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Chapter 23 - Courtney's

I woke up, startled, not knowing where I was. Then I remembered. Tulsa! I was close to Taylor again. I hopped out of bed, pausing to look in the mirror. Ugh! My hair was a mess.

I stared at my reflection. With my slim 5'7" body, long blond, hair, blue eyes, and perfect smile, I decided that I liked my appearance. I looked a little like Jenn, except she was 5'8", had startling green eyes, and her hair was a sandy blonde, like my hair was like Tay's and hers was like Ike's (except not curly, hers was thick and fine).

I took a shower, and dried my hair. Then I tugged on a pair of flare jeans, and a tight black tanktop with a gold dragon on it. I piled my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head, and applied light eyeshadow and mascara. I pulled on my Airwalks, grabbed my wallet, shoved it in my pocket, and headed downstairs.

I told my parents that I'd be back later and that I'd call them. After I stepped outside and felt how cold it was, I ran back inside, found a polar-fleece pull-over, then ran to Jenn's house. She was ready and waiting.

Her hair was in a French braid, and she had on back Doc Martins. For once, we weren't headed to the Hanson's, this time we were going to a friend's house. Her name was Courney and she lived next door to Tay's. We met her when we first moved in, and she's really nice.

She had invited us to her house, and two other girls that we hadn't met would be there. I think Courtney said there names were Rachel and Cleo, 15-year-old identical twins. When Jenn and I reached Courtney's house and began to walk to the door, Zac came out and waved.

"What're you guys doing over here? Why don't you come over? Jenn...I'm sure Ike would be VERY happy to see you," Zac shouted, giving Jenn a knowing smile.

I glanced at Jenn, wondering what Zac meant. She blushed and stared at the ground.


I felt my cheeks burning red. Did Ike tell his brothers? I know that they're best friends, but how could he? He wouldn't tell them that we slept together...or would he? What if Taylor and Zac know? Maybe we shouldn't have gone so far...not that I didn't enjoy it...but I just feel so dirty...should we have waited longer before we did that? Oh God...what if Zac knows? Jenn thought this all to herself silently.


I didn't think twice about Jenn's silent responce her avoiding look to Zac's comment. So I just answered, "Sorry Zac, we're going to Courtney's house, tell Tay and Ike that we love 'em and that we'll call them later," I told Zac.

"Okay," he said, and went back into the house. Jenn and I knocked on Courtney's door and were greeted by a set of identical twins. Each had shoulder-length curly brown hair and big brown eyes. They were about 5'6" and looked very athletic.

"Hi!" Jenn and I said in unison.

"Hi!" said Rachel and Cleo also in unison. The twin in the fitted grey shirt and flair pants introduced herself as Rachel, and the one in a black baby-T, a Niki windbreaker and Adidas pants was Cleo.

"Courtney's in the bathroom and she told us to answer the door when you came," explained Cleo.

"Oh, sorry, it's so cold, come inside," apologized Rachel. We followed the twins into the livingroom, and met Courtney coming out of the bathroom. "Oh good!" she said, " you're here, come on, let's go to the kitchen...I'm starving!"

"Good idea," I agreed, "I'm hungry too."

Once in the kitchen, Jenn thought up the idea to bake a cake.

"Sounds like fun!" exclaimed Rachel.

"I think so too, except we have to make it from scratch since we don't seem to have any cake mix," added Courtney. I helped her gather the ingredients. When we had collected everything, Cleo accidentally put way too much flour in, then tried to mix it with the electric mixers without holding the bowl.

Flour splattered everywhere. All over the counter, all over the floor, and all over us. Our clothes were totally white, and so was our hair. We burst out laughing.

"Courtney," I said between fits of laughter, "you look like my grandmother with your hair so white!" We really did look totally ridiculous, so we decided to take turns for the shower.

"I get the shower first!" I called, before racing upstairs.

All The Way To Albertane
You Are My Hope
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