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My Philosophies

Here are my philosophies. They really haven't changed much in the years since I first wrote them...

First off, I'm a Christian. This has come to mean a lot more to me over the past year than it used to. I've researched Christianity and have found it to be very convincing. The opposition doesn't really put up much of a fight. I still screw up a lot, but I'm trying to change... Slowly but surely.

Secondly, I try to treat everyone and everything with respect. I don`t like lying, and really hate it when people lie to me. I think that everyone should be honest with each other.

Family is important to me as well... I don't know where I would be without my sister, or my parents. In more recent years, you can add my brother-in-law to that. And now, my niece and soon to be nephew. My parents have always been supportive of me in whatever I do, no matter how rediculous. They figure I should screw up and learn on my own.. Which helped me shape who I am..

Friends are also important. I wouldn't be the person I am today without the help of so many of my friends, who put up with my schemes for global domination, my constant insanity and my quirks.

Fun is ALWAYS important. Without fun, I think we'd all go crazy. Nothing quite beats kicking back with some friends and watching a bad movie, then ripping it all to hell... Or sitting around, playing some games. joking all the way..

Humor is a good thing as well... Without humor, I wouldn't have been able to make it through half of the rough times in my life... Making people laugh is a joy to me. It truly makes me happier to make others happy.

These basically just scratch the surface of who I am. The best way to find out who I am, is to talk to me and get to know me.

Brad the ever Omnipotent Rewind

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