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Is it just Composer or is the world really out of reach?
noesis0 has not posted photos as they are not ftpable with Composer. Or at least so it seems. What a pain in the keasterbutt!

I get nothing but errors. The FAQ and tutorials all say, "if epdimages dir does not exist, you need to make it." How? How do you make it? Will NC's presence continue or will the Xone fold?

Xone News Page B
Xone News Page C
See Full Page Xone News
See Xone News as it was on the Day it Died
This is fricken insane! (Back to NC Home Page)

Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Noesis Creation All Rights reserved.