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I. Review (How?)
A. Take notes on text material if you haven't already; use your highlighting/underlining as a guide.
B. Recite from your lecture and text notes.
C. Make summary sheets of the most important material and any important unlearned material
D. Recite from your summary sheets

II. Memorize Lists
Note: To memorize lists on your summary sheets, use mnemonic devices like acronyms
(VISTA= Volunteers in Service To America) or sentences (Every Good Boy Does Fine=the lines of the treble staff in music)

III. Meet with other students
A. Find one, two or three well-prepared students
B. Have an organized agenda to compare perceptions of the main points and possible test questions
C. Don't get bogged down on minor points
D. Don't take someone else's word on a point you are not sure about. Look it up later!

IV. Pay Special Attention to:
A. Material from the early part of the course
B. Confusing material
C. Concepts and Principles

V. Anticipate Test Questions
A. Prepare main point outlines for anticipated questions
1. Include specific details
2. Write out the questions
B. Don't expect to anticipate all the test questions

VI. Get Enough Sleep!!!!

VII. Eat Something Before the Test


If you only have one or two days before the exam and you haven't done much of the reading, remember: BE INTELLIGENT ABOUT CRAMING!

I. How to Cram for Essay Tests
A. Recite from and review your lecture notes
B. Survey the readings
1. Read the chapter summaries carefully
2. Get a general idea of the main points of the reading
3. Don't leave out whole sections of material
4. Take notes on the highlights--BE SELECTIVE

C. Take summary notes of the highlights of all your notes and recite from these.

II. How to Cram for Objective Tests
A. Review and recite from your lecture notes
B. Learn new terms
C. Read as much as you can

III. Get Some Sleep!!

How to Take Notes
Before the Final Review Final Review What to do the day of the Exam How to Take an Objective Tests How to Prepare for and Write Essay Tests

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