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Chapter 24 - The Naked Truth

When I reached the bathroom, I locked the door, turned on the warm water, took off my clothes and hopped in the shower. After I finished getting the flour out of my hair, I turned the faucet off and stepped out of the shower.

That's when I realized that there were no towels in there, and my clothes were covered in flour and I couldn't beat the flour out of them in the bathroom, so I couldn't put them on. I was freezing and soaking wet, so I decided to take a risk and run for the closet in the hall for a towel.

I quickly peeked to make sure that no one was in sight, before I made a mad dash to the closet. I struggled to open the door, but it seemed to be stuck. It was sooo cold! When I looked up I noticed that there was a window less then two yards away, and it was facing a window in the Hanson's bathroom, and I could see right into it.

That meant...that anyone that was in their bathroom could see me. I suddenly wished that Courtney had the decency to put curtains over that window, just in case one of her friends happen to be naked in her hallway with no towel.

Uh-oh. Taylor walked into the bathroom and became visible through the window. Then he saw me. He froze. I froze. Then I snapped, humiliated that my boyfriend caught me standing in his neighbor's hallway completely naked. I jerked the hall closet door open, grabbed desperately for a towel, and wrapped it around me.

I cowardly looked up and my eyes met Taylor's, and he had been staring the whole time. I quickly looked at the ground, turned and ran back to the bathroom. I hoped that he didn't think that I was a secret nudist or that I just enjoyed streaking in other people's houses.

I picked up my clothes, and rushed back into the hallway. I made for the stairs, but I heard Taylor shouting faintly. I turned, and saw him motioniong for me to come back and open the window. I reluctantly opened, it, and sat on the windowsill in my towel. Taylor leaned cautiously out of his window towards me, so that I could hear him better.

"Alex..." he began.

"Tay...I'm so embarrassed!" I told him, turning bright red.

"Don't's okay, you shouldn't be embarrassed," he assured me.

"But I am! How would you like it if I came in and saw you in the nude? You'd be a little humiliated too!" I said.

"Well, trust've got nothing to be ashamed of, if you know what I mean," he gave me a sly smile. I blushed rapidly. "You know..." Taylor continued, " since I've seen it now, would you mind if..." he gave me a 'please'? look.

"Oh...okay," I said, understanding. Oh well, I thought, he's already seen me like that now, so one quick peek couldn't hurt. I stood up, and quickly flashed Taylor. We both burst out laughing.

I heard Courtney yell, "Alex, are you done yet?"

"Tay, I've gotta go now, bye--love ya."

"Bye, love ya too."

Before we closed the windows, I heard Zac yell through the bathroom door, "Hey Tay! What's taking you so long? Are you constapated or something?" Tay laughed, and said, "yeah Zac, that's it, I'm constapated. My name is Taylor Hanson and I suffer from severe constapation."

"Hey..." Zac said, "what I coincidence, I've got the same problem. I feel for you man. Of course, I suffer from excessive masturbation, so you can have constapation, and as we all know, Ike deals with herpes."

I laughed really hard, and I know that Zac heard me, so he said, "hey, who's there?" I waved to Tay, then went downstairs. I knew that Taylor wasn't constapated, and Ike definitely didn't have herpes, but...well...Zac did seem to have obsessive compulsive disorder. He really is Mr. Prozac. Ha.

I beat the flour out of my clothes, while the others used the shower.


After everyone had showered, Courtney, Alex, Rachel, Cleo, and I decided to play a game. We settled on the floor in Courtney's room.

"What do you guys want to play?" she asked. "How about truth or dare?" suggested Rachel.

"Okay," we all agreed in unison.

"So...who goes first?" asked Alexandra.

"I'll start," volunteered Cleo. She looked around the circle, deciding who to pick. "Jenn--" she said, pointing at me, "truth or dare?"

"Truth," I answered, deciding to go on the safe side.

"Okay, I've got a truth question for far have you gone with a guy?" she asked.

I hesitated, then answered quietly, without looking up, "all the way."

"Whhooooooaaa!" exclaimed Alex, "how come you never told me?"

"I didn't think it was anyone's business," I told her.

"Not even your best friend?" she asked, slightly hurt.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't sure, okay?" I said.

"Okay," she responded.

"Wait...hold on Jenn, who exactly did you do this with?" questioned Courtney.

"Yeah...who?" asked Rachel.

Everyone looked at me with curious and expectant faces. There was a long moment of silence before I whispered, "Ike." I stared at the floor.

"YOU SLEPT WITH ISAAC HANSON?!" shouted Cleo. Rachel gave a small cry then rushed out of the room.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked Cleo.

"Sorry for yelling, but Rachel has a MAJOR crush on Ike," she explained.

"I'd better go talk to her," I said, then went after Rachel. I put a hand on her shoulder. "Rachel...I didn't know..." I began.

"No, I'm sorry Jenn, this is so stupid, he's YOUR boyfriend. It's just that..."

"What?" I said.

"Well, I went out with him, and he tried to get me to sleep with him, but I wouldn't, so we broke up," she said.

"WHAT?!" I shouted.

"It's true...he tried to force me, but I stood up to him. I'd never sleep with a guy so early. Why'd you? If I were you, I'd break up with him. I think he used you."

I was shocked. I felt really low and dirty. Rachel had been strong enough to say no, but I wasn't. I needed to talk to Ike. Immediately.

All The Way To Albertane
You Are My Hope
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