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The Dock


Try visiting CrAcKeR's place.
Try visiting Brandy's Cyber Stuff in Cyber Space.
   Rinda's Soul... My dear dear... very special and Angelic friend... ;-)
WindFire's homepage!A VERY ~special~ friend of mine....!
PeachRose's site- WindFire's partner.... :-D


Lucian's Game Programming page
Amit's Game programming page [covers a LOT of topics]
DOS INT 21h - DOS Function Codes
Java goodies! Nice site filled with TONS of free Java scripts!
IT Library GREAT site! Complete books readable online for free! EXCELLENT for developers and technicians!


Dolphin's Gentle Sea [Fantastic site!]

Delphina's Poetry Page [Also Fantastic!]

Spiritweb's articles on Dolphins


None yet...

New Age/Metaphysical

I am a proud member of Spiritweb organization! This is -THE- best sight for all who are interested in the everly-ocurring worldwide shift back towards the connection with spirit, soul, and God... I mean, this sight has -everything- for -everyone- of -every- level... Check it out!!!

  Mind Travel +  is a very useful sight and has many different things on Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, and out of body experiences (OOBE's)
  Balistic Visions This is a very nice well rounded site that has a little bit of everything.
  Eddie and Cindi's Place
  The Lucidity Institute This site has a LOT about Lucid Dreaming... something that I'm still trying to acheive!
  Barbara's Page Yet another personal Home page!
  ELLA Cooperations I like this sight because it has a nice lesson on how to be happy 24 hours a day! Worth a look, for sure!
  Fruit Loops page Mr. FruitLoop has a nice little place here!
  The Monroe Institute You've heard of it before... If not, then check it out! The Monroe Institute is pretty famous for a metaphysical school...
  Silver Birch Anthology This sight is set up like a book... it is very comprehensive and it has a lot of general knowlege about spirituality. It's definintly a treat for everyone!
  The Ground Crew This sight is like a big place for spirituality. You can join as a member if you wish. They are pretty good in size, but they have a lot of plans as you will see on their menu. Worth a look for sure!
  Spirituality This is a sight for Those of you whom are strong with Christianity; I really enjoy it, personally!
  MoonWater's Page A nice, personal friend of mine. I love the way her site has it's unique adventerous feel to it. It's very enchanting and worth a look!
  Mandala's Home Page This site has a lot of wonderful things that's also trimmed with a beautiful sense of vivid art! Lots of info here!
   Life... Jim's Perceptions A very talented and educated person resides here...
Hidden meanings... a good site for the explorer or the skeptical. Numerology, the Bible, and others!
Garden song - a song in Universal Love
The Bhagavad-gita site
Lightsong - a Metaphysical Universe A very colorful and well balance site!
Mining co.'s page on New Age
Happy Angels! If you like Angels, this site is a MUST!
GARDENSONG - A song in the Garden of Universal Love Also a very colorful site
IS. Spiritual Insight. An online book on Spirituality/New Age. Interesting!
The Celestial Testament
A WARNING Against Spiritualism. I like to make people think. {-)
The Spirit Lovers Legend A bit of erotic spirituality...

If you'd like, I'll ad ya to my favorites here if the site you wish me to post on is worth it. Just email me!

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