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COSC120 - Lab 10b

Welcome to my web site on! I am currently attending Frostburg State University in Frostburg, Maryland. I am from Charlotte Hall, located in Southern Maryland. I graduated from Chopticon High School in 2002. I also attended the Dr. James A. Forrest Career & Technology Center from 2000-'02 in the Computer Networking I and II class. I began working with computers at an early age and have been designing web sites for over 6 years. I am currently a freshman at Frostburg State. My major, though currently undeclared, will be Computer Science. If you are interested in looking at some of the work I have done please feel free to check my online portfolio.

The purpose of this project is to display resources I have found throughout my search in cyberspace relating to my major at Frostburg State- Computer Science. This page also fullfils the requirement of my Computer Science 120 class- Introduction to Cyberspace. Throughout the Spring semester '03 I will continue to update this site with both material relating to my major as well as labs that I have conducted in my Introduction to Cyberspace class.

My URL to my web site on Geocities:
    From experience with this lab, I think Geocities is a better web hosting service for a beginner who wants to have a simple web site published on the internet. They offer more tools to help beginners get started in learning the basics of web design. And alls you need is your Yahoo! account information to start publishing web pages right away!

My URL to my web site on Angelfire:
    Angelfire is another pretty good free web host. The URL address they give you is a bit longer than Geocities, but they seem to offer about the same amount of help as far as getting people started. Angelfire gives away 20MB of account space, where as Geocities only offers 15MB.

I have also used Virtual Avenue to host my web sites in the past. I liked them the best because they offered 50MB of account storage, a CGI-BIN to store and run CGI scripts, a sub-domain (, and FTP access. However, they now charge for they're service.

This lab took me approximately 45 minutes to complete.

This website and all contents copyright 2003 Luke Adams. All rights reserved.
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