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What We Are Learning

Well, since Marcalie is only in preschool, this isn't going to be a very long list.
She is a very smart little girl, and she very often surprizes me with what she learns on her own.

Here is a list of what we have been working on this year.

1. Letter identification - Marcalie can easily identify all of the capital letters, there is some lowercase letters she still gets confused on.

2. Basic writing skills - We have seen so much improvement with Marcie's printing and drawing this year.

3. How to spell and print her first name - She knows, in fact, if you visit the page Why We Have Decided to Homeschool you will see a picture drawn by Marcalie, with her name printed on it.

4. Simple addition - We started this year working on number identification. Marcalie caught on very quickly and was bored with it very soon after we started. So, I decided to try simple addition just to see how she would do. She grasped the concept so fast, my head swam. She seems to work great with numbers.

5. Simple phonics - This is a bit confusing for Marcie, we will be working with phonics for a while. Still, she has learned some about phonics.

6. Sight reading - Marcalie knows how to read a few simple words, and this has helped her grasp the phonics better.

Looking Forward To Next Year

Actually, I haven't really got a list yet of things planned for next year. I do have some idea of things to work on. Since Marcie will be in Kindergarten next year, I might try to get some sort of curriculum to work with. I don't know for sure, this is still so new to me. I do know one thing we will be adding for certain, is Bible memorization.

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