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My friends!!

I'm still working on this...gimme a couple days and stuff, ok?!

This page is dedicated to my friends and people I totally love. I know I probly won't get everyone on here for awhile, so if I forget you, please let me know and if I find you worthy of my page, you'll be here. If not, you won't. ;-) hehe But I like just about everyone usually, so more than likely, you'll be here when I get the chance. Oh, and if you're on here and you have a web page you'd like for me to link, let me know!!!

In no particular order, here's a bunch of people that I care about in some way or another:

LORETTA I just gotta tell you that I love you dearly and thank you for being there for me. Most of all, thank you for helping to at least try and keep me happy after Scott left. I feel that you've matured beautifully over the years and I'll always be here for you, no matter how far away we MAY (or may not) end up living from each other. We've developed a friendship that nobody can come between...and I do mean NOBODY. You're mah girl, what can I say?

SCOTT Baby, you know I love you with all my heart and can't wait until we're together again. I wish I could have gone with you when you went back, but I know that it was and still is virtually impossible at this point in time and we will be together again when the time is right. I love you with all my heart and soul and couldn't imagine my life without you in it!! ***and all 3 of the little ones say hi and they love you!***

JOE You know, there were times when I wished that you weren't around, but that was growing up when we'd have our fights, you against Loretta and I...I'm glad we've gotten closer in the last few years and that we've both taken the time to get to know each other and understand each other better. It saves on a lot of unnecessary arguing and all that good stuff. I just want to let you know that I love you and hope you succeed in all your goals. You deserve it!

BRANDEN HEY BITCH!!! Wait, let me rephrase that...HEY MAH BITCH! hehehe Um sorry you never got to hear your name on Indiana radio...they sorta took the streaming link down, which really sucks, and I don't even listen to that station much anymore so NYAH! I love ya and hope you find whatever it is that you're looking for in life...and the house next door is always for sale...just for you! hehe

AUTUMN Hey girl. I know we haven't really been all that close as of late. You're dealing wtih your issues and sometimes I wonder if you even remember that I exist, but I'm here for ya when you need me. I'll always be here for you. You've been the big sister I've always wanted and I'm sure Loretta feels the same way. I love you girl!!

TONY You know you mean a lot to me and I really hope you find happiness in your life. You deserve it and I do believe your life won't be nearly as bad as you claim it is now. And you should also know that you don't have to do anything for me. I'm not worth the time or effort. And as for the tarot readings, I'm sorry to have cut you off from them, but I get busy every once in awhile and you always catch me on those days!!!

JACK I just want to say sorry for the way I've treated you in the past and if you ever read it, I really hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I've been through a lot and didn't know how to react or anything, but I've been through my share of hell for what I've done to me...I regret the way I handled things and though I know it's impossible to take it back, I am truly sorry and would really like if we could be friends again. I miss talking to you!!!!

DAN Hey sweetie! Congratulations about the whole fiance/proposal thing!! I'm so happy for you!! I hope we can remain on speaking terms, no matter what happens...and kiss that baby for me!! He's so adorable!!!

ROBERT I'm not hiding from you. I just have to say that I was truly hurt by what you told my best friend...though I'm beginning to wonder about the "best" part of it now, as we hardly talk. I was never jealous or upset by the relationship you and Autumn developed. It didn't bother me at all. I just want you to understand that people can't always just be happy because you say to cheer up and not to be so down all the time. You have no idea what I was going through (and still learning to deal with), no matter how close it was to any of your relationships. I'm not a fountain of joy and as I've had to tell numerous people, STOP TELLING ME TO FUCKING CHEER UP! Sometimes it's just impossible and ya'll are just going to have to learn to deal with it. Oh, and before I forget, give Sarah a kiss for me next time you see her...even though I never got to see her, I still say she's a cutie and I know you love her dearly.

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