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I see you've stumbled upon my humble abode on the internet. I know it's not much, but I like to refer to it as home.

A little background information on me:

I'm 23 years old and live in the little bitty hick town of Alexandria. Just ask anyone who lives here...they'll agree, it sucks. We all have our dreams of fleeing. But I wasn't born and raised here like many of those who would agree. I lived in Illinois for the first 14 years of my life.

I'm still working on this, a never ending work in progress. Give me time and you'll see all the links working properly!

Where I can be found:

If you'd like to contact me, you can almost always find me on MSN under, AIM as KrystenKnight, ICQ under 3854560, or Yahoo Messenger under KrysstenKnight. Or, you could be old-fashioned and just email me at, but a reply may take me awhile. I do check my email every night, but it takes me a LOT longer to reply most of the time.

And now, links to information on my passions:

A little more information about me
Poems that I've written
My Friends
Friend's Pages

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