LIMA and ALBANY IOWA The families listed in the 1878 History tend to be many of the ‘stable’ surnames that came to the Westfield Twp, Albany/Lima Valley and stayed from the early days of settlement, leaving many relatives still present from marriages in the area. The families listed would have done business and socialized in Albany and Lima, as well as going to Fayette, West Union, Wadena, Brush Creek. Most of the families were farming, but tradesmen and a few merchants were also present in the 1878 listing. This is a date, 1878, when many of the offspring of the early settlers had not yet gained farms or had moved on to cheaper land or the western gold field, so many of the 'second' generation heads of family do not show yet, thus one has a good idea of many of the early farmers and tradesman in the area.
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Biography listings from the 1878 History of Fayette
County Iowa
1875 Plat
The families listed in the 1878 History tend to be many of the ‘stable’ surnames that came to the Westfield Twp, Albany/Lima Valley and stayed from the early days of settlement, leaving many relatives still present from marriages in the area. The families listed would have done business and socialized in Albany and Lima, as well as going to Fayette, West Union, Wadena, Brush Creek. Most of the families were farming, but tradesmen and a few merchants were also present in the 1878 listing. This is a date, 1878, when many of the offspring of the early settlers had not yet gained farms or had moved on to cheaper land or the western gold field, so many of the 'second' generation heads of family do not show yet, thus one has a good idea of many of the early farmers and tradesman in the area.
Westfield Township
Biographies from the Albany and Lima area.
From the 1878
History of Fayette Co,
Burns, Levi, carpenter, Sec. 14; P. O. West. Albany.
Clark, Ira, farmer, Sec 15; P. O. Fayette.
Collins, J., farmer, Sec.
15; P. O. Fayette.
Cornish, A., farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. West Union.
Cornish, D. N., farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. West Albany.
Cullins, W., farmer Sec 1, P. O. West Union.
Dailey, R., farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. West Albany.
Doland, A., farmer, Sec. 14;
P. O. West Albany.
Doland, James, farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. West Albany.
Doland, John, farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. West Albany.
farmer, Sec 13; P. O. Lima.
Durfey, F., miller, Sec. 13; P. O. Lima.
Durfey, R. H., miller. Sec. 13; P. O.
EARLE, G. R., farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. West Albany.
Earle, J.J., miller, Sec.14,
West Albany.
Earle, R, miller and Postmaster,
West Albany.
Evans, Chas.,
farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Lima.
Evans, 0., farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Lima. .
Fauser, Johana_, farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. West Alhany.
weaver, West
Albany, born in Germany in 1825; emigrated to the United States, in 1845; lived
in Ohio until 1856; came to West Union, here he resided until 1862; then moved
to this place (Albany). Was married in Ohio, in 1852, to Louisa Kerhuzie; she
was born in Germany in 1828; have five children living---Christiana, Eve K.,
Mary L., G Martin A., and Simon; lost one---Rosetta, died in 1864. He was
School Director two years, and Road Supervisor four years. Belong to the
Lutheran Church.
Flynn M., farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. West Albany.
FOLEY, THOMAS, farmer, Sec. 1; P. O. Lima; born in Ireland Nov. 10, 1820; migrated to the United States in 1848; spent several years in the States of New Hampshire, Ver‑mont, New York, etc,; was married in Cayuga Co., N. Y., in 1851, to Marga‑ret Dempsey; she was born in Ireland in 1824; have six children living---Mary, Edmund (now in Dakota), Mar‑garet, Ellen, Kate and Bartholomew; lost three---Thomas, Michael and Thomas. They came to this county in. 1856. Own 120 acres of land. Family belongs to the Catholic Church.
Fortney Sam.,
farmer, Sec. 13, P. O. Lima
Gill, Thos., farmer, Sec 6, P. O. Weal Union.
Graf, Peter, farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. West Albany.
GREENWELL, G EO R G E, farmer, Sec.15 ; P. O. Fayette; born in I Durham Co., England, Feb. 18. 1818. Was married in 1842 to Mary Marras; she W.IS born in the same county March 8, 1821 ; came to this county in 1856, at which time there were but few homes in West Union or Fayette; came to this farm in 1865; owns 120 acres of land; have four children living-Mary, and William (born in England), Elizabeth and N icholas, (in this country); lost two-John Dixon and Hannah. Mr.G. served two years as School Director.
Hastings, T., farmer, Sec 24; P. O. Lima.
Helms, G. L.,
farmer, Sec.12 ; P. O. Lima.
Helms, S. C., farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Lima.
Helms, D.. farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Lima.
HENSLEY, ANDREW J., farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Lima; born in Missouri Dec. 3, 1837; came to this county with his father in 1843; his father who died Jan. 3, 1878, was the oldest settler in Fayette Co. The son was married Nov. 25, 1858, to Loretta Smith; she was born in Winnebago, Co., III., Aug. 10, 1841; have two children---George W., born Sept. 18, 1859, and Susie E. (would marry a Potter and take over the Hensley farm adjacent to Lima), Oct. 6, 1863. He was Postmaster here from 1866 to1877, Township Trustee and School Director several years. He can remember when the country was full of Indians; his brother, Daniel now living in Fairfield Township, is claimed to be the first white child born in what is now Fayette Co. Family belonging to the United Brethren Church.
Hensley, R,
farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. West Albany.
Hill, G., farmer, Sec. 11; P. O. West Albany.
Hubbard, E., miller, Sec. 13; P. O. Lima.
John, farmer, Sec.10; P.O. West Albany.
Hutchinson, J. C., farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. West Albany.
JENNINGS, ENOS, farmer; Sec 24; P. O. Lima.
LACY, C., farmer, Sec.3; P. O. West Union.
Lambert, G., farmer, Sec. 6, P. O. Fayette.
Chas., farmer, Sec. 1; P. O. West Union.‑
Launders, S., farmer, Sec. 1; P. O. West Union
MARVIN, HIRAM, saw and feed mill, and farmer, Sec. 23, P.O. Fayette; born in New York, Nov. 1806; was married in 1826 to Abigail Taylor; she was born in New York May 11,1800. They tame to this county in 1854 (set up a mill on Burn's Creek, ½ miles west of Lima, too little water, moved milling operation to the Volga River, 1+ miles upstream from Albany, then in the early 1870's traded that property for the land just NE of the present, 2000+, Fayette bridge, built a wind powered grist/saw mill, converted it to stream, passed on to son, operated until 1947, parts reconstructed in the 1990's at the Old Thresher's ground in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, bz/2003); owns about 200 acres of land. Lived nine‑teen years in Michigan. Was Justice of the Peace and Supervisor five or six years; have one son living---Joseph H., partner in the mill, was born Feb. 28, 1853. He was married Jan. 1, 1873. to Amelia L. Turner; she was born near Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 14,1850; have one son---Charlie H., born Oct. 28, 1873. ‑
Marvin, J. H., farmer (miller), Sec 23; P. O. Fayette.
MASQUART, NICHOLAS C., farmer: Sec. 9; P. O. Fayette; born in France Nov. 2,1836, emigrated to the United States in 1854; worked two years in Huron Co., Ohio; from there came to Illinois, and to this county in 1859. Was married Nov. 20, 1864, to Laura Mayville; she was born in Palmyra, N.Y., March 10, 1839; have six children ---Julia V., John F., Mary C., ,Margaret, Laura, Joseph A., and Susan L. Owns 252 acres of land. Attend the Christian Church; Mrs. M. is a Catholic.
Matsell, R. E., blacksmith, S. 14; P. O. West Albany.
Maxfield, S., farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. Fayette.
Meyers, Eli, farmer, Sec. 12: P. O. Lima.
Moore, J. R., farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. Fayette.
Morris, S. W., farmer, Sec. 11; P. O. Fayette.
NEFZGER, SIMON, dealer in general merchandise, West Albany; born in Baden, Germany, Nov. 20, 1821; emigrated with his parents to this coun‑try in 1834 j settled in Ohio. Married Christina Kuhuzie in 1845; she was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, June 20 1822; came to this countr y in 1856, and to this town (Albany) in 1859 ; have four chil‑dren living ---Christian, Mary L. (now Mrs. Earl), August and Henry; lost one---Malia, died in 1854. Owns 230 acres of land. Was School Director and postmaster one year each. Family attend the Lutheran Church.
OELBERG, JOHN P., merchant tailor, West Albany; born in Luxem‑burg, Germany, Jan. 6, 1822; came to the United States in 1840; traveled, working at his trade in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and many other sections of the United States and Canada. Was married in Dubuque, in 1857, to Eliza‑beth Betts j came to this county same year; she was born in Germany Nov. 11, 1830 ; owns 120 acres of land; have seven children-James J., Franklin, Anna M., James C., John, Albert and Charles F.; lost one--Mary. died March 29, 1868. Mr. O. was Postmaster here under Buchanan's administration; has been Deputy Postmaster since 1872; was School Director seven years.
ORR, .JOHN, farmer and stock dealer, Sec. 21, P. O. Fayette; born near Montreal, Canada, Aug. 1, 1837; came to this county in 1857; bought part of farm where he now lives in 1859; has been increasing it until he now owns 230 acres. Was married July 4,1860, to Martha J. Douglass; she was born in Pennsylvania, Sept. 9, 1838; they have three children---Ethelbert B., Minnie E. and James. Mr. Orr is the most extensive stock dealer in this part of the country; handles, on an average, from $70,000 to $90,000 worth annually. Is a Democrat.
Parker, T. R, farmer, See. 23; P. O. West Albany.
Parker, T. T., Sec. 25; P. O. Fayette.
Patterson, T., farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. Fayette.
Perkins, Reuben, farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. West Albany.
Peters, John, farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. West Union.
PLANK, GEORGE n., farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. West Albany; born in Greene Co., N.T., Feb. 23, 1826; was residing in Kansas when it was admitted as a State. Was a member of the 11 th Kansas Regiment during the war. Was married in May, 1866, to Delilah Luse; was born in Ohio, died in 1873; he was married again in 1874, to Mary E. Hill ; she was born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., in 1847; her father was a resident of that county from 1821 to 1867; have one adopted son-Louis, born May 28, 1872.
RAY, LOUIS, farmer, Sec. 2;
P. O. West Union.
Ray, Levi, P. O. Fayette.
Rice, Will. farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Lima,
Richmond, L, farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. West Albany.
Rogers, Niles, farmer, Sec
13; P. O. Lima.
Rogers, N., farmer, Sec. 15; P.O. West Albany.
Rogers, S., farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Lima.
SEBER, GEO., farmer, Sec. 15, P.O. West Albany.
Seeger, J., farmer, Sec. 10, P. O. West Albany.
SHAFFER, DAVID, carpenter and joiner, Sec. 9: P. O. Fayette; born in Union Co., Penn., in 1829; moved with his parents to Grant Co., Ind. Was married there in 1852, to Jane E. Pemberton; she was born in Miami Co., Ohio, in 1830. They came to this county in 1857, and lived in Fayette, where he worked at his trade until 1873, when he bought. this farm of 80 acres, and has been farming ever since; have six children---William, Franklin, Tacie J., Robert B., David L. and Minnie; lost one---Phebe C., died at the age of 2 years. Mr. Shaffer was School Director four years. They are Methodists.
Sheppard, F. M., farmer,
Sec. 13; P. O. Lima.
Sheppard, G. M., farmer, Sed. 12; P. O. Lima.
SMART, GEORGE W., farmer and mason, Sec. 2; P. O. West Union; born in Clinton Co., N. Y., Jan. 19, 1824. Was married Jan. 7, 1852, to Nancy Loughrin; she was born in Tyrone Co., Ireland, Jan. 10, 1827; was brought by her parents to this country when an infant; they came to this county in 1857. Mr. Smart was employed in the erection of the first Courthouse in West Union, in 1857; also the new one in 1874. . Have four children--- Ira, born Oct. 19, 1852; John, I born Sept. 10, 1854; Charles, born Sept. 24, 1816, and Harriet, born April 27, 1860. Minnie Dargin, a niece of Mr. Smart’s, also resides with them.
Smart, J., farmer, Sed. 2; P. O. West Union.
Smith, C., farmer,
Sec 2; P. O. West Albany. .
Smith, E., farmer, Sec. 5; P. O. Fayette.
Solomon, W., farmer, Sec. 2; P.O. West Albany.
Stearns, H. J., farmer, Sec.
11; P. O. West Albany.
Stearns, J., farmer, Sec. 11; P. O. West Albany
Stearns, S., farmer., Sec. 1; P. O. Lima.
farmer, Sec. 1;
P. O. Lima; born in Vermont, Dec. 6, 1824; came to this county in 1851; entered
the land he is now farming, then wild land, principally timber; owns 202 acres
of land. Was married in 1852, to Phebe L. Kent; she was: born in Vermont March
24; 1830; have three children---Orville W., Aurelia S., and Eugene P. Mr.
Stearns was County. Surveyor three terms, Assessor one term, and Town Clerk
several years. Was Assessor of Westfield Precinct when it included nine
townships. Mr. and Mrs. Stearns are members of the Congregational.Church
Steel, Jacob, farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Lima.
Talbott, T. R., farmer, Sec. 13, P. O. LIma.
Thorp, A. J., farmer, Sec 2; P. O. West I Albany.
Tupper, A. J., farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. West Union.
VALENTINE. R. T., farmer, Sec. 22: P. O. West Albany.
WALKER, D. J., farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Fayette.
WHITLEY, GEORGE L., farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Fayette; born in Chittenden, Vt., Dec. 4, 1799; moved to Dearborn Co., Ind., in 182 ; was among the early settlers of that county. Was married there to Sarah Riggs; she was born in Philadelphia in 1804; they came to Linn County, Iowa, in 1841, and to this county in 1850; owns 320 acres of land. Mrs. W. died Aug. 2, 1869; she was the mother of ten children---Sarah (now Mr. Chessman), Caroline (Brace), Elizabeth (Bell), Lydia (Webb), Electa (Richardson), John H., Fredelic M. and George are living; William and Mary are buried in Indiana; George who Iives on the home farm, was married Aug. 24, 1869, to Lucy T. Lumsden; she was born in Ireland Dec., 14, 1846; they have three children---Ada, Jennie and Came.
Whitley, H., farmer, Sec. 35: P. O. Fayette.
Widger, Eli, insurance
agent, West Albany.
Widger, Peter, mail carrier,
West Albany.
Wing, Ed., blacksmith, West Albany.
WRIGHT, JOSEPH, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 16; P, O. Fayette; born in Lincolnshire, Eng., Aug. 31, 1821: came to the United States in 1842; lived in Hamilton Co., Ohio, six years and in Campbell Co., Ky., four years. Was married Aug. 12, 1849, to Alice Heath; she was born in Lancashire, Eng., in 1828; came to this county in 1854; owns 216 acres of land. Mrs. W.’s mother, Mary Heath, came from England to this county in 1858; resided with them until March 13, 1878, when she died, aged 81. Has on hand, usually, about fifty head of cattle and seventy to a hundred of hogs.
Wroe, Jos., farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. West Albany.
1875 Plats
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All of my direct surnames were
very early pioneers into Fayette Co, generally in the mid 1850's. Growing
up in Fayette and trekking the hills, prairies, streams throughout the county
when the small villages and farms were so active and functional before the
1960's, the now lost history and memories of the pioneer generations and
lifestyles from 1840-1960 continue to hold my interests.
Barry Zbornik
625 N. Section
Hannibal, MO 63401