~Me Without You - Part 1~


Madison had let the phone right now countless times. She nervously shifted from one foot to the another clutching the six-month-old baby in her arms tightly to her chest. "Come on, someone answer."

"Hello." The distinct New York accent of The Monkees' manager, Chuck Stone, answered.

"Chuck, its Maddie." Madison's frightened voice shook. "I need to talk to Micky."

"Hang on a sec." He set the phone down.

"What is it, Madison?" Micky said into the phone. After the months of loud arguments and buckets of tears, their relationship had dwindled to speaking only where it considered their son.

"I need you to come over right now!" Her voice cracked.

"What's wrong?" He could hear the frightened tone in her voice. "Is something wrong with Mac?" Mac was the nickname that had finally decided on for the baby to avoid any confusion between Micky and Mike.

"No, he's fine." She sighed. "Please, just get here, okay?" The last thing she needed right now was an argument.

"Okay, dol…Madison, I'll be there in a few." He quickly hung up the phone. "I'll be back later." He told Chuck without even an explanation and flew out the door.


Micky speeded down the boulevard and whipped the car into Madison's driveway. He ran up to the door and tried it; it was open so he let himself in. He saw Madison standing in the living room holding onto Mac for dear life. Sitting on the couch was Jack Seymour and some girl he had never seen before, although she bore a striking resemblance to Madison.

Madison walked over to him, fear in her eyes. "Micky, this is my sister, Danielle. And you remember Jack."

"Vividly." Micky answered coldly. He took the baby from her arms and kissed his cheek, his eyes never leaving Jack.

"Nice to see you again." Jack stood up, holding out his hand.

Micky shook his head. "I wish I could say the same. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm out here on business and I brought Dani along so she could visit her sister." Jack smiled smugly. "I just can't seem to resist these Sage sisters."

With her arms free of the baby, Madison went to her sister and took her firmly by the shoulders. "Have you completely lost your mind?"

"Jack loves me." Danielle said softly but firmly.

"He'll love you to death." Madison replied.

"Well, I think we should go." Jack stood up taking Danielle's hand.

"I think that's a good idea." Micky commented. "By the way, how long will you be in town?"

"We're not sure." Danielle answered. "I'd like to spend some more time with my sister."

Madison drew Danielle into a hug. "I'm here if you need me." She whispered in her ear.

"Come on, Dani." Jack ordered and together they left.

The door hadn't been closed a minute and tears were rolling down Madison's face. Micky set Mac down in his playpen and went to her. He hesitated for a second and then put his arm around her. "I'm sorry." She cried. "I didn't know what to do."

"You did the right thing." Micky said consolingly. He led her to the couch and they both sat down. "We may argue about a lot of things, but Jack Seymour isn't one of them. Besides, I don't want that bastard anywhere near our son."

Madison wiped her eyes and looked over at him. "Thanks." She whispered. She still loved him and knew deep down inside he still loved her. "I can't believe he's with my little sister. My God, she's only 19. What am I going to do?"

"I don't know, doll." He cursed himself for calling her that. "We'll think of something." He got up and went over to the playpen. "How's my boy?" He cooed picking Mac up and making a goofy face, which sent Mac into a fit of giggles.

Madison laughed; there was nothing she loved more than watching Micky and Mac together. "He tried to crawl today."

"You did?" Micky's voice was playful as he brought the baby over to the couch. "I told your mama you were a genius."

Mac cooed and drooled grabbing a handful of Micky's hair.

Madison swirled her finger in front of Mac and then gently poked him in the tummy. "Nope, I told your daddy that first."

Micky never made it back to the recording session that day but instead stayed and played with Mac and Madison. It was like being a real family and after he tucked Mac in for the night and left, Madison had to pinch herself back into reality. They were not a family and it was time she learned to accept it. They had been apart for six months now and she doubted if anything would bring him back to her.


Madison heard nothing from Danielle for several days and she feared the worst. She was putting Mac down for his afternoon nap when the doorbell rang. "Mama will be right back." She went to the door and opened it to find Danielle on the other side. Her face was badly bruised. "Dani!" Madison exclaimed pulling her inside. "Are you alright?"

"I think so." Danielle flopped down on the couch. "He's doesn't know I'm here."

"This will be the first place he'll look." She ran in the nursery and took Mac from his crib. "Come on."

They quickly walked over to the pad and Madison knocked. After her and Micky broke up, she stopped barging in the pad without knocking. Micky answered the door. "Come on in."

"I didn't think it was a good idea to stay at my place." Madison explained. "He doesn't know where she is."

They walked in the living room to find Mike, Peter and Davy at the bandstand. "Hey, Maddie." Davy was the first one to walk over, seeing as how there was a new girl in the room.

"Guys, this is my sister, Danielle." Madison laughed at Davy. "Dani, this is Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork and Davy Jones."

Everyone said his or her hellos. Peter brought an ice pack from the kitchen and handed it to Danielle. She thanked him and sat down on the couch. "Micky filled us in on everything." He said kindly sitting down next to her. "Can I get you anything?"

"A glass of water would be great." Danielle smiled. She already felt like she knew these boys from the letters Madison's sent home.

Mac was fussing and squirming in Madison's arms. "Here, let me take him." Mike offered taking the baby. "Hey, little man."

"He needs a nap." Madison shook out her arms. He was getting heavier every day because he definitely had his daddy's appetite.

"I'll take him upstairs." Mike walked up the staircase to their room. They kept a playpen in their room for when Mac was over, which was quite often.

"Thanks, Michael." Madison smiled and watched them go then went and sat down next to Danielle. "Are you ready to talk about it?"

Danielle took a long drink from the water Peter had brought. "I didn't know it was the same Jack when we first met. He was so charming and nice." She stopped and seemed to be thinking of better times. "I don't know what happened but something snapped one day and the next thing I know he's punching me and yelling that I was just like you." She took a deep breath. "Then I realized who it was."

"Why didn't you leave him?" Davy asked.

"I was in love with him by then." She took another sip of water. "And the next day, he brought me presents and said how sorry he was and that it would never happen again."

"Well, you're safe now." Madison put her arm around her sister. "We can get you out of town before he ever knows."

"Maddie, I don't want to leave town." Danielle replied. "I just wanted to see you."

Madison's eyes grew wide along with everyone else in the room. "What?" She exclaimed.

"I love him." Danielle answered calmly. "And he loves me."

"He doesn't love you!" Micky stated firmly. "You don't hurt people you love." He hadn't meant for it to be a shot at Madison, but it was.

"Ouch!" Mike said under his breath then looked at Madison. "Mac is asleep."

Madison felt the sting from Micky's words hit her straight in the heart. She shook her head and looked at Danielle. "I know how you feel. But Jack is crazy and one of these days, he'll give you more than you can handle."

"He won't do that. He loves me." Danielle sighed and stood up. "I came here to see you, not get a lecture. I'm not a little girl anymore." She stormed towards the door and out slamming it behind her.

"Stubbornness seems to run in this family." Mike commented.


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