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images & content © Ken Levy

The Book:
Disappearing Legacy: Historic Barns of the Northwest
Street photography | New works: Photography | Testimonials

Inside Glenn's barn

Old barns, new perspectives: By 1995, I began my quest to document iconic, ancient barns and structures across America—before it was too late. Most, I knew, were doomed to yield to new development and rapidly changing priorities, and their memories would soon vanish as well. Disappearing Legacy: Old Barns of America portrays some of the most striking and historic of the species I’ve found so far. Some of these barely hang on (ready to collapse with the next wind, perhaps) while others are treated with special care. But far too many are gone, gone for good. I capture and preserve them here, and in a book soon to be available.

At left: Inside Glenn’s barn. The cathedral-like interior of an abandoned hay barn in Nampa, Idaho.

At right: Sheep shack. On the Wyoming border at Alta, across from the Idaho side at Driggs, lie many acres of tall grass once belonging to this abandoned cabin and farmstead near the base of the Grand Tetons. This inquisitive group, not satisfied with their one-course meal, branched off from their grazing compatriots to see what the humans might have left behind.

They didn't find much. And now the cabin is gone.

Sheep shack
Livery barn
Lago, Idaho

Mail Pouch Barn
West Virginia

The calm and the storm: Low-growing sea pinks, (right) also known as sea thrift, withstand buffeting wind, intense storms and king tides on the central Oregon coast.

Below left: Waiting at an ideal location to capture sunset over Boise, I was suddenly and mercilessly buffeted by gale-force winds. No tripod would help me here. Working quickly between gusts, I zoomed in to this glowing color band in the sky. The textures in the clouds are reminiscent of the "Pastoral Symphony" scene from Walt Disney's "Fantasia."

Below right: Deep, brilliant New England fall colors reflect in Alton Bay, New Hampshire as rain begins. The image is featured on my new works page.

Sunset at Hulls Gulch

Fall Cove Serenity

The escape: Enveloped in mystery, this image evokes many definitions of its name. Depending on the viewer's perceptions on life, someone could be walking away from a catastrophe, or toward one. Is he the center of attention for the creatures behind him, or just ignored as they go on about their business? And just what is their business? Who are they?

Decide for yourself. Click the image for a larger version. Escape can be found on my new works page.
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content & images © Ken Levy