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Tech/Programer/Analyst/Friend/Soccer Star

Lewis J. Miller

Picture of Lewis Miller

This is me

And Here's a Bit about me.

Well I'm 20 (AUUGGHH!! 20 I'm OLD) I'm currently taking summer courses at Joliet Junior College. I graduated from Morris Community High School back in 97. I live in Morris Illinois. Morris is a tiny little town out side Joliet, if you don't know where that is, it's outside Chicago. If you don't know where that is, go away. Right now I'm working part time as a computer administrator the JVI Companies, I looked at working in the computer labs on campus but am reconsidering as it seems a knuckle draging ape could get a job there, not a very elite position.

Well my class is going OK so far. I'm in CIS 122 Computer Information Systems Fundamentals. A real snooze of a classs, I have to restrain to NOT correct the teacher every 5-10 minutes, Some of us are just more current in this area I guess. But hey I need the credits and the class is not with out it's good points. Namely a certain Blonde and a certain Brunette, both extreamly attractive. :) Now all I need them to do is ask me to help them with any of their projects.

I am part of the Student Alliance, our student government. We are working on a page for the SA and as soon as it is up I will add the link. I am also part of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, it's youth group for college kids. I am also a Delta Psi Omega pledge. Last but not at all least I am also the President of the JC Players, our campus theater group. It is of course the best club on campus and one of the most acctive. I have also had the fortion of being awarded the Brain Albono Memorial Scholarship fro Excelence In Technical Theater.

Well I am a huge soccer fan, and I love playing the game. I support the Chicago Fire as far as US teams. When it comes to international teams, for men it's of course US and Brazil. (As far as I'm concerned this years World Cup does not exist because nobody Shuts out Brazil). For Womens I support the US Mia Hamm RULES! My field name is Jesus, pronounced either classicaly or hey-zues. Basicly cause that's who they say I look like w/ my hair down. And my "miracle kick" (Feild clearing kick OK Coral?) I can save a game with (well the ball anyways).

I'm a huge Star Wars fan. My favorite character is of course Boba Fett! George Lucas is one of the most talented directors out there. Some day I plan to work for his company Industrial Light and Magic. Last fall I was fortunate enough to participate in an on-line interview, through IRC UnderNET, with Iain McCaig, he is one of the stroyboard artists working on the new prequils. I'd settle for Lucas Arts. They have some great games. Here ya go for a great Star Wars sight check out It's a great sight, but graphics intensive. So nothing slower than 14.4 here.

I'm also into Hackey Sack, Devil's Sticks, and am learning to juggle. I'm a Methodist Christian. We have a kickin Youth Group at our church, but it looks like I'm too old for them now. But I still hang out with them, and was helping teach 2nd grade Sunady School. Every summer we have a group of us go to ASP (Yeah I'm working on this years page just be patient). Check the link for more info.

I was a member of the Business Professionals of America, Illinois Association, how ever they do not have a chapter at JJC yet. I am hoping to start one by Fall semester. February 27 - March 1, we had our State Leadership Conference. I placed 1st in the state in Database Applications, and 5th in the state in BASIC programmer. So then I moved onto Nationals. Which this year were held April 25-29 in Orlando Florida! For one day Disney Worlds Universal Studios was rented out for just BPA members! It was cool!

I'd love ta hear from ya all. Ya can email me at Or ya can catch me in IRC chat. I'm usually on the undernet in #black_box, #duct-tape, and some times #linux, and #starwars. And my nick is of course boba_fett, or brainwash, but boba_fett is my registered name. To get onto IRC all ya need is a client proggie. If ya don't have one, try mIRC. See ya there... Ya can also contact me through ICQ sometimes, my UIN # is 1413056. My WEB pager is at the bottom of the page. Though I don't go on ICQ as much any more, I also have PowWow.

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Wednesday, 29 July, 1998 | 18:46:54