VIII. FROM AN UNKNOWN SOLDIER: THE CIVIL WAR JOURNAL OF You must tell the world the story; When the boys in Blue are gone.” ―John Hendricks, Last Surviving Veteran of the 89th Indiana Volunteer Infantry ![]() ![]() • Andrew's Envelopes | |
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Letter #23: Although the author of letter #23 is unknown, it is most certainly an authentic Civil War letter that Bell (or another relative) filed with Andrew's Letters. Dated August 10, 1863, the author was a Federal soldier wounded or likely sickened during the Vicksburg campaign/siege, and recovering at a Marine Hospital in Mississippi. In this letter, the author tells his brother about the unpleasant hospital life, and recalls fond memories of home. He makes it clear that he is "anxious to get started for the North". This letter is enjoyable to read, and provides yet another first person account on the life of a Civil War soldier.
Letter #23: Original Text by Unknown Author
Monday Aug 10th 1863
Marine Hospital Ward H.
Dear Brother
I have just wrote to Eliza & while writing to her the mail came in to the ward & it brought me two letters one from you & the other from M C C Wal I have not got up from the stand since I finished Elizas letter but hasten to reply to yours as I always do when abel to set up My health is no better than it was three weakes ago It is so hot here that it takes my strength al away in the midel of of the day it dont seam as if I could stand alone when it is so hot as it is here some days This is the most unhealthy month here in the year So you se I am anxiaus to get started for the north & I am in hopes of getting started the last of this weak but I may not get away in some time But as I cannot do the government eney good here I should like to be with my friendes at home where I could take better care of myself than I can here Oh no sir I aint the fattest boy yo ever see I cant eat in a chair without a piller to set my A-- on wal my bones ache & I will rest awhile Wal I have got rested & here she goes again Wal I sent down to the citty to day buy one of the boys oute oute of this ward & got two lbs of shugar & I have got some cheas that I bought afiew days ago so you se when I get my rise and no shugar on it I have shugar of my own & if I want my tea sweatened I can sweeten it & I keepe crackers buy me all of the time & that is the way I have done through all of my sickness I will say that hospital fair aint firstrate here You speak in your letter that I haint told you what my sickness is I think I have but I will tell you now I have the cromo diare ever since I have ben in this state & for the past fortnight I have had a coughf It is the bronketus I haint taken eney medison in some three or four weakes & I dont mean to take eney more if I caan get along withoute for I guess I have already taken quinine & blue pills enoughf to last me as long as I live Wal it raines almost every day some & has ever since this month came in Wal hudison do you ever look back to the days of our childehood I do & laughf do you remember the time we lay on the hatchway & father hollowed putin boys or I shal over hall you & I replied putin dad or I will C--- B you Wal thus our youthful days wer spent & now manhood has come & we are seperated perhaps for life but I trust not it seames as if we should yet spend meney happy hours together Wal Hudison those photographs I reckon I apprsiate Especialley Gilses for it is the first time I have beheld his form since I left home it is very natural & I thank you meney times fo it & also for Mates I had one of hers before but not as good as the one you sent me Wal I will close for to knight & se what Morn will bring to my minde Good knight Aug 11th Wal morn has come bright and beautiful it is as warm as you pleas here but I feal better today than I have in several days This morning I bought a cooked mackerel & eate half of him & the other half will go with my dinner The negroes cook fish & such thinges & sel to the boys I will close for this time Thomas
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I. Andrew Becomes a Soldier... |
II. Headed South... |
III. The First Fights... | "THE CIVIL WAR JOURNAL OF ANDREW JACKSON NICKELL" "Battle Cry of Freedom" -- Charles W. Harrison (1878 - 1965) -- Public Domain mp3 |