Last Updated: 12/28/00
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Pedigree Chart #2D
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8 Robert Dolphin
Born: 1750
Died: March 01,1807
Place: Rough Close,Yorkshire,Eng
4 Matthew Dolphin Sr.
Born: 1779
Place: Newhouses,Yorkshire,Eng
9 Unknown
2 Matthew Dolphin
Born: March 22,1820?
Place: Yorkshire Co,England
Marr: December 09,1841
Place: Middlesmoor,Yorkshire,Eng
Died: December 13,1906
Place: Springfield,Missouri
Buried: Wilson, Kansas
5 Ann Ibbitson
1 John Dolphin
Born: September 17, 1841
Place: Yorkshire Co,England
Marr: December 02,1866
Place: Grant Co, WI
Died: February 03,1927
place: Los Angeles Co,CA
Buried: Soldiers Home Cem,CA
6 Thomas Beckwith
3 Mary Beckwith
Born: January 21,1821
Place: Yorkshire,England
Died: July 31, 1894
Place: Wilson, Kansas
Buried: Wilson, Kansas
7 Mary Woodrup
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