manual fan switch you can turn the fan on whenever the combination of slow traffic and hotter weather produces a
situation where engine temperature will start going up over normal ranges. ....I have ridden the FZ
enough to know the engine heat reacts almost exactly like the build up in the
Vmax and V65. It becomes excessive very quickly at slow town speeds or stop and
go traffic in relatively cool outside temps in the 60's and up, the fan
needs to be on manually long before the thermo switch activates the fan.
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Yamaha FZ1
will give you manual control of engine temperature
Manual control of the cooling fan in hot weather and in heavy traffic will assist in
temperature control. You will/can have the fan on long before a chance of
overheating occurs and thus do not have to attempt to bring the temperature back
down, which is often the case with even a different thermo switch which turns on
the fan at a lower temperature. The manual switch is the way to go.
Trust me, it works. And works better then changing out to a different
thermo switch.
There may be some useful installation ideas on the Vmax
Fan Switch pages
you go any farther read FZ1jackson's suggestion!!
may be a better method than what I present below.
.... I found it was easier just to
mount the switch, fasten a wire to each of it's terminals, run them across
underneath the tank to the other side of the bike to the two wires that are
fastened to the fan thermostat switch and SPLICE one of the switch wires to
each wires attached to the thermostat. Be sure to leave the original wires
attached to the thermostat. That way the fan can be operated by you closing
the circuit manually with the switch or by the closing on the circuit by the
FZ1 Manual Fan Switch
Installation Summary
....Buy a standard two pole toggle
....Remove left cowling panel.
....Mark spot to drill hole for switch.
....Carefully "Drill" tight fitting switch hole using knife point.
....Fit switch to panel, then remove and set aside for later wire attachment.
....Remove the right cowling panel.
....Locate the thermo switch connector just inside and under the radiator cap.
....Snap the male end of the switch off, releasing the clip with a long/thin
....Feed the male thermo plug from the right side over to the left side.
....Cut the thermo wires and spice an extension lead to each fan wire lead.
....Run the extension fan wires over to the right side.
....Splice together the two sets of fan, thermo and a switch leads.
....Slip the thermo switch back in place.
....Run the two switch leads back to the left side.
....Attach the switch leads to the switch.
....Install the switch in the left cowling panel.
....Test the switch before reinstalling the cowling panels.
Where is the best place to locate the fan switch?
....You may locate the manual
switch anywhere you like on either panel or the handle bars.
....Trust me however when I say the location near the left hand as it drops
down off the bar is very functional.
....I have a toggle switch mounted in the same location on the FZ, Max, V65
and would not consider any other location for me.
....With a tank bag and loaded for long hauling, the above location is
absolutely perfect on the highway or in town.
....My hand can just drop straight down to the switch with no fumbling or
looking for location.
....The FZ's "hot indicator idiot light" apparently comes on every
time the fan runs.
....Thus if one watches the panel lights you will have an indicator light for
the manual fan switch.
....I generally just drop my hand down and check it periodically, and the
location is absolutely perfect for me.
Mounting the Switch
...Remove the left cowling panel.
....Mark a location for the
...."Drill" a hole with a knife point.
....Start by just carefully twisting the knife back and forth into the
....Go slow and be patient.
.....While working the hole for
the switch, test the fit often as you want a very tight fit to stabilize the
....The reason for using the knife is to get the perfect fit that is not
possible with a drill bit.
the switch into its mounting hole.
....Then remove the switch and set it aside for later wire attachments to the
fan leads.
Visualize with me a moment
....The engine temperature is kept in
control by water flowing in the water jacket around the outside of the
combustion chambers, oil cooler, etc.
....The water carrying the excessive heat away from the engine enters the top
of the radiator.
....Near the radiator cap, sitting inline and just before the thermostat is a
thermo unit or switch.
....If the water flowing through this region to above a certain temperature
the switch closes a circuit turning the cooling fan on.
....There is a hot wire coming from the fan which runs through the thermo unit
and back to the fan, thus the thermo unit is just a switch that is sensitive
to a temperature and closes the circuit at that temperature. There is a
negative wire from the fan to the frame, but we never even see this wire, only
the positive lead.
....By cutting the two leads into the thermo switch, and splicing leads from a
toggle switch into the cut ends, the thermo switch continues to work to close
the fan circuit or the manual switch can be used to close the fan circuit and
turn the fan on at the discretion of the rider.
....This will work on any bike with a thermo switch controlling the fan.
Splicing the switch into the Fan hotwires.
....Remove the right cowling
....Locate the thermo unit.
....Use a long, thin screwdriver to flip the clip on the male end of the plug
up enough to remove the male end.
....Feed the male thermo plug from
the right side over to the left side or see if you can pull the plug out to
the right side and get enough wire/room to cut the two thermo wires and splice
them with a lead that you can run back over under the top tubes and behind the
headset to the switch mounting point on the left cowling.
NOTE: I cobbled this process up and never did see if leads could be made
to the switch from the right side. I assumed that the plug had to be
moved over to the left side, its wires cut and a segment of wire ran from the
fan leads back over to the right side for splicing into the thermo plug
leads. Confusing, yes, follow the pics.
....In the pic below you are looking at the left side of the bike. The
male thermo plug has been brought over from the right side.
....The two wires coming out from the fan below to the male plug have been cut
and the ends stripped.
....IMPORTANT, at this time take the male plug and just set it over to the
right side of the bike and out of the way.
....VISUALIZE: We are going to splice some extra wire onto the two wires
coming from the fan and then run those leads back over to the right side of
the bike. The reason for the extra wire is there is just not enough
length of wire coming out of the fan to work with on the right side of the
bike where we have to spice a lead into and run it back to the manual switch
on the left cowling panel. Confusing, just follow the pics as we go,
re-read and visualize.
....With the male thermo plug set
out of the way over on the right side of the bike.
....Cut a couple of sections of wire, strip the ends and splice each to one of
the leads coming from the fan.
....Use a wire nut of the correct size, and put a tie wrap around the wires to
hold them securely together.
....The color of the wire is not an issue. I was in a hurry and did not have
the right wire. Sometime I will go back and redo the wiring. At
that time I will use only very thin black wire, as the wire can be seen down
under the front of the tank and the wire coming from the fan is very small.
....After extra length sections have been spliced
to the wires from the fan, run the two leads over to the right side of the
bike, through the same area you pulled the male plug.
....The pic above shows the two
fan leads passed over to the right side.
....The pic below shows the two fan leads coming out on the right side, with
the male thermo plug laying on the radiator cap.
....If you cut the fan leads below to length and spliced them to the leads of
the male plug, we would be right back to the initial thermo circuit.
What we have done so far is just to lengthen the wire coming from the fan to
the male thermo plug to get some room to work.
....Now we will spice together two groups of three wires, each containing a
lead from the fan, the male plug and a length of wire that will be taken back
to the left side to attach to the manual switch.
....When done we will have two switches in place on the positive wire into the
fan. One switch being the automatic thermo and the other the
manual. Either switch when closed will close the circuit to the fan,
thus turning the fan on. In other words, both switches work.
....Cut a couple of sections of
wire long enough to go back across the bike to the manual switch, leaving
extra room to work.
....Strip one end of the manual leads.
....NOW PAY ATTENTION: Splice together a lead coming from the fan, the
male plug and the wire that will go to the manual switch. There will be two
sets of these leads spliced together. Use a wire nut and use a tie wrap
to hold the wires secure.
....Note in the pic below how big the extra wire is. Much too big for
this job. Buy some smaller wire similar to the size of the thermo switch
wire. I will someday replace this mess.
....With the splices made run the two leads going
to the manual switch back over to the left side where they can be hooked up to
the switch.
....With the manual switch leads
over on the left side of the bike, it is time to replace the male thermo plug.
....The thermo unit is fairly delicate so do not force it back into
place. Inspect how it fits. The pic below slows the proper
orientation with the top in the up position.
....With the thermo unit reconnected, move back to the left side of the bike
to attach the leads to the manual switch.
....Bring the left panel up and
into relative replacement position to judge the correct length to cut the
leads coming over from the right side. In the pic below the fan switch
is attached to the panel, but you had removed the switch and set it aside,
which is the way to do it, as the wires cannot be easily connected to the
switch while it is in the panel.
....Cut the wires to desired length and strip the end to attach to the manual
....Attach the leads to the switch
and test.
....Note: I like to flip the toggle forward for the on position.
So not is a good time to test and see if the fan will come on using the manual
fan switch. If it comes on in the off position of the switch just reverse the
....When the switch is working properly, reinstall
it back into the hole.
....Replace both the left and right cowling panel and clean up.
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