hour, to some a year, and to some a hundred years; every one fulfilleth to result in wisdom and happiness, and for the glory of the Almighty.
1. God saith: Behold, the work of my hand, O man: As thou findest an old house, no longer habitable, thou sendest workmen to pull it down, and then, thou sendest laborers to clear away the rubbish.
2. And, afterward, thou bringest builders, and they lay a new foundation, larger and broader than the old one, and, thereon, they build thee a new edifice, adapted with new improvements unto the increase and requirements of thy family.
3. Even so, hath thy God labored, for hundreds of years, to prepare unto the generations of this day.
4. For I saw, beforehand, that man would circumscribe the earth, and that all the nations and peoples thereof would become known to one another.
5. And I beheld also, that, in the coming time, which is now at hand, the old edifices of doctrines and creeds and religions, as of the Brahmins, Buddhists, Jews, Ka'yuans, Kriste'yans and Mohammedans would not fulfill the requirements of man.
6. And now, behold, O man, the wisdom of Jehovih previously: He had permitted corruptions and contradictions to creep into the sacred books of all of the said great religions, purposely and with design, so as to make easy the work of thy God.
7. And when I saw that the coming together of nations and peoples would require a new religious edifice, I perceived, also, that the old ones must be cleared away.
8. And, behold, I, thy God, went to work systematically, inspiring man to accomplish even what man hath accomplished.
9. I raised up scholars and infidels against these religions; inspiring them to attack the corruptions and contradictions in the sacred books of all these peoples.
10. And, in the same time, that I sent infidels against the Jewish bible, I sent infidels against the Hindoo bibles, and against the doctrines of Brahma and Budha and Ka'yu, and against the Kriste'yans and Mohammedans.
11. And I made the beginning of the work of these infidels and scholars to correspond with the discovery of Guatama by Columbo, and I kept them at their work for three hundred years, which was up to the time of the establishment of the republic of Guatama, which I, thy God, provided to be untrammeled by an established religion.
12. After my workmen, the scholars and infidels, had thus undermined the old edifice, behold, I sent laborers, under the name of merchants and traders, to commence clearing away the rubbish.
13. And, because of their desires in money-getting, they considered not the religious edifice of any people, and they provided comity relations withersoever they went.
14. For a hundred years, these, my laborers, have been at their work, stripping off and clearing away the prejudice of nations and peoples against one another.
15. And then, behold, I came with my builders, and I prepared a new foundation, broader and wider and firmer, for an edifice adapted to all the nations and peoples in the world.
16. First, I sent my miracle-workers forth into every quarter, saying unto them: Whatsoever was done by the ancient Gods and Saviors, do ye even so, and greater. For I will show, unto all the world, that no man nor God is worthy to be worshipped because of miracles.
17. And they went forth at my command, and my angels went with them, doing wonders.
18. They healed the sick, by the laying on of hands; they restored the blind to sight, and made the deaf to hear, and have brought the supposed dead to life.
19. They have caused writing to come on stone tablets, and on paper, in the light of day, by unseen hands.
20. They have caused ponderous bodies, without mortal contact to move, and to beat time to music.
21. A child hath lifted eight full-grown men with her little finger.
22. They have passed full-blown flowers and plants through boards and tables, unbruised and uninjured, and, yet, there was neither hole, nor opening in the boards and tables.
23. They have made stars of light that spake with audible voices; they have made pillars of fire by night, and pillars of cloud by day.
24. They have caused the spirits of the dead to appear as if in flesh and blood; and whilst thus appearing, talking face to face with their mortal kin, who saw them, heard them, and, by the subject of the discourse, proved them to be the very angels of heaven returned to their earth-kin and friends.
25. For the time of one generation thy God hath thus kept open the gates of heaven; working through mortals, by the angels of heaven.
26. My testimony and my witnesses are hundreds of thousands. I hide not the work of my hand and of my angels in a corner; I extend them abroad over the earth; I manifest in the cities and country places; I prove unto all peoples, that common men and women can do the miracles for which Gods and Saviors have been worshipped.
27. Yea, I give these powers unto good and bad men, and unto good and bad women.
28. For I show miracles in order to break down the worship of miracle-workers.
29. For I will have none worshipped but Jehovih. And I have inspired angels to this end, and to the end that good works and wisdom shall be, henceforth, the means of resurrection in heaven.
30. And I have shown also, that only by harmony and the union of many, can any great good come unto the generations of men.
1. God said: Think not, O man, that thy God goeth about a work without a system and order.
2. Verily these are the first of my considerations.
3. First, I send my loo'is, my masters of generations, down to the earth, to the nations and peoples where I design to build my edifice.
4. And my loo'is, by inspiration, control the marriages of certain mortals, that heirs may be born into the world suited to the work I have on hand.
5. For many generations, my loo'is labor to this end, raising up thousands and tens of thousands of mortal heirs according to my commandments.
6. So, O man, since four hundred years my loo'is shaped mortal births to bring about the armies of thy God.
7. And now, when the time of kosmon had come, behold, I sent my Lords and my numerators, to receive the harvest and the records of my loo'is.
8. Thus, O man, thy God knew beforehand what part and what place each and every one of his mortal laborers was adapted to.
9. And through my Lords and generals and captains of my angel hosts, I commanded man to fall to work on my building.
10. Some to heal the sick, some to work signs and miracles, some to lecture, some to write, and so on, every one according to the work of his adaptation.
11. And all of this is to one purpose; not to build up or exalt any man, nor God, nor religion, but to found Jehovih's kingdom on earth.
12. To give man the system of universal peace, love, harmony and kosmon, adapted to all nations and peoples in all the world.
13. And I commanded my Lords and angels, generals and captains to this end; and I, furthermore, commanded certain angel registers to accompany and be with mortals in this, the kosmon era, to observe them at the work I provided them.
14. And to whoso doeth a good work in truth, righteousness, wisdom and love, my holy angels are commanded to extend their sphere of usefulness and light.
15. I said unto my angels: Go ye with these proofs, before mortals, with signs and miracles; go to the rich and the poor, to the learned and to the unlearned. And ye shall observe them, as to what use they make of the new revelations.
16. For some shall appropriate these things to money-making; some, to personal fame; some, to evil purposes; but a few, to the glory of the Almighty, and the exaltation of mankind.
17. Try ye all mortals, and make a register of them and their behavior, and preserve the same in my heavens.
18. And it shall come to pass that many of my seers shall have great poverty and great hardships, for they will be unsuited to serve mammon. Nevertheless, they shall convert the rich, proving my truths unto them. And my seers shall go to them in distress, and the rich shall deny them, and refuse them.
19. Make a record of these also. For, in course of time, and, because of the hardness of their hearts, I shall withdraw my holy angels away from such rich people, and they shall be left to fall into the obsession of drujas.
20. And their families shall be obsessed, their wives, or husbands, or sons, or daughters.
21. And the drujas shall divide the families, turning a man against his father, and a daughter against a mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
22. For, whoever goeth away from me, paying tribute to satan (self), I will not follow after.
23. And the drujas shall say: Think not we are come to send peace on earth, we come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword.
24. And families of the unrighteous, being obsessed with drujas, shall keep secret their convictions, and they shall say: This is lunacy, meaning derangement.
25. Others, being asked if they belong to the new dispensation, shall say: Nay, we know nothing of it; behold, we are good members of the church!
26. And now, accordingly, all such matters were recorded in my heavens, and such mortals became known to me.
27. And such as consulteth the spirits in regard to money-making, or to earthly matters for self sake, also became known to me.
28. And I commanded my holy angels to withdraw from all mortals who were not working for Jehovih's new kingdom, who were of no profit in the resurrection of man; and, behold, this was also done.
29. And it came to pass, that many whom I had designed for exalted work, fell into the hands of drujas. And they held conferences, and were divided, man against man, and woman against woman; full of boasting and short-sighted wisdom, seeking the applause of the multitude.
30. And, so, my angels sifted them and sorted them, in order to find such as were willing to sacrifice self for the sake of the Father's kingdom.
31. These I drew aside, and I said unto them: Ye, that choose to serve Jehovih, behold, Jehovih hath chosen you also.
1. God said: I said unto thee, O man, pursue thy wisdom after the manner of thy God.
2. I go to the beginning; I labor not so much to convert adults, as to prepare the minds of the young.
3. Now, behold, because I told thee this, thou sought to have children born unto thee after the manner of Gods.
4. Thou saidst: I understand the new kingdom; I have the solution for raising up a new generation on the earth. I have chosen me my women, who also comprehend, and, behold, our offspring will be very Gods!
5. But I admonished thee, saying: Thou openst the door for adultery; thou shalt surely go down.
6. Thou wouldst not profit by the wisdom of the ages. I had holden up my hand, and said: One wife, one husband!
7. Now, hear me, O man: In a new cycle man ever runneth to the extreme opposite of the old errors, and thus bringeth upon himself new ones, that he knew not of.
8. I say unto thee: The new edifice shall be of all that was good of the past, of things proven in heaven and on earth.
9. Also, I say unto thee, it shall be of the young, and not of the adult.
10. Because thou hast attempted to beget offspring for the new kingdom, thou, of all men, art the most unfit.
11. My laborers shall not have desire to be either fathers or mothers. Nor shall they seek in any way things that belong on the earth; nor have passions that belong only to the earth.
12. Nevertheless, they shall be the founders of the Father's kingdom on earth, and with the young.
13. They shall gather up orphans and castaways in infancy, and take them into colonies, hundreds and thousands of them.
14. And these infants shall be fed and clothed and raised up, not after any man's whim or conceit, but according to the accummulated wisdom collected from all the different nations and peoples in all the world, as to how to make the best corporeal and spiritual men and women.
15. Behold, it hath been proven in the warrior and pugilist how to raise a savage man, by flesh diet and inharmonious surroundings; and in nations and tribes of peace, how to raise a virtuous and industrious man, on herbs and fruit diet.
16. These are things for thee to learn, O man, going at the subject systematically, to find the best way to make the best man and woman out of the infants entrusted to thee.
17. Not only as to diet, but as to clothing, and as to comfort and cleanliness; and to avoid disease; and as to strength and suppleness and swiftness; and as to virtue and modesty; and as to education, practical and theoretical; and as to industry and quick perception; and as to willingness to work for one another; and to trades and occupations; and as to pastimes, amusements and recreations, singing, dancing, and playing with great joy and delight; and as to worship, to rites and ceremonies; and as to acquiring seership and prophecy and signs and miracles, in su'is and sar'gis; as to communing with angels, and as to the value of angels as teachers and instructors by tangible presence and audible voices.
18. And yet, above all things, thou shalt preserve liberty unto all, with pleasant and enjoyable discipline for everything, after the manner of my heavenly kingdoms.
19. Remembering, that every faculty in every one shall be cultivated to the utmost.
20. Teaching them, from the first, that the eye of Jehovih is upon them, and that His hand is stretched over them, to bless them, according to their goodness, purity, love, gentleness and wisdom.
21. And that they shall not own nor possess individually; but that all things are Jehovih's, and they, themselves, are angels in mortal form, created by Jehovih to rejoice and to help one another forever.
1. God said: When thy educational colony of infants shall have grown up to manhood and womanhood, they shall understand that, as they were once homeless and fatherless, and ye gathered them up, and provided unto them, even so shall they go, and do likewise, gathering up from the Uzians other orphans and castaways, and raising them in other colonies, after the same manner.
2. And it shall come to pass, that many will desire to marry, and it shall be granted unto them to choose amongst their own people, and marry whom they will.
3. But it shall be a law that no man nor woman shall marry more than one time.
4. Whether the partner die, or whether they divorce themselves, yet, to none other shall either ever wed more.
5. And it shall be a law, that, at maturity, if any one desireth to leave the colony, he shall do so without hindrance or prejudice.
6. Though it shall be inculcated into them, during their youth, that, at maturity, they are supposed to swarm out, after the fashion of bees, becoming too numerous for one hive, and go and form a new colony; that in all things they shall be taught not to do anything for self sake, but for the good of man and for the honor and glory of Jehovih.
7. And these things shall come to pass with these people:
8. They shall abjure war;
9. They shall be non-resistants;
10. They shall have su'is, and shall see without their mortal eyes, and hear without their mortal ears.
11. My angels shall appear before them, and walk with them, talking to them, and teaching them of my kingdoms.
12. And angels of the I'hin race will come to them; and of the I'huans, and of all other peoples whereof mention is made in this Oahspe.
13. And mortals shall recover, from the libraries in heaven, things that have been lost on the earth, as to languages and histories of tens of thousands of years ago.
14. And mortals shall prophesy truly of things in heaven and on the earth.
15. And many shall attain adeptism, and, in spirit, go out of their mortal bodies, and appear hundreds of miles away, and there make themselves known; and they will return again to their mortal bodies, unharmed.
16. All these, and even greater things, shall my angels teach them.
17. Flatter not thyself, O man, that these things can come in Uz, or that they can come suddenly. They can neither come to Uzians, nor can they come suddenly.
18. It is not the work of thy God in this cycle to raise up any man to become worshipful because of such wonders; it is my work to show man how he shall attain to these things himself.
19. For this reason, I come not, in this day, to call sinners to repentance, nor to gather up the lost sheep of Israel.
20. I come now to the wise and pure, who have fulfilled the former commandments.
21. I come to give them a new lesson, which is, to show them how to build the Father's kingdom on earth.
22. I come to raise up a new people in the world, greater than hath ever been.
23. Those that I sent have cleared away the old edifice. I come not as a destroyer; I come as a builder.
24. Into thy hands, O man, I give the key to the heavenly kingdoms. Remember, the pass-word which admitteth thee to the all highest kingdoms is, JEHOVIH, THE I AM.