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Piccolo's watching you
The Tenkai
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Yo, Welcome to my DBZ fan page, The Tenkai. This is just a little site I cooked up because I have a computer and DBZ kicks ass(If they can say it on FOX, you can read it on my site). My webmater name is Kami-Sama, but if you're on mIRC type /server newnet and come to #dbz, my nick is Vlad, I'm usually on weekdays after 5pm EST. I did a big update and ripped the menu on the left off my man, SSJGoku500(heh, sorry) Thought I'd give him credit so visit his site here. I update alot even though I don't post ALL the updates, if I don't have alot of time I'd rather just do what needs to be done and not write a paragraph about it. Enjoy the site, Music Vids COMING SOON!

Stuff of the Month

Site Of The Month: Da Black Goku - Man, This site is awesome. I like it better than mine, it has links to almost all eps on, an awesome image gallery, and very interactive with the people who view his page. Good work.
Quote of the Month: "I will take you to the Amusement park if you can hit me, Trunks" - Vegeta
Pic of the Month:Gohan, Piccolo, and Goku - (Pretty cool pic, got it from

DragonBall Z
You don't know what DBZ is? Well, I'll tell ya. DBZ is the anime created by Akira Toriyama about a group of fighters that have to save the world on many occasions. It has ALOT of fighting and not much plot, but that's how I like it. Very good drawing. It has 4 major sagas, The Saiya-jin saga where the Z fighters take on Radditz, Vejita, and Nappa. Freeza saga where the Z fighters search for the Namek Dragon Balls and run into Freeza which Goku has to defeat. The Cell saga(the best saga) where the Z fighters take on numerous androids and a powerful enemy named Cell. And finally, the Buu saga where they have to beat the powerfulest enemey ever faced, Majin Buu.

10-21-00 - I made a BIG update and changed the front index and registered the url: so it will be easier to type.

10-19-00 - I cleaned up the sections and added a few more images

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I made this page to inform people about Anime and Manga and Japan Animeation, not to page-pirate or infringe on copyrights. All copyrights belong to Bird Studios, Toei Video, FUJI TV, FUNimation, Cartoon Network, Kitty, and Akira Toriyama. I mean, hey, this is just a site for people who love DBZ, if they're something illegal about it, tell me, and I'll look into it. All materials on this page are ® by Kami-sama, 1999. All rights reserved.

Site Profile

Creator: Kami-sama
Created: April 22 1999
Site Title: The Tenkai
Last Updated: 10/21/00
All ® Kami-sama. All rights reserved.