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Raven's Letter to the Family

Let The Wrath Fall Wherever It May!
(Written August 28, 2004)

This is the first and last time and only time I will post. This is Raven.
The other half is Summer Breeze. Some of you know us in many ways.
Our first rainbow gathering experience was being picked up along side of
the road 700 miles away from the first gathering we attended by an
old Shanti Sena that saw us for our spiritual side. We were
well trained in herbology which consisted of many books in plant identification and uses.

Some of you will know us from working with C.A.L.M. and then having
our own Herbal Remedies camp that consisted of spiritual talks, paranormal events, miraculous healing
of broken bones, severe burn victims healed, severe dog bites and the list goes on.
This experience included aiding bringing
animals back to life, from the brink of death. To add to our
experience, a few prophecies given to us have already come true.

Of course, our background is also known by many people inside and out
of the rainbow gatherings as followers of the way of Jesus the Christ.
We have studied many spiritual books to include the Kabbalah; the Essene Gospel;
the Tree of Life and Life's journey itself. We have been travelers
of the United States of America for almost the past eight years.

We have both lost our house, the two cars, our office, our jobs,
been blacklisted by government and church; and been rejected by 95% of
our relatives and friends. But that has not stopped either one of
us from continuing the legal battles that lie ahead of us.
We don't care about being penniless for we care about all peoples
and the future of the children at all costs.

So I, Raven say unto those of you that are struggling wondering
"is the journey worth it?" I, Raven, wouldn't trade it
for anything. Neither would Summer. I have been in jail many times over
constitutional issues and over common law. I have no regrets.
I have been there for many of you when I was able. I have been a
Shanti Sena extreme and I have had to take individuals to the ground in more
than one gathering, always remaining a neutral party and without harm to
anyone. I have been on a lot of late night calls.

But why do I say all of this? Not for the glory.
Not for the pride to say I did it. But because I love
my family. And I don't want any credit or to have this talked
about ever again. So for those of you who wonder is it worth it?
I say again, I would not trade it for anything.

Unto those of you who have continued to be there for Summer Breeze,
I salute you. And unto those of you with any type of malice
I will keep praying for you that God will spare you.

When I first WAS GOING TO BEGIN THIS LETTER, I was angry
because of the little support many brothers and sisters receive behind the walls...
not even a postcard or a letter to let them know that we're all still here
for them. Unless you've been there, you would not understand,
especially if you're innocent. So I say, support and please
remember those that have been locked up for unjust reasons.
Love, peace and harmony be with you all
to include you feds that read this,also.
Peace, love and light.
Love, Raven

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