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if you cant find wut your lookin for here, then check out some of these links.

·main· ·files· ·play· ·links· ·visual basic·

·the links·
kmarts site - a good site with alot of d/l's for you emps.
tc's crib - this site has some good d/l's also, check it out.
tx's penet - this is my bro's site, so go to it. now now now.
cable online - cable is a very good programmer with sum very good ideas for original programs.
eyez crib - this is my bro site from school and its going good so far so you might wanna check it out.
muze's site - this is sigma's site and its pretty koo. sigma's the youngest programmer i know.
epd online - this is my friends site that i think is comin along good for a white screen.
afr0's site - this is afr0's site, riiiiiiiight. i think he invented the question mark.