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Expansion Encounters
"Expansion of Spirit and Time in '99"

Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

We retrieved your email from various spiritual related resources or we have received an email from you. If you would like to not be on this email list please use your reply function and type in 'Remove' and it will be done.

(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*``~` (`~`*`~`)

If you prefer to read this online, you will find it as "December, 1999"

(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*``~` (`~`*`~`)

Christmas comes
but once a year...

or does it?

We can experience
the gift of Christmas
every moment
throughout the year!
We can experience
the gift of Love, Peace, Joy
every day!
Take it with you
wherever you go!
Pass it along
to everyone you meet!
You will receive
a richer gift in return!
Christmas isn't just
once a year!

(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*``~` (`~`*`~`)

A Note for Newcomers - and a Reminder for Others:

I have a request! I publish a little snail mail metaphysical newsletter and am looking for additional subscribers as well as articles by guest authors.

I thought you might be interested in communicating in this special way with other metaphysicians.

If you care to participate by subscribing to Starburst, writing an article or poem, or submitting an ad, you would be tickling my joy bubbles!

If you send an article for publication and have a business interest, send along the info. It will be included as a brief bio with your article published.

The Life Now philosophy has a much wider scope than my limited beliefs. I believe only as much as I am aware. Life Now includes the consciousness of everyone. This eliminates all fences or boundaries. Life Now then becomes personal to each individual to the extent we use it.

I have been working and playing with Life Now in my life for twenty years. It has encouraged me to broaden my consciousness in spiritual matters, to my family and to others.

Starburst will reveal some of that learning of spiritual matters as well as insights from others. We can all gain new insights through the network of sharing.

You can see a sample at Starburst

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LAST CHANCE - for 2000/y2k/millennium slogan
It's "that time" again for finding a personal enrichment slogan for year 2000! Will choose a winner again this year and post all entries at my site.

Looking forward to your input! This is one of the most important contests of the year because you will be seeing the winning slogan in each issue of Expansion Encounters throughout 2000!

(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*``~` (`~`*`~`)

With tho'ts of the millennium approaching, here is a thought to ponder from one of the books I've written:


Every day we begin a new life. Our life experience depends upon how we use the present moment. If we master our present life and continue to have control, we experience our purpose every day.

What new achievements do we want to attempt today? What steps can we take to become involved in these experiences? Every day we have opportunity to grow because of these experiences. Are we discovering and growing?

Have we committed to a spiritual quest to develop refinement within? Have we made a concentrated study to bring freedom into every aspect of our life?

Today's accepted busy life style can provide a self-admitting excuse for not having time for a personal quiet retreat. Today's hectic life style makes it essential to take daily personal quiet time for reflection and guidance.

Gaining new insights daily can show us the path toward success. Personal quiet time provides the insights.

(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*``~` (`~`*`~`)

My sis-in-spirit's site, which gave me an opportunity to be webmaster Ms Sunshine's Garden

Sunny is an apartment manager in Carson City, NV - if you are or know of anyone who might be looking for residence there click here

Some very enlightening info about a group of believers from Biblical times Essenes

Recommended by Julianne

Gabriel has created some lovely works of art. This is my favorite

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(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*``~` (`~`*`~`)

Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

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