Noesis Creation:
dieHard Back Issues!!!!
The Archaic Computer Gallery where we see the past. Home of the Dee El!
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Just Some of the Computers Noesis Creation Supports:
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After dieHard vanished from the face of the magazine stands and the post, I found myself starting over again. I searched the world high and wide for a part-time telecommuting position, while writing Shareware. I even started writing a book. I was still supporting the computers I love most through TV/BUG's Bug Bytes and ABUG's Home Computer News. I posted Shareware under noesis0 on places like Delphi, CompuServe, and many BBSs.
Finally, I decided to accept my retirement. I became a full- time- stay- at- home- Dad all over again with many new additions to the family. Mia and I now have eight kids (who this year, will be): Antony (
Things change.
Update: 2022.03.14:
As of 2022.03.10, I am no longer a raw milk dairy farmer. Clairabelle has retired to be a nurse cow at a cattle range an hour and a half from here. I miss her dearly. And after we run out of the sparse amount of milk and cream, the last fromage blanc made from her milk, we all will be missing her milk.
This is the first time in over ten years of not having our own Jersey cow. At first we got Christina, and she was just for us.
Then my wife realized we had something wonderful to share and we started selling raw milk from out of our home.
Our raw milk permit allowed us to have three cows in our herd, so we got more cows. We started selling Mia's creations at the Boise Co-Op, and the New Boise Farmers Market. Along the way we were at The Co-Op in Nampa, Cliffs' in Caldwell, the Boise Co-Op in Meridian, Farmer's Market at Jump in Boise, and Wild Root carried out kefier. We made kefier (plain, honey, and apricot), fromage blanc (apricot, herb, plain, paprika, and cranberry/walnut), ice cream (vanilla, chocolate, cherry chocolate chip, mint chocolate chip, and huckleberry), sour cream, yogurt (honey, maple, and plain), "skimmed" milk, whole milk and cream.
Mia is a Pastor at Kuna United Methodist and works away from home now. We have three special needs kids at home who have trauma backgrounds. They require line of sight watching. Milking and afternoon chores related to the farm, with only one parent at home is really hard. Chores, including milking, took around an hour and a half of every afternoon. Hay was $14 a bile last fall and a dairy cow eats lots of it. The cost of feed and the time spent moved us to make a hard decision, and that was to sell Clairabelle. She loves baby cows and I hope she is happy in her new life.
We still have loads of free range chickens and a cat named Isotope!
This site is an attempt to offer support to those who have longed for those amusing anecdotes and slight insights I have offered over the years through various publications, but have lost track of them one way or another, as well as those who seek help with computers of long ago.
The Q & A section under Archaic Computer is a place to pose questions concerning those computers of the long ago. It is a pseudo-open forum where questions and answers can be sent for posting.
My softs are in the Noesis Creationsofts area.
Archaic Computer covers a wide variety of subjects from product reviews to stories from the computer industry annals. There is also a sprinkling of other tech, including once new tech as tablets, and cameras.
The Antique Computer Store used to feature Antique computers, and related items for those who missed out on a great era or just wanted to have a great old machine. Unfortuneately time caught up with the project and it slowly slid to a stop and after several years of inactivity, I donated the machines, books and softs (along with all the TVBUG & ABUG stuff) to the Reuseam in Garden City, Idaho.
There is even a news area for announcements from the long ago and the here and now.
This site proves that "commodore does not equal commodore," in that everything is seen from the USA point of view. Machines, like the 264, that didn't make it in the US, may have appeared in other parts of the World. So keep that in mind when an article says something did or didn't happen.
I hope you enjoy this site as it grows over the weeks, months and years to come.
Noesis Creation supports users of ALL commodore 8-bits, Amiga, CDTV, Atari ST, ALL Atari 8-bits (including the 600XL), Epson Geneva PX-8, Timex Sinclair, and many other old computers.
I'd like to thank A O Black, for the Micro 80 Magazines and the Polaroid Palette.
Thanks to Paul Slingbaum for the PX-8
Thank you, Tony Fernandez for the mother boards and the IBM Laptop.
Thanks go to Dan Barrera, Duane Forte, Al Hale, and Roy Crosthwaite for many, many contributions over the years.
Thanks to the many who have contributed over the years, who's name elude me now (see AC and Q & A postings -- they may appear there :)
This entire site is Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020 Brian Crosthwaite (Noesis Creation). All Rights Reserved. All contributions, including letters, articles, art, ads, etc, are copyright by their respective author/owners.