<fONT COLOR=brown>"Steelin & Chattin 2"</FONT>
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"Steelin & Chattin 2"

As the sign above says this sight is "Always Under Construction". That is because this page, like "real life" is an ever changing event. I hope you enjoy your stay here and I would love to hear any comments you may have.

My name is Rich and I am a professional country music musician. I play pedal steel guitar, lead guitar, and I also sing. I play 4 nights a week at a club called the Rose Bowl in Champaign/Urbana, Illinois. I also love to "chat" - so the name"Steelin & Chattin" seemevery appropriate...*S*...I had to add the number 2 after the name because this is the second "Steelin & Chattin" homepage I have created. I put theother one up several months ago and then suddenly the home page host closed down. When I went to make some current changes I found I could no longer do so...8(...I was deciding whether to put up another page and was seriously thinking about not doing so but then I decided to go for it..*G*..So HERE WE GO AGAIN!!

I really enjoyed working on the first home page. It was a real learning experience. Putting up a home page is a lot of work but it is also a lot of fun working on it. As you can tell I have variety of interests. I always enjoy a good joke and humor. If you would like information about ourlittle "joke family" then click jokes. Why not take a look..*S..

If you want to know anything about my music tastes CLICK HERE or you can find out about where I am playing or have played, by going to my "Steelin All Night"home page. Hopefully you will enjoy both of these.*S*...

And now for the "CHAT" information!!...*S*...First let me tell you that I go by the handle of LaGrande in chat. Before you make any smart remarks let me assure you there is a legitimate reason for that handle...*L*...Itgoes back to me being a musician. The model of pedal steel guitar I play is an Emmons LeGrande. When I started going to chat areas I kept finding the handle LeGrande always used so I just took up LaGrande...*L*...No comments please!!!I recently added another handle and for a few weeks I was using it and not telling my friendswho I was...*L*...Of course I finally got busted so what the heck...I also go by orneryastheycome. Now I want you to realize that the handle is not really appropriate!!...*BEG*...*adjusting my halo*...*G*...I used to be a complete "chataholic" and although I am not near as bad as I used to be I guess I still get my time in...*L*...I guess my feelings toward my chat friends can be summed up by this PRAYER. A friend sent that to me and I thought how approrpriate it was..*S*..The chat links I have placed here are some of the chat sights I have visited. This list is definitely small.I have another list of over 200 sights and I think I have visited each of them at least once...*G*...Let me know if you want any other addresses..*S*..I also spend a lot of times with my friends on ICQ. or at The ChatHouse...That iswhere my friends and I seem to end up even though we may get upset on how slow it is running and swear we will "never come back" it seems we always do...*LOL*.Guess that is what good friends are all about - and that is really what chat is all about..*S*..Of course we do party just a little there...If you have never experienced a chat room why not stop by and see what I am talking about. We don't bite - Well we usually don't...*EG*.. I have had the opportunityto meet some really great people on line and have been fortunate to actually meet some of you in real time. It has been a really great opportunity. I have had no bad experiences so far *G* and I am always looking forward to making new friends both on line and in real life...*S*...I guess you can say I am a "People Person"...*L*... If you get the opportunity to come to the club and visit I would love to meet you or if you are just passing through let me know.Besides - you can't beat those "road trips"...*G*...

Click Here to see some of my "on line" and "chat friends"..*S*.. Someof them have their own homepages and are really neat places to check out. Look them over and tell them that I sent you!...*L*... Chances are if you see me in the ChatHouse at least "one" of them are usually there or will be shortly...*LOL*... For my friends who have not built a Home Page,why not check out and see how easy it is...*S*... Of course like the last page I put up I am sure I am forgetting someone. If I have forgotten to put you onthe page and you wish to be here please let me know...*S*...UPDATE: Want to see a pic of me??...This is a pic of two of my best "cyber" friends who came to the club to visit..*G*...Click Here

I would also like to welcome my "Web Traveling" friends to check out these travelers sights. These are some interesting bits of information for the beginners and the advanced surfers. Of course I am always looking for more helpful info so if You have an interesting and helpful sight please drop it to me...*S*...

Two of my favorite places on the Net!!

A Great Place To Get Your Mail!!

I Love This Place!!! You Can Talk LIVE With Your Friends!!

It is unbelievable how many people stop by a home page and never sign a guestbook...*G*...Yep I am getting ready to hit you up...*L*... Please take a moment and sign my Guestbook. It is A BRAND NEW book because my other one was lost...So please take time to resign or sign for the first time... It is so embarrassing to see all those hits and then have so few sign my book...*BG*...If you want to read my guestbook just click READ...

If you find any links that do not work please let me know so I can correct them or remove them..*S*..

Last Updated 05/18/99

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