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[] My Bestfriends
My Shoutz

Corina: Hey, Corina.
Ethan: ERr... SAYA! Haha.. Happy 3 months!
Sara: Err... SALA! haha.. Happy 3 months!
Dawn: You're cool, lol, you have a funny laugh too.
Amanda: Stay away from old pedophiles.
John Dore: Stay away from Amanda.
Tanesha: Hey I love you hunnah!
Julie: Thanks for bein there on the first day.. whoah i was scared lol!
Randy: Lol walk that walk guy!
Dillan: I hate you.
Sarah Rich: You're cool, I guess lol.
Owen: Toleit wa doku desu ka? Lol, you're cool.
Katie: Don't give me that lip! lol!
Antonio: You're good at french lol.. thanks.
Jesse: You're a crack head but i love ya.
Teri: You must be first, a'cause you helped me lots on this site, thankee! Luv ya!

Emily: I miss you alot, sug! Kiss your dogs for me!

Anna: It's SOO boring without you, and don't worry, you havn't been replaced. Remember when you were like SO addicted to my GBA and your parents got pissed? It's okay, they're cool, man!

Paolo: Sup?! Aww you're such a STUD now! It's like a new GF every week!

CJ: HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I miss you so much, you're like always there for me and Anna and you never stop smiling, damnit!

Ajay: You and your sista are soooo cute, you guys make me go 'awww' every time I see you guys together!

Penny: DAMNIT! I miss you and Sue, you guys are like the best people a'cause look at Em! She's gonna be famous some day!

Sue: I mentioned you in Pen's, but I'm not finishing this without a shout to ya. I think you were the first person who ever told me to keep drawing. Back then I wasn't so good, but I got a whole lot better and I can't wait to show you some of my drawings!

Barry and Vanessa: I don't know you guys very well, especially Barry, but you guys, I swear, I could never tell the difference if both of ya wore a hat and glasses and on lent BOTH gave up pickles in your McDee's burgers!

Lauren: Good times, good times. Big reunion when I come back!

Mai: I'm sorry for being such a bitch to ya some times, You know I'll never mean it. I was there for ya at 3 in the morning hun, and so was Em and Tito, we'll be your friends forever!

Felicia: I miss you so much! I have drawings like crazy but I can't show no body but Teri! I need more people!

Terrance: Haha, you're a great dad!


Amanda-pants: You crazy chickah!

Jeff: You big smoker.

Hunter: When I first came down in 2003, I thought Justin was you, and I almost went up to him and squeezed his cheeks and said, "Aww, you've grown up so much, Hunter!"

Syd: You are one cool chickah and I don't care what people say, I'll be your friend even if you hate me. I'm nice like that!

Katie: You're real cute and I hope I see ya after I leave, kay-oh?

JB: I miss the old days.......

Ash: I'm sorry for what I said and I still think you're the cutest GF JB has ever had.

Meg(my hooker): You'll always be cool and I miss talking to you like every single day for like five hours no stop.

Sawah Beawah!: I wish I could talk to you more, you were sucha friend, and I don't know how I ever hated you!

YFC Crew: You are all so cool, and I'm proud to be part of yaz.

Cory: I guess I didn't remember you, but who gives.

NB Crew: You guys are awesome! AND HILARIOUS! I swear I'd pee my pants permanently if I hung out wit cha all more than I already do.

All the CC Crews!: You guys are awesome wit my mom, you guys make her so happy and take care of her when I'm not there, thanks so much!

Marc: So what, you 5thed me. You're cool and I don't care if you hate me. GRR...! Maybe I do!

Jon: You'll get taller!

Tito: You ARE gonna be famous some day! You have the most twisted personality and you are so much fun! We gotta have a day in the summer with Em, kay-oh?

Grad Class of 2003: REUNION! Talk to ya there! ;)

Steph: Shit, I always thought you were something that you weren't and always talked bad about you for that, but I was a bitch for that. You're really cool and I hope I see ya this summer.

Betty: You always been there for me when dad had too much 'testosterone'. Thanks!

My neighbors: You guys are old, but cool.

Ben: I love ya forever.

David and Ryan: You scots don't know how hilarious you guys are. Love ya Davie!

Koituss: I don't talk to you much anymore, I think it's when I told you I was thirteen that you were turned off. But you were really cool.. and I still wanna go to your wedding ;)!

R.I.P. Adele: I loved you soo much. Damn. You were so fucking cool and I can't believe the whole world wasn't in tears, a'cause damn you were awesome.

Jodi: Sorry, and missy ya.


Alexa: You're a cool and cute chickah!

Allegra: Man, we got so much better along when I left, how is that possible?

Justin: Syk.

Theoron: Syk and SHY!

! Glen: Gross...that huge hork dried in my hair!

Leeann: Lmfao, you're so funny.

Ally: What happened to you, yo?

Kayla: I don't hang out with yous people anymore, but you and Brett are cool!

Brett: I hate you.

Athena: You're the nicest person I know...

Grad Class of 1999: I wish you guys could have stayed or failed or something, a'cause you were cool and fun.

Brad: I swear Lauren loves you.

My posse @ Reys: You guys were chillin!

Grad class of 2004: Awesome. I swear Ima find that teachers age some day.

Dad: Thanks.

Mom: I love you so much! And I'ma miss you.

If I forgot yo, msg me and I'll add you.

[Pucca Funny Love © Melanie Santos] [Layout by Blue Blazes]