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Rewind's Bar and grill!

Links to some of my stuff

About me!!!!
My Philosophies
One of my favorite online games.. TerraFirmA.. A MUD.. Read a bit about it..
More pics of me!
My blog...
Links to my writings! Including the things to learn from the Cthulu Mythos!

Beware... Major revamps are just around the corner, or at least when I get off my butt to do them.

Hello and welcome to Rewind's Bar 'N Grill! I am Brad, aka the Windster, Rewind, Rew, Re, Darb Dash, Evil BOB, Shoggoth, or whatever you choose to call me! I will be your host on this journey into my world, I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to peruse everything.. Mind you, the only thing that gets updated often would be the blog. Now that I'm out of college, I should have time to update the rest... Maybe... Probably... Well, not really. And before you ask, no, none of the pictures on this website are recent. You'd have to talk to me to get recent ones.


Read my Ever Omnipotent Hamsterbook!
Sign my ever Omnipotent Hamsterbook!

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