Be Ecological Friendly
manage to drag yourself off the couch, congratulations! Disruptive teens, local yokels, urban mishaps, home boys, totally oblivious yuppies & even uneducated families . . . If it must be done . . .
keep the trash & tagging in the cities!
campers make an effort not to litter, Litter and Pollution Pollution Soap
includes dish soap, shampoo, and any other cleaner you may use. Many
people use Comet or other powdered cleansers around their campsite to
keep the ants away. These compounds contain bleach. When it rains,
your campsite vegetation will get a bath in bleach. Water spigots are polluted regularly. these areas are for filling up your water containers. These areas areas are not for dish washing, hair washing, or dumping. Vegetation seeks out any source of water. Would you water your own plants with a healthy dose of Dawn dish detergent?
dish water can contain all kinds of bacteria. Anything you dump from
your dish drainer can contaminate the surrounding area. Be kind to the environment and select an Earth friendly dish detergent especially when camping if you can.
Chemicals Litter Everyone knows that litter is a bad thing, but it doesn't seem to help too much in some areas! When you go camping please keep in mind that the following items do not bio-degrade easily! Cigarette Butts
are found everywhere. Styrofoam
is another chemical compound that will not decompose. Please do not
try to burn styrofoam in your camp fire. Styrofoam is toxic when
inhaled and could cause damage to your lungs. People have died while
melting styrofoam in an inclosed space. If it can kill you under
certain circumstances -
yet, don't buy styrofoam products at all. Aluminum Foil
is an item you will find in almost every fire pit you see. This
stuff doesn't burn or melt at the temperatures you will achieve with
your camp fire.
thing you may not know about aluminum cans is that they have a
serial number on the bottom of the can. The serial numbers are
sequential. If you toss a beer can outside of your vehicle - Diapers
out dirty Diapers!!!
are not biodegradable and nobody but you should have to touch them.
You may feel comfortable handling dirty diapers - Food
you may not find leaving food items in your campsite litter -
people decide to clean out their glove box or purse while
camping. A freind of mine who used to be a Park Employee
told me that about one quarter of the paper he picked up while
working in the parks had either a credit card number on it or a name. Be smart and leave your parks clean.
Camping & Picnicking
people know the basic rule of camping.
fees have gotten out of hand in many places - Many people seem to think that leaving the campsite a mess is a fair trade for the camping fees. Don't punish the wrong people! Please help keep our parks clean!
"Every time I encounter a display of graffiti in a wilderness area, two questions pop into my mind. 1. Why would someone despoil a pristine area in that fashion? 2. Who the heck carries a can of spray paint with them when they're out hiking, camping, etc.?
It's tough enough maintaining the illusion of wilderness as we're out in areas that are close to populated areas maybe only a few miles from a highway, but it feels like wilderness to us. As we stare out into the mornings mist and gaze at the beauty of the wilderness and lose all concept of the reality of our daily busy lives!
is a visual affront that destroys that illusion. It destroys
the illusion for years and years to come. Those that yield a
can of spray paint must realize that they are destroying not just a
rock face,
despicable are those that have defaced historical / spiritual native
pictograph sites
What's the worst that can happen? Misuse & sheer disregard is how lands get closed & turned into "off limit" roads & closed wildernesses.
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