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Fayette County Census of 1860
Westfield Township

....1875 Map;  by this time the railroads were crossing Fayette County and there was significant population growth an development.  In 1860, although there was several thousands settlers in the County there was still a large amount of unclaimed, uncleared, unbroken land.  This was a time of rapid movement into the county and the claiming of new farms for many settlers, however nearly all manufactured commodities and supplies were still being brought in from the Mississippi River port of Dubuque, with a small amount from McGregor and up from the Cedar Rapids area to the south.  By the time of the above map in 1875 all areas had been settled and developed, major communities were developing and the rapid rail movement of human commodities was revolutionizing the culture of the area. 


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The First Pioneers
1850 Census of Fayette County
In the Beginning of Fayette County
Upper Iowa University brief.
1860 Census of Westfield Township

The First Pioneers

---Pioneers in Fayette County Before 1850
....Between 1840 and 1850 there were people who lived in Fayette county, for a while at least, whose names did not appear in the census list recently printed in the column for 1858. Most of those folks had moved away by 1850. A few who continued to live here may have been skipped by the census taker. The names of some of such earlier settlers may be found by searching the history of Fayette county, published in 1878. Others may be secured from a series of twenty-eight newspaper articles, "Fayette County in the Forties" contributed by T.D. Peterman to the West Union Argo in 1901. Those works were written while folks were still living who could remember back to those earlier years.

Peterman’s First Pioneer List of the 1840’s--- 
....? Atwood, ? Baker, W.H. Bailey, James Beatty, Horace Bemis, ? Bonham, Samuel Barazelton, Benjamin Brooks, Henry Brooks, Hiram Brooks, Jessie Brooks, Nelson Brooks, (their father) Brooks, ? Chlson (spelling?), Samuel Connor, George cook, James (Jimmie) Crawford, Sam Crane, George Culver, Amos Cummings, Goodson Cummings, Lewis Delzene, Joseph Dickinson, ? Downs, Lorenzo Dutton, Robert Gamble, John Giles, Charles Glidden, ? Hadley, A.J. Hensley, Joe Hewitt, Moses Hewitt, ? Hyde, Charles Jones, Henry Jones, E.A. Light, ? Lucklow, Hyler Lyons, ? Messenger, ? Mullign, Major ? Mumford, John Nagle, Earl Newton, Royce Oatman, William Orrear, Jacob Ourey, John Paddleford, William Paddleford, Willima Palmer, Reuben Perkins, Zopher Perkins, ?2 Pettit, ? Piper, John Randall, ? Rausdell, Ben Reeves, David Ring, William Ring, J. W. Rogers, William M. Rosier, ? Ryan, ? Sackett, Moses C. Sperry and father, ? Spofford, James Stevenson, T.R. Talbot, ? Teagardner, ? Tombs, William Van Dorn, Kitten Voshell, Isaac Webster, Franklin Wilcox, Nathan Wilcox, Sanford Wilcox.

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1850 Census of Fayette County, Iowa

Heads of Familes, Fayette County, Iowa, 1850---Robert Alexander 31 (Note, he was operating on a sawmill on the southwest portion of Westfield in the Fayette valley, therefore numbers close to him are in the Fayette area,z) , Noah Alexander 34, William Anderson 9, Horace Andrus (?) 48, Wilcox Aquilla (?) 64, Peter Alsern (38), James Austin 147, Solon W. Barnes 6, Henry H. Baker 15, William Bartlett 141, Charles Bell (96), Margaret Berk 61, Solomon Bishop 63, Joseph Bradshaw 11, Harvey S. Bronson 124, Chansey Brooks 5, David Brooks 5, John Brooks 25, Mattison Brown 52, Oliver Brown 126, Martin Burdick 151, Harrison Butler 32, Absolom Butler 128, Caleb D. Carlton 117, James Carrol 84, Washington L. Case, 107, William P. Cavenaugh 62, Lukins Clark (?) (129), Chester Clestern (?) 105, Margaret Connor (76), John Conner85, Matthew Connor 90, Samuel Connor (90), Joseph Crawford 129, Thomas Crooks (49), Thomas Crooks 49, Franklin Crosley 20, James Davis 154, Joseph Deford 78, Lewis Deloynie 152, Benjamin Dimond 87, Thomas Douglas (38), John Downey (114), David H. Downs 142, Morris Earl 137, Hiram Earl (137), James Earl 138, John Eddy 137, Rudolphus Eddy 144, Charles Ellis (129), Dempsey Elrod 64, Ely Elrod 129, Sarah Elrod (129), Isaac Enders 143, Knud Everson 82, Ambier Everson (92), William Fetch 67, Daniel I. Finney 9, Isaac Fitch 60, Thomas Follett 51, Elipholet Follett 112, Simon Follett (112), Edwin Follett (117), Rebecca Forbes (87), Simeon B. Forbes 88, Joseph Forbes 89, Joseph Foster 140, Robert Freeman 19, William Frasier 76, John Frasier 82, William Fussell 28, David E. Fussell 30, Oliver P. Gallaher 55, Ephrom Gardner (151), James Garrison (55), Helen Gear (47), David German 8, William Gibblin 53, Levi Gifford (136), Calvin Gitchell 150, Stephen Greenup 125, Nathaniel Hall (119), John Hannah (38), Elisha Hartsoff 132, Samuel Hatton 56, John Hendershott 108, Michal Henmon 42, Andrew Hensley 45, Abraham Holing 149, Jacob Hoover 131, Henry Hopkins 40, Lysander Hopkins (137), Elizabeth Hopkins (137), Lyman Hord 127, Oley Houson 94, Bent Houson (94), Sarah Huff (114), James Hughson 148, Sarah Hunt (15), Charles Hyler 95, Lemuel Iliff 118, Benjamine Iliff 122, Hiram Jackson 103, James Jennings 29, John Johnson (106), Henry Johnson 106, Jason Johnson 111, Elf Johnson (111), Anson Kellogue (3), John Kellogue (31), Thomas Kerr 119, John Kerr (119), Hannah Kirkpatrick (129), Chaunsey Leveritt 110, Jacob Librand 68, Crotus A. Light 46, Harry W. Light 43, Remembrance Lippencott 72, Hugh Lockard 7, Gabriel Long 102, Monroe Lott (87), Robert K. Lounsburg (13), David Lowe 18, Stephen H. Ludlow 47, William Lumsden 50, Alexander Lumsden (50), Clark Lukins (129), Joseph Lyon 104, Ermina Lyon (104), Dorcus McCameram (80), Daniel McDuffy 145, Joseph McGee 36, Thomas McKinley (26), William McKinney (13), George McKinney 14, Joseph McLaughlin 57, Andrew Martin 116, John Matthew 117, John Matthews 108, America Mattews (99), Avril Miller 23, George Miller (43), Wilson Miller 66, Eugene Moine 22, John P. Moine (22), Evleine Morkley (2), William Morris 49, George Morrison 123, Russell Moron (147), Alexander Mussleman 120, George W. Neff 33, Palmer Newton 21, William E. Newton (21), Jerod Nutting 100, Eren Oleyson (93), Jacob Orey 74, Mary Ottercreek (87), Betsey Ottercreek (90), Sirenius Packard 99, Francis Palmer 97, Albert Palmer (97), Asa G. Park 4, Woodman Perkins (1), Calvin Perkins 12, John Philips 105, Ebenezer Piper (137), Alonzo Randel 54, Stephen Reeve (88), Samuel Rice 73, Richard Richardson 26, Phroney A. Rickell (71), Jacob W. Rogers 65, Jacob Rosier 133, George Rosier (133), William Root 77, Ely Root 79, Emily Root 81, George Rowley 106, Nickolas Russell 58, Charles Sawyer 113, Allen Sawyer 114, James L. Sawyer 115, Thomas Scott 41, Sylvester Seward 3, Conwright Sheeley (31), Chansey S. Smith (23), Thomas J. Smith 39, Henry F. Smith 71, George Smith 83, David Smith 136, Charles Smith 139, Asa South 129, George Stansbury 75, james B. Stephenson 86, Samuel Stevens 98, Susan Stobough (57), Philip Stobough 59, Thomas B. Sturgis 38, David Tailor 1, Silas Tailor 10, Willima Thompson (69), Anthony Thompson 96, John Turner 130, Francis Vosial 16, Peter Vosial 17, Marrion Warner (117), Edwin C. Watters (or Wotters) 153, Levy W. Watrous 44, Lucy Welch (4), William Wells (68), Matthew Wells 69, Sarah Wells (69), David Wells 70, Joshua Wells 80, George L. Whitley 24, Arson Wickham 146, Aquilla Wilcox (64), James Wilson 137, Thomas Wilson (146), Joseph Woddel 39, Thomas Woodel 37, Benjamine Woods 27, Jimerin Woodson 13.

In the Beginning of Fayette County

....There were 154 families shown on Prices 1850 census of Fayette County.
....Fayette County is 6 townships wide and 6 townships "tall." Each township is 6x6 miles or 36 square miles per township. Total square miles in Fayette County therefore is 36x36 or 1296 square miles, which when divided by the 154 families mean there was only one family for every 8.5 square miles in 1850.  There were no actual towns developed, only couple of merchants and craftsman located together near future town locations.
....Not all of these families were farming, as one of the first tradesman to follow farmers into a pioneer area are millwrights who would set up sawmills on the Turkey and Volga Rivers. Plus traders and merchants were always pushing into the frontier. Assuming about 100 of the families were setting up farming claims and perhaps attempting to plow or pasture 60 acres each, which would probably be generous at this early date, only one growing season after the land was officially opened to farmers, only 6000 acres of the 83000 acres in Fayette County were being farmed. Within ten years, by the 1860 census,  almost every inch of the county would start to be exploited in some fashion by the rush for land and a living on the frontier.

---The first Villages in the County---The early platted villages in Fayette county were: West Union-June 1850, Westfield-July 1851, Auburn-1851, Volga City (Lima)-Oct 1851, Taylorsville-Feb 1852, West Auburn-Sept 1853, Centerville (adjoining Taylorsville)-May 1854, Albany-July 1854, Elgin-Feb 1855, Fayette-June1855.

Some notes on Upper Iowa University, at Fayette

....The 1860 census lists a number of Upper Iowa University students living within the village of Fayette/Westfield. Upper Iowa opened in 1857 for students, but in the first years of growth the numbers remained small.  The Seminary building was started in 1855, with the first floor ready for occupation by late 1856.  
....The Seminary building was constructed by local craftsman, quite a number of whom came to Fayette specifically to work on the building, especially the stone masons as the Seminary building was a major construction right on the edge of the frontier with absolutely no local industry in place to support such a feat.  
....Initially the university of conceived in 1854/5 by the Roberston's and Alexander's both as a family endeavor to support education, but more importantly for economic speculation and gain, as the two families owned nearly all of the prime land around the Fayette/Westfield valley area. Robert Alexander was one of the very first to claim land in the newly opened are north of the Neutral Ground line in 1849, building the first mill at today's Klock's Island, and within six years a university would start.

....The vision of the first building was simply a much smaller construction of hewn timbers and rough cut boards.  After John West arrived in 1856 to head up the construction it apparently was obvious to him that the local limestone beds might be utilized for a much more elaborate construction of huge limestone blocks.  His ideas were more costly but after apparently a short deliberation with the Robertson's and Alexander's the present project as we know it started by the summer of 1855.  As no local industry was in place, limestone quarry areas had to be located.  A major lime kiln was put into operation to supply lime for the making of lime mortar and plaster.  Lumberman, sawyer's, stone masons,  blacksmiths, carpenters, teamsters, laborers had to be advertised for and rapidly moved to the newly platted village of Fayette, in the control of the Robertson's.  Along with the buiding of the university was an increase in farming activity, craftsman, merchants.
....Many of the first families to take up permanent, long term settlement in Westfield Township came by 1860, some to farm, some like GGGrandfather Reuben Sr. Hunt, a master head stone mason, to work the new College building.
....The early development of a  University at Fayette  in the frontier times had significant positive impact on the quality of life in the county, drawing improved economics, social and genetic base into the area very early in its development. 

I860 Census for Westfield Township of Fayette County, Iowa

Westfield Township Census 1860, Fayette County, Iowa
Additional notes and information has been inserted.  Families were generally sensed by a in a sequence of some type, often by the census taker riding back and forth, east and west on a north south pattern through a county or township.  The point being, families near each other in the numbering sequence are living in close proximity, on an east/west pattern.  Within town, the census takers would simply walk the platted streets in a pattern attempting to locate any households living in more remote areas.  

Fam, Surname, Given Name, Age, Sex, Occupation, RealEst Val, Pers Val, Birthplace

1307 Mills M. P. 18 M Student Connecticut
1307 Cooke M. R. 21 M Student Connecticut
1307 Drugley M. R. 20 M Student N York
1307 Johnson M. R. 18 M Student Wisconsin
1307 Drake M. R. 18 M Student Illinois
1307 Allen M. R. 17 M Student Illinois
1307 Chase M. R. 19 M Student Illinois
1307 Whaley M. R, 20 M Student Illinois
     These students would be living together, probably in a dormitory situation in Seminary Hall.

1308 Willsen (Wilson?) John 30 M Merchant 1,000 400 New York
1308 Willsen Harriett 30 F New York
1308 Willsen Edgar 4 M New York
1308 Willsen Frank 1 M New York

1308 Munson J. J. 18 M Clerk New York

1309 Webster A. 30 M Merchant 1,000 400 Vermont
1309 Webster Sarah 30 F Vermont
1309 Webster Erffa 3 F Iowa

1310 Hunt Reuben Sr. 35 M Master Mason 200 100 England
1310 Hunt Elizabeth 29 F New York
1310 Hunt Thos V. 11 M England
1310 Hunt Walter E. 9 M England
1310 Hunt Elizabeth 6 F England
1310 Hunt Washington 4 M New York
The Hunt family migrated directly from New York State in 1855 to work on the College. He would build a small frame house on several lots of land purchases from the Robertson's, at the base of the hill coming down into Fayette (College Hill) from the south and on the east side of the road. In 1856 he brought his family from New York to Iowa to stay for good.  Eventually he added to the house and build a major brick house in the area. Later his son Reuben Wrench Hunt would farm the land on the bottoms and hillside to the SE of Fayette. After Reuben finished his work on the Seminary he traveled to Ames to be be a lead mason on a number of the first Iowa State University buildings, then to return to Fayette to live out his live as an area stone mason, building number of the larger cut limestone buildings in the area.  Fayette would then become the hometown of the Hunt family until the death of his Great-grandson, Walter Reuben Hunt, who farmed 180 acres along the Big Rock Road, just north and east of Fayette, until he died in 1977, the last of the Hunt Clan in Fayette.  All of Reuben Sr's sons would become mason's as well as farmers and teachers.  Many families however, listed in the 1860 census would move on to other locations. Reuben would become a head stone mason of the Seminary project

1311 Slaymake (r?) Charles 34 M Laborer 1,200 400 Scotland
1311 Slaymake Ann 34 F England
1311 Slaymake Mary 13 F Canada
1311 Slaymake John 10 M Canada
1311 Slaymake Chas 8 M Wisconsin
1311 Slaymake Rebecca 5 F Illinois
1311 Slaymake Edwin 3 M Iowa
1311 Slaymake Elec 1 M Iowa

1312 McCarty S. 35 M Farmer 500 300 Ireland
1312 McCarty Mary 25 F Ireland
1312 McCarty Allice 7 F New York
1312 McCarty Harriett 5 F New York
1312 McCarty Isabella 3 F Iowa

1312 Noble C. 24 F Student Pennsylvania
1312 Noble Harriett 17 F Student Pennsylvania
1312 Slaymake Thos 6 M Illinois
    These are probably three student living in a cabin or small rough lumber building.

1313 Waterbury D. 75 M Farmer 800 400 Conneticut
1313 Waterbury Polly 72 F New York

1314 Wiltsie P. M. 50 M Physician 2,000 1,000 Canada
1314 Wiltsie Elizabeth 22 F Canada

1315 Benge Wm 49 M Farmer 1,000 200 N Carolina
1315 Benge Elizabeth 48 F N Carolina
1315 Hughs Wm M. 6 M Indiana

1316 Vines Daniel 49 M Justice 800 300 Pennsylvania
1316 Vines Amanda 42 F Indiana
1316 Vines Horace G. 10 M Indiana
1316 Vines Albert W. 6 M Illinois

1317 Morehouse Chas 37 M Farmer 300 New York
1317 Morehouse Clarissa 30 F Canada
1317 Morehouse Sophronia 9 F Canada
1317 Morehouse Emily J. 2 F Iowa
1317 Morehouse Clarissa 1/12 F Iowa

1318 Torode (Rhode?) C. W. 47 M Farmer 1,500 600 Gurnesy
1318 Torode Charlott 37 F Ohio
1318 Torode William H 13 M Illinois
1318 Torode Earnest 10 M Illinois
1318 Torode Sarah E. 5 F Iowa

1318 Salsbury Serena 18 M Domestic Ohio

1319 Payne Corles 53 M Farmer 1,500 800 Ohio
1319 Payne Sylvaia 40 F New York
1319 Payne Nason L. 22 M Student Ohio

1320 Davis J. W. 22 M Farmer 200 Pennsylvania
1320 Davis Esther 20 F New York

1320 Camp Mary 49 F Pennsylvania

1321 Noble Robert 32 M Chair Maker 500 200 New York
1321 Noble Laura 29 F New York
1321 Noble Allice 5 F New York
1321 Noble Charles 3 M Iowa

1322 Carpenter Ira 50 M Black Smith 200 210 New York
1322 Carpenter Emily 49 F New York
1322 Carpenter Miles 11 F Illinois

1323 Lampier Bettsy 20 F School Teacher 500 100 Illinois
1323 Turner Eliza 55 F 500 100 Massachusetts
1323 Lampier Violet 1/12 F Iowa

1324 Shaffer David 32 M Master Carpenter 200 100 Pennsylvania
1324 Shaffer Jane 30 F Ohio
1324 Shaffer Wm R. 7 M Indiana
1324 Shaffer Wm F. 5 M Indiana
1324 Shaffer Pheoba 2 F Iowa
1324 Shaffer Lydia 28 F Pennsylvania

1325 Samuel Jacob 40 M Stone Mason 1,000 200 Pennsylvania
1325 Samuel Martha 37 F Pennsylvania

1325 Chamberlain E. B. 32 M Student 300 200 Canada

1326 Burch John 61 M Druggist 3,000 300 Vermont
1326 Burch Lydia 63 F New York
1326 Burch Laura 30 F Student Canada
1326 Burch Henry M. 24 M Student Canada

1327 Havens D. J. 29 M Minister Meth. Ep. 200 Indiana
1327 Havens D. W. 31 F New York
1327 Havens Howell 8 M Ohio
1327 Havens Clara 5 F Ohio
1327 Havens Read 2 M Iowa

1328 Kent Symanthia 64 F 300 200 Vermont
1328 Kent M. F. 23 F Student Vermont

1329 Barnard Royal 38 M Farmer 3,000 300 New York
1329 Barnard Mary 35 F New York
1329 Barnard Antnett 8 F New York
1329 Barnard Jasen */12 M Iowa
1329 Barnard Jasen 65 M Vermont
1329 Barnard Lucy 63 F Massachusetts

1330 Comstock Isaac W. 52 M Master Carpenter 1,000 200 Conneticut
1330 Comstock Esther 27 F Ohio
1330 Comstock George I. 20 M Student Michigan
1330 Comstock Frank 12 M Illinois
1330 Comstock George 8 M Vermont
1330 Comstock Isaac W. 4 M Iowa
1330 Comstock Ernest W. 1 M Iowa

1330 Hill Adaline 53 F Vermont

1331 Sperry J. B. 46 M Farmer 2,000 800 Vermont
1331 Sperry C.C. 44 F Vermont
1331 Sperry D. C. 23 M School Teacher New York
1331 Sperry C. W. 12 M New York

1331 Doty Andrew 28 M Merchant 2,400 1,000 Ohio

1331 Gould E. 30 M Blacksmith 100 New York

1331 Thompson James 25 M Blacksmith 100 Ohio

1331 Richards G. W. 29 M Physician 200 200 New York
1331 Richards M. A. 28 F Pennsylvania

1332 Cole Horace 57 M Master Carpenter 500 200 N Hampshire
1332 Cole Melinda 50 F New York
....The Cole family remained in Fayette.

1333 Willson (Wilson?) Eban R. 43 M Black Smith 1,000 400 Vermont
1333 Willson Charlott 40 F New York
1333 Willson Ada 13 F Vermont
1333 Willson Wm F. 11 M Vermont
1333 Willson Lucinda 2 F Iowa
1333 Willson Lucy 6/12 F Iowa

1334 Keasy E. A. 34 M Farmer 500 200 Ohio
1334 Keasy Nancy R. 30 F Ohio
1334 Keasy Fred 6 M Michigan
1334 Keasy Bell 2 F Iowa
1334 Keasy Rose 2/12 F Iowa
1334 Tippton A. F. 22 M Printer Ohio
1334 Cruzan J. A. 19 M Printer Indiana

1335 Crip N. F. 36 M Master Carpenter 300 200 Indiana
1335 Crip Ellen 29 F Indiana
1335 Crip Geo. W. 7 M Indiana
1335 Crip Sarah J. 2 F Iowa

1336 Goodrich A. 31 M Master Carpenter 300 200 Pennsylvania
1336 Goodrich E. A. 26 F Pennsylvania
1336 Goodrich Hattie E. 3 F Iowa
1336 Ross Milton 23 M Student Illinois

1337 Lee S. A. 30 M Minister Meth. Ep.. 1,000 200 Ohio
1337 Lee E. A. 30 F Ohio
1337 Lee Mary 7 F Ohio
1337 Lee Willie 3 M Iowa
1337 Lee George 1 M Iowa

1338 Wright James T. 27 M Shoe Maker 1,000 300 New York
1338 Wright Laura 22 F New York

1339 Waterberry H. W. 48 M Merchant 2,500 1,200 New York
1339 Waterberry M. C. 43 F New York
1339 Waterberry L. W. 20 M Clerk Ohio
1339 Waterberry S. E. 17 F Ohio

1339 Lyons M. R. 21 M Student New York

1340 Emmons E. R. W. 45 M Merchant 4,000 4,000 Maine
1340 Emmons Rosetta 45 F New York
1340 Emmons J. W. 16 M Student New York

1341 Cavenaugh James 51 M Farmer 100 200 Ireland
1341 Cavenaugh Bridgett 26 F Ireland
1341 Cavenaugh Andrew 14 M Canada
1341 Cavenaugh John 12 M Canada
1341 Cavenaugh Dominick 6 M Canada
1341 Cavenaugh Mary A. 11 F Canada

1342 Orr John 23 M Farmer 1,000 600 Canada
1342 Orr Martha 21 F Virginia
....John would remain in Westfield Twp, and lead a major farming family around Albany/Lima/Fayette. The bluff to the southwest of Albany overlooking the Volga River became known as Orr's Bluff, remembered as such today, by very few living folks of the area. His initial farm was on the western hills/bluffs just to the west of the village of Albany.  The Orr's would farm from Albany to Fayette, and remain a Westfield farming family today.

1343 Huff Aaron 36 M Farmer 1,600 800 Ohio
1343 Huff Minerva 28 F Ohio
1343 Huff Richard 7 M Ohio
1343 Huff C. Ann 5 F Iowa
1343 Huff Wm A. 1 M Iowa
1343 Huff Ellis 60 M Farmer Vermont

1344 Winsten A. 31 M Farmer 2,000 800 New York
1344 Winsten Erva 31 F Vermont
1344 Winsten Lovella 10 F Wisconsin
1344 Winsten Ella 7 F Iowa
1344 Winsten John 5 M Iowa
1344 Winsten Edwin 2 M Iowa
1344 Cavenaugh James 8 M Canada

1345 Hayward Inis 29 M Master Carpenter 100 Vermont
1345 Hayward Ellen 24 F Vermont
1345 Hayward Adella 3 F N Hampshire
1345 Hayward George 8/12 M Iowa

1346 Camer Ed 37 M Laborer 300 200 Ireland
1346 Camer Mary 37 F Ireland
1346 Camer Hanah 4 F Iowa
1346 Camer Mary 2 F Iowa
1346 Camer Edward 8/12 M Iowa

1347 Barnard W. W. 36 M Merchant 1,000 1,000 New York
1347 Barnard Mary J. 30 F New York
1347 Barnard Helen I. 11 F New York
1347 Barnard Florence 9 F New York
1347 Barnard Al*ncing M. 30 M Clerk New York
1347 Portes Harriet 30 F New York
1347 Mitchell E. L. 22 M Laborer New York

1348 Gardner P. D. 40 M Merchant 1,000 2,000 New York
1348 Gardner Cynthia 64 F New York
1348 Farrell Errilla 42 F New York
1348 Gardner Ishmal 13 M New York
1348 Gardner Helen 10 F New York
1348 Gardner Geo. H. 7 M New York

1349 Goodrich Abner 43 M Farmer 500 300 New York
1349 Goodrich Sar. A. 36 F New York
1349 Goodrich Allice A. 14 F Michigan
1349 Goodrich Anster A. 11 F Michigan
1349 Goodrich Adeline M 9 F Michigan
1349 Dean Adeline 30 F Domestic New York
1349 Dean Clara 9 F New York

1350 Lamb Silas 38 M Farmer 2,000 1,000 New York
1350 Lamb Rhoda 34 F New York
1350 Lamb Almiram 12 M New York
1350 Lamb Charlott 10 F New York
1350 Lamb Ervin J. 9 M New York

1351 Derby W. H. 39 M Harness Maker 1,200 300 Vermont
1351 Derby Almira E. 34 F New York

1351 Smith George A. 40 M Laborer New York

1352 Wakefield Jacob 40 M Laborer 450 350 Pennsylvania
1352 Wakefield Susan 43 F New York

1353 Burden George 27 M Farmer 200 150 England
1353 Burden Ann 27 F New York
1353 Burden Sarah M. 5 F New York
1353 Burden Lunette 1 F Iowa
1353 Fish Fanny 18 F Student New York
1353 Brush Wm 32 M Minister M. E. 800 3,000 Connecticut
1353 Brush Electa 32 F New York
1353 Brush Franklin E. 7 M New York
1353 Brush Darley R. 11/12 F Iowa
1353 Birdsall Sarah A. 32 F School Teacher New York
1353 Dorchester Olive 22 F School Teacher New York
1353 Higbel Mary 20 F School Teacher New York1353 White Abby 18 F Student Vermont
1353 White John 14 M Student Vermont
1353 White Sarah 16 F Student Vermont
1353 Spaulding Helen M. 20 F Student Vermont
1353 Beck Henry A. 21 M Student Vermont
1353 Beck Sam C. 20 M Student Vermont
1353 Coy E. S. 16 F Student Vermont

1354 Hawthorn John 42 M Farmer 3,000 300 Maine
1354 Hawthorn Hannah W. 34 F Maine
1354 Hawthorn Sarah A. 17 F School Teacher Illinois

1355 Crandel A. 60 M Farmer 400 300 New York
1355 Crandel Rhoda 50 F New York
1355 Crandel Hoxie 18 M Farm Lab. New York

1356 Dooley John 30 M Farmer 300 400 Ireland
1356 Dooley Ellen 50 F Ireland
1356 Dooley Bridgett 30 F Ireland
1356 Dooley John 19 M Farmer Ireland

1357 Griffeth John A. 41 M Farmer 1,000 300 Ohio
1357 Griffeth Sarah 44 F Ohio
1357 Griffeth Sevi S. 18 M Farm Lab. Wisconsin
1357 Griffeth Mary 16 F Wisconsin
1357 Griffeth Fidelia 14 F Wisconsin
1357 Griffeth Boyd 12 M Wisconsin

1358 Parker Jefferson 24 M Farmer 300 300 New York|
1358 Parker Cathrine 28 F Ireland

1359 Sewelly John 25 M Farmer 300 Pennsylvania
1359 Sewelly Becca 24 F Indiana
1359 Lewelly Chas. M. 3 M Iowa
1359 Sewelly Peter F. 1 M Iowa

1360 Boah M. Augustus 30 M Farmer 600 300 New York
1360 Boah Elizabeth 30 F New York
1360 Boah Francis 3 F Iowa
1360 Boah George 2 M Iowa
1360 Boah James 1 M Iowa

1361 Osborne Petter S. 45 M Farmer 300 200 New York
1361 Osborne Martha 45 F Pennsylvania
1361 Osborne James 18 M Farm Lab. Pennsylvania
1361 Osborne Wm 16 M Pennsylvania
1361 Osborne John E. 14 M Pennsylvania
1361 Osborne Sydia 10 F Wisconsin
1361 Osborne Sylvanus 9 M Wisconsin
1361 Osborne Ida 4 F Iowa
1361 Carpenter Sabrina 18 F Domestic Ohio
1361 Ashbaugh Isaac 35 M Brick Maker 1,000 300 Ohio
1361 Ashbaugh Jane 30 F Ohio

1362 Douglass Thos. 38 M Farmer 10,000 1,400 Scotland
1362 Douglass Julia A. 31 F Virginia
1362 Douglass Franklin 2 M Iowa
1362 Douglass Martha J. 21 F Virginia
1362 Ashbaugh W. S. 23 M Farm Lab. 100 Ohio

1363 Dunham Ezeriah 29 M Farmer 2,000 1,000 Pennsylvania
1363 Dunham Caroline 22 F Illinois
1363 Dunham Emma 2 F Iowa
1363 Dunham Frances 7/12 M Iowa

1364 Proctor Nathan R. 39 M Farmer 2,000 800 Ohio
1364 Proctor Susan 35 F Ohio
1364 Proctor Electa 13 F Ohio
1364 Proctor Daniel 11 M Ohio

1365 Arnix E. R. 33 M Farmer 1,200 600 New York
1365 Arnix Desdemona 31 F Pennsylvania
1365 Arnix Malon 2 M Iowa

1366 Jack John 38 M Farmer 100 Prussia
1366 Jack Caroline 28 F Prussia
1366 Jack John 3 M Ohio
1366 Jack Caroline 1 F Ohio
1366 Armstrong Geo. 25 M Farmer 1,000 200 Ireland

1367 Nicholas Dennis 50 (farmer) M 5,000 1,000 Maine
1367 Nicholas Elizabeth 43 F Connecticut
1367 Nicholas Danl 20 M Farm Lab Ohio
1367 Nicholas Allice 17 F Ohio
1367 Nicholas Alleneda 14 F Wisconsin
1367 Nicholas George 11 M Wisconsin
1367 Nicholas Margaret 8 F Wisconsin
1367 Nicholas Reuben 1 M Iowa
1367 Pinkel John 23 M Farmer Canada REMARKS: Idiot

1368 Dean Cyren 27 M Farmer 500 300 Illinois
1368 Dean Barbra 21 F Ohio
1368 Dean William 5 M Iowa
1368 Dean Hannah 3 F Iowa
1368 Dean Mary E. 2 F Iowa

1369 Wright Joseph 38 M Farmer 1,200 800 England
1369 Wright Allice 30 F England
1369 Heath Mary 63 F England
...Joe Wright was farming in Section 2, in the NE corner of the Westfield Twp, 2+ miles north of Albany.

1370 Brown Judge 55 M M Farmer 100 New York
1370 Brown Elizabeth 60 F M Pennsylvania
1370 Brown Wm 23 M M Farm Lab. Pennsylvania
1370 Brown Monroe 17 M M Farm Lab. Ohio

1371 Tann John 34 M M Farmer 1,000 600 Illinois
1371 Tann Mauda 34 F M Indiana
1371 Tann Sarah J. 7 F M Iowa
1371 Tann Mary A. 5 F M Iowa
1371 Tann Angeline 3 F M Iowa
1371 Tann Louisa 2 F M Iowa
1371 Tann Deliah R. 1 F M Iowa

1372 Bass Syren 70 M M Farmer 2,000 1,000 North Carolina
1372 Bass Cathrine 48 F M Illinois
1372 Bass Mahala 12 F M Illinois
1372 Bass Berry A. 10 F M Illinois
1372 Bass Amanda C. 8 F M Illinois

1372 Wright Thomas 17 M M Farm Lab Illinois
1372 Wright Becca A. 13 F M Illinois

1373 Bass Thos R. 45 M M Farmer 2,000 1,000 North Carolina
1373 Bass Mary A. 41 F M North Carolina
1373 Bass Wm 20 M M Farm Lab Indiana
1373 Bass Thos. I. 16 M M Farm Lab Indiana
1373 Bass Siam A. 14 M M Illinois
1373 Bass John W. 13 M M Illinois
1373 Bass Elizabeth 10 F M Illinois
1373 Bass George H. 8 M M Illinois
1373 Bass Benjeman 7 M M Illinois
1373 Bass Mary J. 5 F X Iowa
1373 Bass Jacob H. 3 M M Iowa
1373 Bass Simeon 2 M M Iowa

1374 Willson Sarah 52 F M 200 300 Virginia
1374 Bass Peter R. 23 M M Farmer 250 Indiana

1375 Malchi Sarah A. 28 F M Indiana
1375 Malchi Mary C. 8 F M Illinois
1375 Malchi Ezeriah 6 M M Iowa
1375 Malchi James D. 4 M M Iowa

1376 Boswell Jerome 46 M Farmer 4,000 2,000 Kentucky
1376 Boswell Wm 21 M Farm Lab. Illinois
1376 Boswell Mahette 19 F Illinois
1376 Boswell James 17 M Illinois
1376 Boswell Eliza 18 F Illinois
1376 Boswell Willis T. 14 M Wisconsin
1376 Boswell Maria 12 F Wisconsin

1377 Irish Albert 38 M Farmer 2,000 800 New York
1377 Irish Cornelia 40 F New York
1377 Irish Elva J. 7 F Wisconsin
1377 Irish Estetta 5 F Iowa
1377 Irish Delos 3 M Iowa
1377 Irish Eninia 6/12 F Iowa

1378 Seine Harrison 38 M Farmer 100 New York
1378 Seine Jane 30 F New York
1378 Seine Jane 10 F Illinois
1378 Seine George 8 M Illinois
1378 Seine Amby 6 F Illinois
1378 Seine Louis M. 1 M Iowa

1379 Bridgeman Michael 66 M Farmer 400 300 Pennsylvania
1379 Bridgeman Nancy 61 F Pennsylvania

1380 Bridgeman Michael Jr. 36 M Farmer 400 300 Indiana
1380 Bridgeman Mary 32 F Indiana
1380 Bridgeman Mary A. 15 F Indiana
1380 Bridgeman John D. 10 M Indiana
1380 Bridgeman Johanah 8 F Indiana
1380 Bridgeman Manda E. 6 F Indiana
1380 Bridgeman Sarah M 3 F Iowa
1380 Bridgeman Michael Jesse 3/12 M Iowa

1381 Ross Levi 38 M Farmer 2,000 900 Vermont
1381 Ross Mary J. 30 F Maryland
1381 Ross Wm 6 M Illinois
1381 Ross Joseph 2 M Iowa
1381 Ross Jane 4/12 F Iowa

1382 Withrel Asa 57 M Farmer 200 300 Vermont
1382 Withrel Bettsy 47 F Vermont
1382 Withrel Lavien 16 M Farm Lab Vermont
1382 Withrel Celia 11 F Wisconsin
1382 Withrel Wm 9 M Wisconsin

1383 Butler Harrison 45 M Farmer 2,000 1,000 Ohio
1383 Butler Amanda 41 F Ohio
1383 Butler Mary E 17 F Ohio
1383 Butler Absolem 14 M Ohio
1383 Butler Sarah E. 12 F Ohio
1383 Butler Joseph 10 M Wisconsin
1383 Butler George 7 M Iowa
1383 Butler John 3 M Iowa
1383 Gist John 31 M Farm Lab 100 Ohio

1384 Blunt H. 31 M Farmer 400 Ohio
1384 Blunt Ellen M. 20 F Ohio
1384 Blunt Nancy J. 1 F Iowa

1385 Smith Edwin 48 M Farmer 2,000 1,000 New York
1385 Smith Mary 41 F New York
1385 Geyer Nancy R. 10 F New York

1386 Smith Sam A. 21 M Farmer New York
1386 Smith Nancy 20 F Indiana

1387 Ash Edwin 35 M Farmer 2,000 1,000 Maryland
1387 Ash Matilda 30 F Kentucky
1387 Ash Amanthus 14 M Indiana
1387 Ash Mary J. 12 F Indiana
1387 Ash LaFayette 10 M Indiana
1387 Ash Martha 7 F Wisconsin
1387 Ash Francis 4 F Iowa
1387 Ash Lucinda 60 F Kentucky

1388 Smith Servis 55 M Farmer 2,000 1,000 Connecticut
1388 Smith Elizabeth 50 F Pennsylvania
1388 Smith Emeline 16 F Illinois
1388 Smith Harriett L. 13 F Illinois
1388 Smith Albert 9 M Illinois REMARKS: D. Z. Wolfman
1388 Smith Allice 9 F Illinois REMARKS: D. Z. Wolfman

1389 Allen D. B. 53 M Farmer 2,000 800 Pennsylvania
1389 Allen Maria 42 F Indiana
1389 Allen John D. 21 M Farm Lab. Indiana
1389 Allen Hamtton 19 M Farm Lab. Indiana
1389 Allen Benj 10 M Indiana
1389 Allen Geo. W. 6 M Indiana
1389 Allen Mary L. 2 F Iowa

1390 Countryman Peter 57 M Farmer 500 300 New York
1390 Countryman Margaret 53 F Maine
1390 Countryman John 21 M Farm Lab Ohio
1390 Countryman Dennis 19 M Farm Lab Ohio
1390 Countryman Geo. W. 17 M Farm Lab Ohio
1390 Countryman Andrew J. 13 M Wisconsin
1391 Countryman Lewis 23 M Farmer Ohio
1391 Countryman Sarah 20 F Indiana
1391 Countryman Adelbert 5/12 M Iowa

1392 Covey John 54 M Farmer 200 New York
1392 Covey Patient 56 F New York
1392 Covey Harriett 26 F New York
1392 Covey Polly 17 F New York
1392 Covey Merritt 28 M Farm Lab. New York

1393 Covey Gersham 30 M Farmer 600 300 New York
1393 Covey Cornelia 20 F New York

1394 Moulton Calvin 64 M Farmer 2,500 1,000 Vermont
1394 Moulton Emily 48 F Canada
1394 Moulton Salena 27 F Canada
1394 Moulton Horace 20 M Farm Lab. Canada
1394 Moulton Clarinda 19 F Canada
1394 Moulton Sarah 17 F Canada
1394 Moulton Mary 13 F Illinois
1394 Moulton Ann 9 F Wisconsin
1394 Moulton Fred 7 M Iowa

1395 Reynolds P 50 M Farmer 400 250 New York
1395 Reynolds Martha 43 F New York
1395 Reynolds Wesley 15 M New York
1395 Reynolds Hellen 12 F New York
1395 Reynolds James D 9 M New York

1396 Reynolds Amasa Jr 24 M Farmer 200 300 New York
1396 Reynolds Martha 23 F New York

1397 Barns James 25 M Farm Lab 200 New York
1397 Barns Mary J 21 F Indiana
1397 Barns Rusley 10/12 M Iowa

1398 Wing E 40 M Farmer 100 New York
1398 Wing Eliza 46 F New York
1398 Wing Edgar 21 M Laborer 100 New York
1398 Wing Ellis 19 M Laborer New York
1398 Wing Ellen 16 F New York
1398 Wing Melissa 15 F New York
1398 Wing Elbridge 8 M New York
1398 Wing Emily 3 F Iowa

1399 Butler Loren 40 M Farmer 2,000 800 New York
1399 Butler Harriett 37 F Canada
1399 Butler Lydia A 12 F Wisconsin
1399 Butler Jay 8 M Wisconsin
1399 Butler Frank 5 M Iowa
1399 Butler Adelia 1/12 F Iowa

1400 Jack Chas. 40 M Farmer 200 Germany
1400 Jack Mary 35 F Germany
1400 Jack Charley 12 M Illinois
1400 Jack Mary 8 F Illinois
1400 Jack John 1 M Iowa

1401 Butler James W. 38 M Farmer 1,000 800 New York
1401 Butler Pheoba J 23 F New York
1401 Butler Sarah 3 F Iowa
1401 Butler Oran 1 M Iowa

1402 Fitch Clayton 25 M Farmer 1,000 600 New York
1402 Fitch Henretta 20 F New York
1402 Fitch Ida 2 F Iowa

1403 Epps J. J. 40 M Farmer 2,000 1,000 Georgia
1403 Epps Melinda 39 F N Carolina
1403 Epps Jessey 18 M Farm Lab Indiana
1403 Epps Lemuel 17 M Farm Lab Indiana
1403 Epps Nancy A. 16 F Illinois
1403 Epps Becca E. 15 F Illinois
1403 Epps Elizabeth 10 F Illinois
1403 Epps John M. 8 M Illinois
1403 Epps George W. 6 M Iowa
1403 Epps Rosetta 4 F Iowa
1403 Epps Elvira 2 F Iowa

1404 Bass Sandy 35 M M Farmer 400 200 N Carolina
1404 Bass Sarah S. 30 F M N Carolina
1404 Bass Nancy J. 8 F M Illinoi
1404 Bass W. N. 7 M M Illinois
1404 Bass Matilda A. 6 F M Iowa
1404 Bass Sophronia E. 5 F M Iowa
1404 Bass N N 4 M M Iowa
1404 Bass N N 3 F M Iowa
1404 Epps Wm Riley 17 M Farm Lab. N Carolina

1405 Fitch James H. 40 M Farmer 2,000 1,000 New York
1405 Fitch Martha 40 F New York
1405 Fitch J. Henry 10 M New York
1405 Fitch Martha 8 F New York

1406 Cave Edwin 30 M Farmer 2,000 1,000 Kentucky}
1406 Cave Mary 31 F Indiana
1406 Cave Elizabeth 8 F Wisconsin
1406 Cave Joseph 4 M Iowa
1406 Cave Benj 2 M Iowa
1406 Cave John 9/12 M Iowa
1406 Boag Jesse 60 M Farmer 1,500 1,000 N Carolina
1406 Boag Ann 41 F N Carolina
1406 Boag John 19 M Farm Lab. Indiana
1406 Boag Ruth J. 17 F Indiana
1406 Boag Orange S. 15 M Indiana
1406 Boag James 11 M Indiana REMARKS: "Go it old____"?
1406 Boag Adeline 11 F Indiana REMARKS: "Go it old____"
1406 Boag Cathrine 11 F Indiana REMARKS: "Go it old____"
1406 Boag Guly H. 10 F Indiana1406 Boag Martha 8 F Indiana
1406 Boag Iowa 6 F Iowa
1406 Boag Cully 4 F Iowa
1406 Boag Wm 2 M Iowa
....This may have been two related families farming together and perhaps living off the same set of buildings.

1407 Hughs Saml 30 (farmer) M 560 400 Virginia
1407 Hughs Rebecca J 25 F Indiana
1407 Hughs Wm 6 M Indiana
1407 Hughs Elizabeth 4 F Iowa
1407 Hughs Sarah E. 2 F Iowa
1407 Hughs Thos. B. 2/12 M Iowa
1407 Webb Luther 15 M Farm Lab. Indiana

1408 Porter Andrew 36 M Farmer 1,000 800 Ohio
1408 Porter Ann 30 F Ohio
1408 Porter Mathew 10 M Iowa
1408 Porter Mary E. 8 F Iowa
1408 Porter Melissa J. 7 F Iowa
1408 Porter Cathrine 6 F Iowa
1408 Porter Gilderoy 3 M Iowa
1408 Porter Philena 4 F Iowa
1408 Porter Celesta 2 F Iowa
1408 Porter Rachel 1/12 F Iowa

1409 Patterson Robt. 42 M Farmer 250 260 Penn.
1409 Patterson Mary 35 F Ind.
1409 Patterson Rebecca 8 F Ill.

1410 White Joel L. 46 M Farmer 300 Maine
1410 White Eliza 36 F Maine
1410 White Geo. W. 14 M Maine
1410 White Erva M. 12 M Maine
1410 White Mary E. 10 F Maine
1410 White Chas. L. 5 M Maine
1410 White Susan H. 2 F Iowa
1410 White John H. 1 M Iowa

1411 Thompson Saml A. 32 M Farmer 1,600 Ohio
1411 Thompson Martha J. 27 F Ohio
1411 Thompson Mary P. 6 F Iowa
1411 Thompson Manda K.. 3 F Iowa
1411 Thompson A. E. 2 F Iowa
1411 Thompson Zachariah 2/12 M Iowa
1411 Sherman S. R, 22 M Farm Lab. Ohio
....GGGrandfather Samuel 1 Andrew Thompson grew up in Carroll County, Ohio.  In his mid 20's he removed by ox wagon with at least two of his brothers and made original claim to land 2 miles west of Taylorsville in Fairfield Twp, in 1854.  During the next couple of year's Samuel claimed land in various locations around Fayette County, some on the far side just north of Fairbanks, as well as around West Union and Elgin.  Eventually all of his ten siblings would end up in Fayette County, centering around the Brush Creek (Arlington) area but also locating north around Fayette, West Union, Elgin and Wadea.  Samuel would die in 1865 on a journey back to Ohio, and be buried in Allen Family Cemetery, apparently to escort his parents Zach 1 Caleb and Priscilla Albaugh Thompson to Iowa.  His parents would make the journey immediately after Samuel's burial and farm the remainder of their lives on 120 acres of land originally claimed by their son's immediately to the SE of the Six-corner's Intersection at the south edge of Brush Creek (Arlington).  The farm listed above in 1860 was in the SW 1/4 of Section 36, Westfield Twp.  This is the extreme SE corner of the township. Samuel was also owned other land in the Fayette, Wadena, Brush Creek triangle.

1412 Fussell Jefferson 28 M Farmer 300 Ohio
1412 Fussell Caroline 26 F Pennsylvania
1412 Fussell Allice 4 F Iowa
1412 Fussell Colonia 2 M Iowa

1413 Fussell David 35 M Farmer 6,000 1,000 Ohio
1413 Fussell Rachael 36 F Ohio
1413 Fussell Isabella 13 F Iowa
1413 Fussell Cordelia 11 F Iowa
1413 Fussell Martin 9 M Iowa
1413 Fussell Horton 7 M Iowa
1413 Fussell Darces 5 M Iowa
1413 Fussell Pomeroy 3 M Iowa
1413 Fussell Elias 1 M Iowa
....The Fussell family was farming significant land in the sections south of Albany on the eastern edge of the township.

1414 McGee Joseph 36 M Farmer 6,000 1,100 New York
1414 McGee Elizabeth 35 F Ireland
1414 McGee Wm Henry 17 M Farm Lab. Rhode Island
1414 McGee Joseph 15 M New York
1414 McGee George 11 M New York
1414 McGee James 8 M Iowa
1414 McGee Ernest 7 M Iowa
1414 McGee Rachael 4 F Iowa
1414 McGee Frank 1 M Iowa

1415 Patterson Aaron 33 F Farmer 300 Pennsylvania
1415 Patterson Lucinda 24 F Illinois
1415 Patterson A. Foster 6 M Illinois
1415 Patterson Nancy A, 6 F Illinois
1415 Patterson Becca J. 2 F Iowa
1415 Patterson Geo. W. 1 M Iowa

1416 Jennings James 31 M Farmer 2,000 Ohio
1416 Jennings Emma 30 F Illinois
1416 Jennings Honora 8 M Iowa
1416 Jennings Colesta 7 F Iowa
1416 Jennings Chester 5 M Iowa
1416 Jennings Rosa J. 3 F Iowa
1416 Jennings Frances M. 1 M Iowa
1416 Reeves Nathan 26 M Farm Lab. Ohio

1417 Reed Wm 24 M Farmer 2,600 1,000 Ohio
1417 Reed Clarkey 25 F Indiana
1417 Reed Orvil 4 M Iowa
1417 Reed Elnore 2 F Iowa
1417 Reed Granvel 5/12 M Iowa

1418 Whitely Geo. L. 60 M Farmer 2,000 1,000 Vermont
1418 Whitley Sarah 56 F Kentucky
1418 Whitley Henry 26 M Farm Lab. 800 200 Indiana
1418 Whitley Fredrick 24 M Farm Lab. 1,000 300 Indiana
1418 Whitley George 18 M Farm Lab. Indiana
1418 Whitley Electa 16 F Indiana

1419 Parker Saml 69 M Farmer 100 100 Pennsylvania
1419 Parker Sidney 68 F Virginia
1419 Parker Wm B. 2* M Farm Lab. Pennsylvania
1419 Parker Nancy 26 F Pennsylvania
1419 Parker Cathrine 25 F Pennsylvania

1420 Welsh Benjoman 65 M Farmer 800 200 Pennsylvania
1420 Welsh Cathrine 56 F N Jersey
1420 Welsh Cathrine 22 F Ohio
1420 Welsh Leander 20 M Farm Lab. Ohio

1421 Yost Price 25 M Farmer 300 Ohio
1421 Yost Iantha 3 F Iowa
1421 Yost Edwin 11/12 M Iowa

1422 Hyde Ebenezer 66 M Farmer 1,000 400 Conneticut
1422 Hyde Lacy C. 64 F Conneticut
1422 Hyde Esther A.. 29 F Massachusetts
1422 Hyde D. B. 19 M Wagon Maker Illinois

1423 Talbot R. J. 41 M Farmer 2,000 1,000 Ireland
1423 Talbot Eliza 40 F Scotland
1423 Talbot Lucy 16 F Ireland
1423 Talbot Eliza 12 F Ireland
1423 Cook John 18 M Farm Lab. Canada

1424 Lumsden Wm 50 M Farmer 2,000 1,000 Scotland
1424 Lumsden P. Jane 40 F Ireland
1424 Lumsden John A. 19 M Farm Lab. Ireland
1424 Lumsden Richard 16 M Farm Lab. Ireland
1424 Lumsden Lucy 14 F Ireland
1424 V Jane E. 12 F Ireland
1424 Lumsden Margaret 7 F Iowa
1424 Lumsden Louise 4 F Iowa
1424 Lumsden Alexander 40 M Farm Lab. Ireland
1424 Hobson Nicholas 25 M Blacksmith 100 100 Ireland

1425 Newcomb Clark 50 M Farmer 2,000 1,000 Vermont
1425 Newcomb Julia A. 44 F Connecticut
1425 Newcomb Lewis D. 17 M Farm Lab. Ohio
1425 Newcomb Isbella L. 15 F Ohio
1425 Newcomb Mary E. 12 F Ohio
1425 Newcomb Roland C. 10 M Ohio
1425 Newcomb Edwin 8 M Iowa

1426 Graft Petter 30 M Farmer 1,000 800 Germany
1426 Graft Mrss 28 F Germany

1427 Davis Josiah 23 M Farmer 400 300 Indiana
1427 Davis Hannah 20 F England
1427 Davis Wm 2 M Iowa
1427 Davis James 5/12 M Iowa

1428 Lewis Isam 59 M M Farmer 1,000 800 Indiana
1428 Lewis Elizabeth 23 F M Indiana
1428 Lewis Allen 20 M M Farm Lab Indiana
1428 Lewis James 19 M M Indiana
1428 Lewis Marth 16 F M Indiana
1428 Lewis Thomas 13 M M Indiana
1428 Lewis Wm 11 M M Illinois
1428 Lewis Joseph 9 M M Illinois
1428 Lewis Theodore 7 M M Illinois
1428 Lewis Albert 4 M M Iowa

1429 Roger Stephen 40 M Farmer 800 600 New York
1429 Roger Martha 39 F New York
1429 Rogers Geo. R. 9 M New York
1429 Rogers Orlando 6 M New York
1429 Rogers Edwin 5 M Iowa
1429 Rogers Francis H. 4 F Iowa
1429 Rogers Summer 1 M Iowa

1430 Rogers John 67 M Farmer 300 300 New York

1431 Lacy Samuel 49 M Farmer 1,000 500 New York|
1431 Lacy Mary 36 F New York
1431 Lacy Burritt 13 M New York
1431 Lacy Benj 11 M New York
1431 Lacy Chas. J. 8 M New York
1431 Lacy Frank 6 M New York
1431 Lacy Madena 1 F Iowa

1432 Waldon George 60 M Basket Maker 100 100 England
1432 Waldon Maria 61 F England

1433 Wheatly Andrew 36 M Farmer 400 150 Vermont
1433 Wheatly Lucy 24 F New York
1433 Wheatly Allice May 3 F Iowa

1434 Helms S. D. 45 M Minister Cong. 3,700 800 New York
1434 Helms Mary K. 40 F Canada
1434 Helms George L. 10 M Iowa
1434 Helms Saml C. 6 M Iowa
1434 Helms Frank W. 7/12 M Iowa
1434 Helms Sarah 73 F New York

1435 Barr John 33 M Farmer 100 Scotland
1435 Barr Jennet 44 F Scotland
1435 Barr James 23 M Student Scotland
1435 Barr John 22 M Farm Lab. Scotland
1435 Barr Mary 17 F Scotland
1435 Barr Wm 15 M Scotland
1435 Barr Jennet 12 F Scotland
1435 Barr Margaret 9 F Scotland
1435 Barr Ellen 8 F Scotland
1435 Barr Thos. 5 M Pennsylvania
1435 Barr Andrew 2 M Pennsylvania
1435 Barr Marion 7/12 M Iowa

1436 Stearns Winslow 35 M Farmer 3,000 1,000 Vermont
1436 Stearns Phoeaba 29 F Vermont
1436 Stearns Orvil W. 5 M Iowa
1436 Stearns Aurelia 1 F Iowa
1436 Briggs Oran 15 M Farm Lab. Wisconsin
1436 Briggs Edny 12 F Wisconsin
....The Stearns family initially settled just to the north of Albany in what was known as Frog Hollow.  This is an old pioneer family of Westfield Twp, with many members farming and remaining the county throughout the 1900's.

1437 Folley Thos. 38 M Farmer 500 350 Ireland
1437 Folley Margaret 32 F Ireland

1437 Folley Mary 8 F New York
1437 Folley Thos. 5 M New York
1437 Folley Edward 4 M New York

1437 Folley Margaret 2 F Iowa
1437 Folley Ellen 5/12 F Iowa

1438 Smart George W. 37 M Farmer 250 200 New York
1438 Smart Nancy 33 F Ireland
1438 Smart Ira 8 M New York
1438 Smart John 6 M New York
1438 Smart Chas. H. 4 M New York
1438 Smart Harrett 2/12 F Iowa

1439 Wilber R. T. 32 M Farmer 500 300 New York
1439 Wilber Lydia 31 F Virginia
1439 Haskins Cl*y 10 F New York
1439 Wilber Alonzo 4 M Iowa
1439 Wilber Louis 2 M Iowa
1439 Wilber R. F. 2/12 M Iowa

1440 Harrison Christen C. 36 M Farmer 2,000 1,000 Norway
1440 Harrison Louise 30 F Norway
1440 Harrison Caroline 6 F Iowa
1440 Harrison Elizabeth 5 F Iowa
1440 Harrison George 2 M Iowa

1441 Cullen Wm 40 M Farmer 800 400 Ohio
1441 Cullen Manda 35 F Ohio
1441 Cullen Dorcas 5 F Iowa
1441 Cullen Henry 3 M Iowa
1441 Cullen Martin 1 M Iowa

1442 Cullen Isaac 30 M Farmer Ohio
1442 Cullen Mary A. 25 F Ohio
1442 Cullen Wm A. 1 M

1443 Cruzan Jonathen 43 M Physician 200 100 Ohio
1443 Cruzan Delilah 43 F Kentucky
1443 Cruzan Wm 10 M Wisconsin
1443 Cruzan Mary 7 F Wisconsin

1444 Knight Jonathen 51 M Farmer 800 400 Ohio
1444 Knight Adaline 34 F Ohio
1444 Knight George 5 M Iowa
1444 Knight Charley 3 M Iowa

1445 Draper Saml 28 M Farmer 100 Indiana
1445 Draper Sarah 23 F Ohio
1445 Draper Chas 2 M Ohio

1446 Thorp John 50 M Farmer 2,800 1,000 England
1446 Thorp Julia A. 35 F New York
1446 Thorp Alfred J. 27 M Farmer 550 100 New York
1446 Thorp Edney 11 F Illinois
1446 Thorp Justice W. 9 M Illinois
1446 Thorp Frances E. 4 F Iowa
1446 Thorp John */12 M Iowa

1446 Hinman Louis 70 F Connecticut

1447 Fouser John 35 M Farmer 200 Wurtemberg, Germany
1447 Fouser Louisa 23 F Wurtemberg
1447 Fouser Christena 8 F Ohio
1447 Fouser Cathrine 6 F Ohio
1447 Fouser Mary 4 F Indiana
1447 Fouser Cathrine 60 F Wurtemberg

1448 Smith Chancy 32 M Farmer 1,200 800 Vermont
1448 Smith Lucy J. 26 F Vermont
1448 Smith Morriss C. 10 M Vermont
1448 Smith Lillian 4 F Iowa
1448 Smith Susan 1 F Iowa

1449 Wilber R. T. 71 M Farmer 1,000 400 New York

1450 Landers Chas 35 M Farmer 300 200 New York
1450 Landers Pelina 33 F New York
1450 Landers Elizabeth 8 F Pennsylvania
1450 Landers Smith 5 M Pennsylvania

1451 Rice El*c 41 M Farmer 100 100 Ohio
1451 Rice Olive 20 F New York
1451 Rice Mary 3 F Iowa

1452 Staples A.P. 60 M Farmer 200 Massachusetts
1452 Staples Sophrinia 54 F Canada
1452 Staples Stephen 18 M Farm Lab Canada
1452 Staples Ellsie 17 F Canada
1452 Staples Robt. H. 15 M Canada

1452 Staples Cynthia 12 F Canada
1452 Staples Henrietta 10 F Canada

1453 Salman Wm 35 M Farmer 400 300 New York
1453 Salman Cenith 30 F New York
1453 Salman Wm 7 M Wisconsin
1453 Salman Estella 5 F Wisconsin
1453 Salman Thankful 3 F Iowa
1453 Salman Emma 2 F Iowa

1454 Thorp Edwin 42 M Farmer 1,500 800 England
1454 Thorp Henrietta 29 F New York
1454 Thorp Elbridge 16 M Farm Lab. Illinois
1454 Thorp Ellsworth 14 M Illinois
1454 Thorp Allice 7 F Indiana
1454 Thorp John 5 M Indiana
1454 Thorp Wesley E. 3 M Iowa

1455 Barchholder Saml 43 M farmer 100 Pennsylvania
1455 Barchholder Elizabeth 39 F Pennsylvania
1455 Barchholder Benjeman 15 M Farm Lab. Maryland
1455 Barchholder Geo. W. 13 M Maryland
1455 Barcholder Wm 11 M Maryland
1455 Barcholder Richard 9 M Maryland
1455 Barcholder Martha 6 F Maryland
1455 Barcholder Saml 5 M Iowa
1455 Barcholder Julia 2 F Iowa

1456 Hensley A. J. 26 M Farmer 1,200 850 New York
1456 Hensley Loretta 18 F Illinois
1456 Hensley George W. 9 M Iowa

1457 Wautrous David 70 M Farmer 200 200 Connecticut
1457 Wautrous Rebecca 68 F Canada
1457 Wautrous Ruben 26 M Farm Lab. 200 Ohio
1457 Wautrous Lydia 24 F New York
1457 Wautrous Francis 5 F Iowa
1457 Wautrous Hetta 2 F Iowa

1458 Chandler E. E. 27 M Cabit (Cabinet) Maker 1,000 1,000 New York
1458 Chandler Nancy W. 25 F Indiana
1458 Chandler Hazen 2 M Iowa
1458 Finch Duane 18 M Laborer Indiana

1459 Chandler J. A. 27 M Chair Maker 1,000 1,000 Maine
1459 Chandler Martha 25 F Massachusetts
1459 Chandler Hurlbut 1 M Iowa

1460 Finch J. B. 56 M Farmer 100 100 New York

1461 Dorland John 33 M Farmer 100 New York
1461 Dorland Angeline 30 F New York
1461 Dorland James 11 M Wisconsin
1461 Dorland Aldebert 6 M Wisconsin
1461 Dorland Orville 4 M Iowa
1461 Dorland Adelia 1 F Iowa

1462 Watrous Levi 35 M Sawyers 300 200 Canada
1462 Watrous Almira 35 F Ohio
1462 Wattrous Ellen 14 F Wisconsin
1462 Wattrous Henry 12 M Wisconsin
1462 Wattrous Clara 8 F Iowa
1462 Wattrous Hattie 4 F Minnesota
1462 Wattrous Fred 3 M Minnesota

1463 Parker Thorton 46 M Farmer 1,000 800 Pennsylvania
1463 Parker Susan 16 F Ohio
1463 Parker Matilda 11 F Ohio
1463 Parker Thos. R. 9 M Ohio

1464 Hensley Andrew 57 M Farmer 2,000 1,000 Kentucky
1464 Hensley Sarah 41 F Indiana
1464 Hensley Jacob G. 24 M Farmer 1,000 Illinois
1464 Hensley Rewben 18 M Farm Lab. Illinois
1464 Hensley Richard 16 M Wisconsin
1464 Hensley Daniel 14 M Iowa
1464 Hensley Sarah J. 11 F Iowa

1464 Hensley Cordelia 6 F Iowa
1464 Hensley Caroline 5 F Iowa

1465 Neftzger Simeon 40 M Farmer 2,000 850 Germany
1465 Neftzger Cathrine 36 F Germany
1465 Neftzger Christen 12 M Ohio
1465 Neftzger Mary L. 5 F Ohio
1465 Neftzger Simeon 9/12 M Iowa

1466 Heckman John 30 M Farmer 300 Germany
1466 Heckman Mary 25 F Germany
1466 Heckman Mary 8 F Wisconsin
1466 Heckman Margaret 6 F Wisconsin
1466 Heckman John 1 M Iowa

1467 Gurney O. R. 54 F 400 100 Massachusetts
1467 Gurney Casius L. 17 M Laborer Massachusetts

1468 Wing John 40 M Laborer 100 New York
1468 Wing Lovina 39 F New York
1468 Wing Elihua 15 M Laborer New York
1468 Wing Clarissa 13 F New York
1468 Wing John 11 M New York
1468 Wing Edwin 6 M New York
1468 Wing Amelia 3 F Iowa

1469 Wing Rhoda 46 F 200 Canada
1469 Wing Cadena 6 M Wisconsin

1470 Olbery John P. 38 M Tailor 300 400 Germany
1470 Olbery Elizabeth 29 F Germany
1470 Olbery Junio 3 M Iowa
1470 Olbery Franklin 1 M Iowa

1471 Kent James K. 42 M Black Smith 100 200 Pennsylvania
1471 Kent Mary L. 32 F Pennsylvania
1471 Kent Mary E. 15 F Pennsylvania
1471 Kent Omar C. 5 M Iowa

1472 Earl Richard 45 M Laborer (Miller & Farmer) 1,600 600 England
1472 Earl Cathrine 41 F Ohio
1472 Earl Joseph 21 M Farm Lab. Illinois
1472 Earl Matilda 18 F Illinois
1472 Earl Mary 14 F Illinois
1472 Earl George 12 M Illinois
1472 Earl Cathrine 7 F Illinois
1472 Earl Eddy 2 M Iowa
....Richard Earl was a miller and farmer.  My 1865 he would acquire several hundred acres around the southern rim of hills at Albany, plus buy out the original Albany mill and then build one the biggest mill and mill dams  on the Volga River. Farmers traveled for miles to the Albany mill to have flour ground because of the reputation of the mill.  Like many big mills, Earl's mill ground grist (grain) and also sawed rough cut lumber utilizing water power.  Grain was often ground at night as flour production took significant time.  Mills needed millers and sawyers so attracted other families, plus craftsman such as blacksmiths, carpenter, leather workers, coopers, merchants.  The village of Albany and adjacent Lima were very prosperous pioneer towns during the early decades of development, with the big mills being a strong drawing card.  By the late 1860's there was an adjacent chair "factory" which shipped chairs and furniture by ox cart and eventually by rail when the railroad came just north of Albany in about 1874. The Earl family remains in Fayette County today, with many of the relative moving into the Fayette area as Albany declined in the 1900's.  At the time of the 1860 census the Earl's were milling and farming the northern part of Section 23, Westfield Twp, adjacent to the southern part of Albany.

Albany Mill and Mill Dan sketch taken from a rare 1869 map of the county.  Richard Earl, proprietor.

1473 Marvin Hiram 53 M Miller 3,000 500 New York
1473 Marvin Abigal 53 F New York
1473 Marvin Joseph 7 M Illinois
....Hiram Marvin built a mill about a mile upstream or to the SW of Albany near the shear bluffs as the Volga came around a bend.  Hiram would trade Albany mill and farm for land near Fayette, and with his son Joseph would build a unique mill powered by the wind, which would sit just to the north and east of the present day bridge (2000) in Fayette.  Joseph and the Marvin family would run a flour steam mill in this location until the 1940's, specializing the grinding of buckwheat flour.  The son's of Lloyd Marvin donated the remains of the steam mill to the Old Thrasher's of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and a nearly total recreation of the buckwheat mill is in place, utilizing much of the old machinery, in one of the big metal museum buildings on their ground, and available for tour.  At the time of the 1860 census the Marvin family was milling and farming in the SW1/4 of Section 23, in Westfield Twp.  

1474 Penrod James 41 M Farmer 500 400 Ohio
1474 Penrod Charlott 45 F Kentucky
1474 Penrod Illia A. 14 F Iowa
1474 Penrod David 11 M Iowa
1474 Penrod Nancy C. 9 F Iowa
1474 Penrod George 7 M Iowa X
1474 Penrod Allen 4 M Iowa
1474 Penrod Almira 2 F Iowa

1475 Hutching John 38 M Farmer 400 300 Scotland
1475 Hutching Mary 26 F Scotland
1475 Hutching John 12 M Scotland
1475 Hutching Eliza 9 F Scotland
1475 Hutching George 5 M Scotland
1475 Hutching James 3 M Iowa
1475 Hutching Mary 50 F Scottland
1475 Hutching John 55 M Scottland
1475 Hutching Thomas 1 M Iowa

1476 Knoyer Silas D. 32 M Farmer 270 200 Indiana
1476 Knoyer Lydia 32 F Canada
1476 Knoyer Frederick 9 M Indiana
1476 Knoyer Lydia A. 6 F Iowa
1476 Knoyer Martha A. 4 F Iowa
1476 Knoyer Edwin S. 2 M Iowa

1477 Andrus Horace 60 M Farmer 1,500 1,000 New York
1477 Andrus Polly 63 F New York
1477 Andrus Danl P. 23 M Farm Lab. 600 200 New York
1477 Andrus Horace J. 22 M New York
1477 Andrus Jane M. 10 F Illinois

0000 Hubbel N. E. 42 M Farmer 1,000 800 Connecticut
0000 Hubbel E. R. 42 F New York
0000 Hubbel Caroline 18 F New York
0000 Hubbel Mark S. 17 M New York

End of Westfield Township Census 1860, Fayette County, Iowa


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