1. God said: I am not come in this era to judge the drunkard, the harlot and thieves and murderers; these are known unto thee, O man.
2. I am not come to repeat former judgments against whom all men understand to be sinful; for, behold, I gave governments into the hands of men, to deal unto such themselves.
3. But I am come to the leaders of men; to kings, queens, emperors and presidents; and to philosophers and men of learning, priests, rab'bahs, cardinals and popes; and to merchants, bankers, manufacturers, farmers, shippers, and hucksters.
4. Such as pass unscathed before the laws and government of man, and are reckoned passably wise and good before the world.
5. And not even to such of these as are bad men in disguise, who escape condemnation before the courts, by cunning and strategem.
6. But I am come to the best of all of them, be they true Brahmins, true Ka'yuans, true Budhists, true Kriste'yans, or true Mohammedans.
7. Therefore, O man, hear the judgment of thy God against them: They are not united and affiliated as brothers.
8. But the best of all of them are as so many individual entities pulling in different ways, every one for himself.
9. The Brahmins are not communal; the Ka'yuans are not communal; neither are the Budhists, nor the Kriste'yans, nor the Mohammedans; neither the philosophers, priests, merchants, nor any one people in all the world.
10. There is no fullness of heaven amongst any of them. They are divided into thousands of ideas and projects.
11. Now, hear me, O man, and consider the wisdom of thy God: Satan is wiser than any of these I have named.
12. For satan hath made armies of soldiers communal. He hath discovered the power of affiliation and discipline.
13. Behold, a thousand soldiers are more efficient than ten thousand men, unorganized.
14. Judgment is rendered against the best of men in all the world, because they are inorganic for righteousness, and for establishing the Father's kingdom.
15. This, then, is what befalleth the nations and peoples of the earth: Alike and like the angels of heaven minister unto mortals (save wherein thy God and his Lords provide especially otherwise), the inorganic heavenly regions to the inorganic inhabitants of the earth.
16. Now, behold, I said unto thee, in the olden times, try the spirits, and see, if they be of God.
17. For the angels who wander about on the earth know not my kingdoms, and they deny me, and deny all order and system and discipline in heaven and earth.
18. And each and all such angels, coming to mortals, do so on their own account, assuming any form and name they may find acceptable unto men.
19. Such angels have not yet entered the first resurrection; nor belong they to any disciplined kingdom in heaven.
20. And all mortals, such as I have named to thee as the best and highest of mortals, enter the es world (after death), only into the inorganic regions of heaven.
21. Neither can they enter into the lowest of my kingdoms until they abnegate self and learn affiliation.
22. Therefore, after death, they remain, for the most part, in their former places: The merchant in his counting-house, the banker in his bank, the shipper in his place, the philosopher in his place, the pope in his place, the king in his, the farmer in his.
23. Neither have they power or wisdom to go to any other place; and they stroll about, like one that hath lost his master. Neither will they affiliate with other angels; but, in stubbornness and moroseness, persist in working out an individual identity, until they are broken down in sorrow and darkness, which may be in a few years, or it may be hundreds of years.
24. And, then, my holy ones come to them, and carry them away to my es'yan schools.
1. God said: One rule have I given unto all men, whereby it may be known what kind of angels minister unto them; that rule is a mortal's own manifestations and behavior.
2. Whoso manifesteth serving himself chiefly, hath little light from my organic kingdoms; but whoso serveth Jehovih by laboring for others, with all his wisdom and strength, is attended by the light of my organic kingdoms.
3. Judge thyself, O man, as to thyself, who and what angels attend thee.
4. Behold, one man will say to thee: I have a band of wise and most ancient angels who attend me! Another will say: I have very Gods who attend me!
5. Judge them not by their words, nor by the names professed; but judge them by the work they accomplish. Nevertheless, hold thy peace in regard to them.
6. This rule do I also give unto thee, in regard to the angels who attend mortals.
7. As, for example, thou knowest that a soldier is not permitted to go away from his regiment, and pursue other employment.
8. The soldier belongeth to his regiment; he is one with the regiment; he moveth therewith; the affairs and business of the regiment are his affairs and business also.
9. Even so is it with my organic heavens, wherein es'yans become volunteers to accomplish resurrection.
10. And, thereafter, they apply themselves not to isolated development, but to affiliation, for attaining to the higher kingdoms.
11. The least of my organic kingdoms containeth half a thousand million angels; and many of them contain five thousand millions.
12. These are composed of thousands of branches, suited to the various talents created with all; so, that all who enter find a delightful adaptation.
13. When thou wert taught of old, to say: May thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, it was instruction given thee to lead thee in the method of my dominions.
14. As to wandering spirits, they have not yet entered the first resurrection; but, such as have enlisted in my organic kingdoms, are called es'yans, whilst learning the rites and discipline, and are said to be in the first resurrection. And such as have become organic workers are in the second resurrection, and this is a kingdom of heavens.
15. This rule is also uniform in all my heavenly kingdoms: That, after the entrance to the first resurrection, none of the angels return as individuals, to commune with mortals, save as hereinafter mentioned, or save when especially commissioned by me or my Lords.
16. Think not, that my discipline is less systematic than that of a mortal general's army, or that the heavens of thy God are permitted to run at loose ends, and without order or concert of action.
17. Be reasonable, O man, weigh these things according to thine own observation and judgment, for there is not, in all the heavens, any wide departure from what thou hast in some form a counterpart-resemblance on earth.
1. God said: In the cities and country places, I have innumerable Lords, apportioned to districts and to the mortals and angels thereof.
2. And my Lords know the rates and grades of their people, their occupations, their aspirations, their labor, their behavior, private and public.
3. Now, behold, I have said unto my Lords: The era of dictation is past; man hath arrived at kosmon. Declare ye the light of my heavens unto man; but let man judge himself, and labor to save himself, that he may have honor and glory thereby.
4. And I further said unto my Lords: Man hath prayed, saying: Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Now, this I give unto you: That, where men abnegate self, and affiliate into a communal brotherhood, after the manner of my heavenly kingdoms, then shall ye affiliate my organic angels with such mortals, and make them one with my second resurrections.
5. And ye shall surround such communal brotherhoods with the light of my kingdoms, thereby controlling the angelic intercourse with mortals, so that drujas and vampire spirits cannot molest them.
6. And these brotherhoods shall be taught to question not the spirits and oracles on personal matters, but for light and truth as to what will contribute to meliorating the condition of man, and as to light and truth, regarding the higher and lower heavens; and as to attaining spiritual gifts and great wisdom.
7. And such mortals shall have times and places for worshipful matters; and these times shall be in concert with my Lord of that district; and the light of his throne shall be given unto such a brotherhood.
8. The members of such a brotherhood shall not desire a leader; neither will any one of them desire to be a leader. For, if one should so desire, he would not be of the Godhead, but of himself.
9. Moreover, none of the members of such a brotherhood shall go off, of his own accord, to minister as an individual to the inhabitants of Uz. But each and all in the brotherhood shall concentrate their profits and force unto one end and object.
10. Even so, O man, are my organic heavens; all the members of each heaven being as a unit with the whole, they waste not their strength and time in isolated endeavors.
11. Whereby, when a prophet foolishly boasteth to thee, as to having some high-raised angel, with a loud-sounding name, as his special guardian and guide, know thou such prophet is in the hands of drujas, who have not entered my heavenly kingdoms.
12. Neither hath it ever happened on the earth with any individual man, raised up by me or my Lords for a specific work, like Moses, or Ka'yu, or Sakaya, or any other, that they knew of or boasted of any especial angel over them; but all of them experienced the light, which was as a pillar of fire.
13. Even such is the manifestation of the second resurrection through my Lord and his Holy Council.
14. And the manifestations are not like those of a mere magician; but the accomplishment of something that embraceth nations, empires and mighty peoples.
15. For this reason, O man, I declare unto thee that the Father's kingdom is now being founded on earth, and the mortal manifestation thereof is near at hand.
16. But it shall not come in this era, as in the past, through any one great leader-forth; but it shall appear as a spontaneous light, permeating the soul of thousands; and they shall come forth, establishing Jehovih in truth and fullness.
17. Now, therefore, O man, consider the judgment of God against all such as are called the best of men, the wisest of men, the greatest of kings or queens or popes; for none of these have even entered the first resurrection in their own practice.
1. God said: There are such as shut themselves up in colleges (convents and nunneries), and such as retire to the forests, devoting their lives to prayers, confessions and rites and ceremonies, being most systematic in routine, and in being shut away from the Uzians.
2. And they allot certain ones as leaders and overseers, making themselves inquisitors over one another, in hope of purifying their thoughts and aspirations, constantly trapping one another for shortness, and, then, submitting to petty punishment and inflictions, hoping thereby to check evil thoughts, words and actions.
3. Judgment is rendered against all such people, be they mortals or angels.
4. For these are the methods of the imprisonment of mind. All such mortals are preparing themselves for the bondage of drujas on their entrance into the es world.
5. Yea, even in that same college (convent and nunnery), shall they be immured after death, by thousands of drujas who inhabit the place, who profess to have some scheme of projected salvation.
6. All such people are the manifestation of darkness instead of light. Jehovih created man with capacity for developing talent to do good unto others.
7. Now, behold, these ascetics labor for themselves in these foolish proceedings; they do not these things in order to meliorate the condition of their neighbors. Neither have they shown, in a single instance, where a benefit resulted to the state in consequence of their practices.
8. They call their initiations sacred, but I declare unto thee, they are a blasphemy against Jehovih. They are as a snare for the imprisonment of the mind and the soul.
9. And, after death, these people are prevented by their drujan masters from entering heavenly places of resurrection, becoming, instead, slaves in the es world, to pursue such calling and practice as may be put upon them.
10. For the same rule holdeth on earth and in heaven, as regardeth the bondage of the mind. If, by imposing rites and ceremonies, and by the strategems and cunning of mortal priests, they can be captured on earth, even so can they be retained in bondage in heaven.
11. And it happeneth with them, that even as they honestly believe they are right on earth, so will they persist they are right in heaven, even willingly submitting to cruelty and to torture, in order to prove their fidelity.
12. Be considerate, O man, of the words of thy God: He, who created thee, gave to thee one star of light whereby thou mayst determine truth and wisdom.
13. Whatever doctrine showeth self as the chief consideration, even if it be for obtaining wisdom or supposed purity for self sake, is not of Jehovih.
14. The aborigine, that roveth foolishly in the forest, standeth higher, therefore, before thy God, than doth the nun or the ascetic. For though the former liveth for self only, yet he is not bound in spirit.
15. In all things, thou shalt weigh the object and end aimed at, and the final result; and, wherein self standeth as a part, or whole consideration, know thou such matter is not of Jehovih, but of satan.
16. It is not sufficient for the apologist of satan to say: O we dwell in the colleges (nunneries and convents), in order to pray for Uzians.
17. But thou shalt weigh their prayers also, and thou shalt estimate the value thereof by what is accomplished. And thou shalt prove whether their prayers provided harvests of wheat and corn, and food and clothing for the poor, and education for the unlearned, or any other thing that was good.
18. Be thou not put off by the cunning of satan's words in the mouths of priests or popes; but look matters in the face, and be thou a God thyself in discerning things that meliorate the condition of man.
1. God said: A certain man built a dam across a river, using only stones, but no cement. And the water ran through the crevices, rendering the dam worthless.
2. Then came certain neighbors to him, saying: Thou shalt apply cement to the crevices.
3. So, the man went to the lower side, and applied cement; but, lo and behold, the result was only temporary, for the water washed the cement away.
4. Again his neighbors said unto him: Apply thou the cement at the upper side, and the water will carry it into the crevices, where it will remain with good effect.
5. And the man did so, and, behold, the dam was a complete structure.
6. After such manner, O man, consider all charities. Thou mayst apply thy riches, and thy estates for charity's sake, but of no profit under the sun.
7. When the man applied the cement, where it was not self-sustaining, the waters washed it away.
8. Wherein thou appliest charity, and it be not self-sustaining, judgment is rendered against thee.
9. When the man applied the cement toward the fountain, it became self-sustaining.
10. Wherein thou appliest charity, and it be self-sustaining, judgment is rendered in thy favor.
11. When thou meetest thy neighbor on the road, and he hath fallen down, and broken his legs, and can not stand, consider how foolish it would be, to lift him up, and, then, let him fall again. Flatter not thyself, that such would be charity.
12. And yet, how much of the so-called charity of the world is of that kind.
13. Thou mayst feed three drunkards' families, and flatter thyself thou hast done charity worthily; but, if thou hast not done that which will make them no longer in need of charity, thou hast done little.
14. Another man may not feed them, but he may reform them, and put them in the way to be self-sustaining. Such a man will have done a hundred-fold greater charity.
15. To open the way for employment and industry, this is the greatest of all charity. For, by these avenues, charity will not be needed, even for the aged, nor for orphans.
16. Consider, then, how little any people have to boast of for charity's sake. Even their asylums and poor-houses and homes for the aged and helpless are so many witnesses of condemnation against the people who built them; because some great wrongs and evils existing within the state were also built by the people in the first place.
17. They are as paint and plaster, hiding and redeeming them, in some measure, for the sins of a wicked people.
18. And, when such a city saith: Behold us! what a charitable people we are! I say unto thee, that that city understandeth not the kingdom of thy God.
19. Yet, thou shalt avoid going to the other extreme, doing nothing, which is worst of all. But thou shalt go to the root of the matter; thy charity shall be directed to prevent the causes of such ill-fortunes.
1. God said: O man, consider the folly of individual effort! One will say: I help my family and my neighbors; let others do so, and all will be well.
2. This is his philosophy and doctrine! Now, I say unto thee, this is just what hath been tried for thousands of years, and it hath resulted in impotency all the while.
3. It hath been said: Sell all thou hast and give it to the poor; but I say unto thee, thou shalt not do this.
4. Though that opened the way to salvation in the ancient days, it is not sufficient in this day. Neither shalt thou hope, that, by giving to the poor, thou shalt escape condemnation.
5. But thou shalt go to the foundation of things, and go systematically.
6. Thy efforts shall not be single-handed, but thou shalt unite with others; and, together, ye shall provide a remedy against poverty.
7. Remembering, it is wiser to accomplish with the young than with the aged. For the mature will be dead in a few years; and, in that day, those that are children will be mature.
8. Better is it, that ye provide a way unto ten fatherless children, than for forty people that are grown.
9. But, even in this, ye may err toward the children. For, to provide them an asylum in infancy, saying: Behold, what a good work we have done! showeth that ye measure not as your God measureth.
10. For it is not sufficient that ye feed and clothe little ones; but ye shall teach them a trade, and occupations, and give them learning, so that, when they are grown, they can sustain themselves.
11. But, even yet, your work is not the highest; but ye shall so provide them, they they will not only be self-supporting, but that they shall be willing and capable of rescuing others, as they were rescued.
12. After this, ye shall see to it, that all things are so provided, that, after your death, your institution be not liable to fall into disuse or perversion.
13. This is founding the Father's kingdom on earth; and whoso laboreth thus, shall be ministered unto by my heavenly kingdoms for the glory of Jehovih.
14. Therefore, let your charity be not for a year, nor for a hundred years; but, be ye the corner-stones, founding places on earth where shall rest perpetually a system that will provide a new race, where poverty and crime and helplessness cannot enter.
15. Ye thus become, even in mortality, members of my second resurrection in heaven.
1. God said: In the olden time, I commanded thee, saying: Go forth into all the world, preaching my doctrines, chief of which was: There is but One, even the I Am; Him shalt thou love with all thy heart and thy mind and thy soul, and love thy neighbor as thyself, having faith in Jehovih through righteousness and good works.
2. Moreover, I declared unto thee, that whosoever fulfilled my commandments, believing in Jehovih, certain signs should be given unto them, whereby they might be known unto men.
3. And thou wentst forth, and, behold, my signs went with thee, and thou didst accomplish service unto Jehovih.
4. But it came to pass, in course of time, thou didst forsake thy Creator, setting up Lords and Saviors of thine own, worshipping them instead of Jehovih.
5. And I looked down upon thee from my holy place in heaven, and I saw that thou hadst become obsessed with evil spirits, thousands and millions of them, who professed to be the Lords and Saviors whom thou worshippedst.
6. And I said unto my Lords: Behold, man hath erected an idol in heaven, go ye to them that preach in my name, and take from them the signs and miracles which I gave.
7. And my Lords came unto thee, finding thou wert gone abroad over all the world. And my Lords cut thee short of signs and miracles.
8. For this was the judgment of thy God against thee, because thou hadst turned against the I Am, teaching another God than Jehovih.
9. And I made this, my edict, manifest on the earth; for I withdrew my holy angels from thee, and, from that time forth, withersoever thou hast gone, behold, I have given thee none of the signs whereof I had been liberal before.
10. And I measured the work of thy hand in the places of thy mission, and I found that thou wert impotent to establish good works.
11. And, following in thy path, whithersoever thou hadst gone, thousands and millions of drujas followed thee; and thy people went with weapons of destruction, slaughtering those Jehovih had created alive, in order to establish thy idol-God.
12. And my Lords numbered all the places of thy missionaries in all the earth, and behold, there was not one place, which thou hadst established, which was not given up to sin and blasphemy against Jehovih.
13. Neither hadst thou raised up any member, or members in all of them, that practiced even the first commandments.
14. And I said unto thee: Behold, thou hast not the signs and miracles; give up thy preaching, and go thou amongst the barbarians teaching them how to plant, to sow and reap and clothe themselves, and to live in houses.
15. But this was untasteful to thee in thy hypocrisy; and thou madest of thy occupation a scheme to live in worthlessness on the contributions of thy neighbors.
16. And, behold, thy doctrines have not prospered in any place in all the world to work righteousness for the glory of the Almighty.
17. Flatter not thyself that thou hast done a good work, because thou hast taught the ignorant to say: Brahma, Brahma! or Budha, Budha! or Lord, Lord! or to sing anthems in praise of thy idol-God.
18. Thy God measureth thee and thy converts according to such purification as addeth to the glory of everlasting life, as well in heaven as on earth. And such purification manifesteth not only in words, but in good works for the glory of the Father.
19. And when it hath come to pass that thy mission brought about a war afterward, behold, that war is also upon thy head.
20. I measure not a little good that happeneth for a moment, and there an end. I comprehend the lapse of scores of years and hundreds of years; and I weigh the whole matter, and render judgment in the aggregate.
21. Neither judge I by man's inventions or mechanical contrivances. My judgments are in reference to man's comfort and joy in life, and to his resurrection in my heavens.
22. According to a man's, or a people's, ascending grade in approximating Jehovih, so shall a man and a people be judged.
1. God said: Now, behold, a certain rich man coveted his neighbors' children, and he went about and captured many of them. And withal he was mighty above his neighbors, and none of them could regain their offspring.
2. And a certain rab'bah inquired of Jehovih concerning the matter. And Jehovih answered him, saying: Whatsoever he coveted and hath taken, suffer him to keep. What he hath taken exultingly shall be a bondage unto him in sorrow, in time to come; for he shall provide according to law.
3. And it so happened that a famine came upon that land, and, according to the laws, the rich had to provide unto the kin of their own households.
4. And, behold, the rich man's possessions were consumed by the neighbors whom he had robbed, and great sorrow came upon him.
5. Such, O man, is the way of the dominions of men. A mighty king stretcheth forth his hand to possess his neighbor's kingdom, and Jehovih giveth it unto him.
6. And that king exulteth, saying: Behold my possessions and my power!
7. Hear, now, the judgment of thy God, O man: Soon or late, all things answer unto Jehovih in a way man imagineth not. Whoso coveteth and receiveth, is bound unto Jehovih.
8. And, when a king possesseth himself of a new country, he not only receiveth its riches but its misfortunes also. The profits and losses are all his.
9. And the sins of the people are his, and are henceforth upon his head.
10. And, when a famine cometh upon that country, the king shall be responsible therefor.
11. And he shall supply every want of the people, or judgment shall be upon his head.
12. And for all of the newly acquired subjects, who may be in sickness or distress, the king shall be judged.
13. Moreover, judgment shall pursue that king into the es world; and the subjects he took unto himself on earth shall be his in heaven to redeem, and provide for, and educate.
14. Neither shall he have exaltation in my heavens faster than the lowest of his subjects.
15. Behold, I not only bequeath the glory and joy of the Father's kingdom on earth, but I reveal also the responsibilities which shall be hereafter known to mortals.
16. Man shall not only perceive the justice of my judgments, but he shall realize the power of my hand upon kingdoms and empires.
17. I show man not only the way of liberty, but the way of bondage. He shall know understandingly the ways of my dominions, and the judgment that is upon him.
18. For every one whom the king causeth to be slain, in order to possess a new country, the king shall mete out rebribution until all his enemies do pardon and forgive him.
19. Behold, I have revealed the grades and rates; and such king shall perceive, that his bondage can not be less than six generations, but may be twenty or forty generations, ere he reacheth beyond the second resurrection.
20. And the same rules shall apply to every king and queen and emperor, and every other ruler in all the world.
21. The resurrection in heaven of each and every one of them shall be with, and no faster than those they ruled over on earth.
22. And they shall be responsible to all their subjects for deaths resulting from wars, wherein the subjects were used for the glory and power of the king. And for all famines, pestilences, and all other injuries that come upon the multitude through any shortness in the king's government.
23. And for the poverty of the people, and for their ignorance and crime; nor shall the king escape retribution for any good thing he might have done, but did not accomplish.
24. And for all the profit and service the king receiveth on earth from his subjects, he shall render back to them an equivalent profit and service, either on earth, or in heaven.
25. Let not the king or other ruler, any longer flatter himself that death effaceth the bondage of man unto his subject and neighbor.
26. Behold, by opening the gates of heaven, I have also given you the glory thereof; and, with it, I also give you the responsibilities.
27. I have brought the angels to your door; they bring you news of great joy, and bring you also the afflictions ye cast upon them.
28. I told those of the olden time, that sword should answer sword; war should answer war; and peace receive in peace.
29. Such, then, is the judgment of thy God upon dominion; and this shall be ratified in time to come by every ruler on the face of the earth.
1. God said: Consider the judgments of God, O thou man of many promises.
2. Behold, I have heard thee say: O God, if I were rich; or, if this undertaking hold good; or, if I am spared, then will I do something handsome for the Father's kingdom!
3. And thy vows have been registered in heaven, over and over again.
4. And my angels have labored with thee to fulfill thy promise. And, yet, thou dost not regard thy word. But thou holdest to thy earthly possessions, saying: Wait yet a little while.
5. Hear thou, then, the judgment of thy God, for it is that which thou shalt put upon thyself after thine entrance into the es world.
6. Which is, that thou shalt be bound in heaven till thou shalt accomplish what thou mightst have done, but failed to do.
7. And this is the penalty for neglecting, on earth, to fulfill the light that was given unto thee: Thou shalt, in heaven, accomplish without money, what thou couldst have done with money. And the difference it requireth to do a thing without means, as compared to what might be done by one with means, is the extra bondage and duration that shall be upon thy head and soul.
8. To all men, who set out with a promise to accomplish charity, or any good for the resurrection or melioration of man, and fail to do it, the same judgment shall be upon them in heaven. Nor shall they rise above the first resurrection until they have fulfilled the same in all particulars. Thus shall they judge themselves in heaven.
9. It is not sufficient for thee, O man, to say: I saw not my way clear as to the best method of doing a thing, and so I waited.
10. The commandment of Jehovih is upon thee, to do what thou canst, according to thy highest light and ability to accomplish. In this respect, then, thou shalt find no excuse, because thou knew not the best way.
11. Neither mattereth it, the amount of thy riches being less than another man's riches.
12. Nor shalt thou find an excuse, in saying: I did more according to my means than did my neighbor.
13. One man shall not be judged by another; but all shall be judged according to the light of Jehovih in them, and according to what He hath given unto them.