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Intrigue's Place

Hi and welcome to my very own home page *dances around excitedly*.
I think one should have some vices, don't you? And for now chatting is mine. Deal with it. :)
My heart has been uplifted by the many wonderful people I have met online and to those I would just like to say thank you for continuing to share a part of your lives with me. I have also been saddened by the amount of people I have met whose cup is always half empty rather than half full, and to those I would like to give a good swift kick in the something.
Be patient, this site will eventually amount to something, as soon as I can figure out what do put on it that doesn't stomp all over my privacy phobia.
Special thanks to my good friend who set this page up for me, and if you have any technical questions about it or even if you just want to make this cute guy's aquaintance, please contact Brandon Lee here.

So, you came here in hopes of finding out about me? Well, I'll tell you what I can.
I'm a Canadian, not gothy, not punk, just me. I'm over 30 but dont' let that scare you, or at least not too much. I like old music, classic rock stuff ,as well as a smattering of almost every other kind except rap.
You'll find me in the Dungeon of the Damned chat when the company is good, and on ICQ if you convince me to add you. C'mon, talk me into it...

Friends have been here since I opened on 25/12/98. Please sign my guestbook!

My Guestbook
The Book of Intriging Thoughts
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Sometimes I get a little lonly friends, so if you want to drop me an e mail, it here
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