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Last update: Feb. 23, 2004m with the best 'guesses.'
The Original FHS School Song
"Crimson Always Stands for Courage," by Bill Pond, high school senior, 1922.
Crimson always stands for courage,
Fayette's red blood so true,
Clean play and ever fairness,
Makes white our symbol too.
Be it work, debate or football,
It's through the path of right,
That Fayette wins her victory,
Dear old Crimson and the White.
FHS Mascots
FHS’s mascot until 1946 was ‘the Little Peacocks.’ In 1946, FHS changed its mascot to ‘the Cardinals,’ which lasted until the school merged with North High at West Union. It is likely "Crimson Always Stands for Courage" remained the official school song until 1946.
The Cardinal School Song remained relatively intact through the years, with slight variations for sports seasons, and played to various tunes such as On Wisconsin and Minnesota Rouser.
Various Cardinal fight songs and cheer songs were utilized through the years, generations, band-directors, etc, played to various tunes such as On Wisconsin, Minnesota Rouser, Iowa Fight Song, Notre Dame Victory March, Go-U-Northwestern.
The Cardinal School Song
(Sing), tune of Minnesota Rouser
Fayette High School,
Hats off to Thee!
We're all for you
Fight on to Victory.
Make a touchdown.
Run up the score.
Rough and tough and hard to bluff.
Fayette High School got the stuff.
Fight on for Fayette High.
Go, Cardinals, Go!
Go, Cardinals, Go!
Hit 'em high.
Hit 'em low.
Go, Cardinals, Go!
(Repeat song.)
Other tunes were also utilized by various classes and band instructors to include the Notre Dame Victory March and On Wisconsin.
Fayette Alma Mater song, written mid 1950's?, by? Walter Farwell, music instructor
Here's to the school we love so dear,
where friends are good and true.
Where loyalties are ever strong
to thee, we raise our hearts in song.
(Chorus) Fay-ette, Fay-ette,
We shall hold high your name.
And ever sing our praises to-
our Alma Mater, true.
Though years may pass, we'll ne'er forget
our memories of you.
The joys and friendships that we knew
will linger, as will thoughts of you.
Some Fading Memories of School Songs
(post yours to me please)
From Ruberta Paul'40, David Dennis'59, Max Gross'58, Janet Bantz '59, Kathy Keig '63 Kerber, Cindy Anderson'67, Ellen Johnson'70, Mary Butters'73, Paul Adams'77, Craig Miller'80, Ann Glidden'84, Mike Prochaska'85, Keith Hennig'85. Items are placed in class year order of 'donated' ideas.
Tune of Notre Dame Victory March
Cheer, Cheer for old Fayette High
If we’re behind or if in a tie
We are out to win this game
So fight on for victory.
School song to the tune of On Wisconsin
School song to the tune of the Minnesota Rouser
Fayette High School,
Hats off to Thee!
We're all for you
Fight on to Victory.
Make a touchdown.
Run up the score.
Rough and tough and hard to bluff.
Fayette High School got the stuff.
Fight on for Fayette High.
Alma Mater Song, by? Lowell Ballou, band director.
Here's to the school we love so dear
Where friends are tried and true
where da-da-da-da-da-da-da
da -dum-da-da-da-da
Fay-eeeeeettttte, Faaaaayyy-ette
there's more I can't remember
It had at least two verses; was slow, and very heart-warming.
School song to the tune of Minnesota Rouser
School song to the tune of Minnesota Rouser
A Cardinal fight song to the tune of the Iowa Fight Song.
What's the Word?
Fight , Fight, Fight!
The word is fight, fight, fight for Fayette High.
Let every loyal Cardinal sing.
The word is fight, fight, fight, for Fayette High.
Until the walls and rafters ring, (you rah)
Come on and cheer, cheer, cheer, for Fayette High.
Come on and cheer until we hear the final gun.
The word is fight, fight, fight for Fayette High.
Until the game is won!
Alma Mater song, by? Walter Farwell, music
(At this time/Feb, 2004, I/bz am leaning toward Walter Farwell as the
composer of the Fayette Alma Mater song, which would date its writing to
sometime in the mid 1950's.)
Here's to the school we love so dear,
where friends are good and true.
Where loyalties are ever strong
to thee, we raise our hearts in song.
(Chorus) Fay-ette, Fay-ette,
We shall hold high your name.
And ever sing our praises to-
our Alma Mater, true.
Though years may pass, we'll ne'er forget
our memories of you.
The joys and friendships that we knew
will linger, as will thoughts of you.
School song to the tune of Minnesota Rouser
School song to the tunes of Minnesota Rouser and On Wisconsin at pep rallies.
School song to the tune of Go-U-Northwestern.
School song to the tune of MINNESOTA ROUSER
A Cardinal fight song to the tune of IOWA FIGHT SONG
We're gonna fight, fight, fight for Fayette High
Let every loyal Cardinal sing
We're gonna cheer, cheer, cheer for Fayette High
Until the walls and rafters ring
We're gonna cheer, cheer, cheer for Fayette High
We're gonna cheer until we hear the final gong (might have been "call")
We're gonna fight, fight, fight for Fayette High
Until the game is won!
A Cardinal fight song to the tune of NORTHWESTERN FIGHT SONG
Fi---ght on for Fay--ette
And for victory---
With our colors and our name
We'll fight on for our fame (u rah rah)
Fi---ght on for Fay--ette
And for victory---
Fight for the name of,
Fight for the fame of,
Fight tonight to win this game!
School song and fight songs to the tunes of On Wisconsin, Minnesota
Rouser and the Iowa fight Song in the late 70's and 80's.
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of my direct surnames were very early pioneers into Fayette County entering
northeast Iowa in the 1850's. Growing
up in Fayette and trekking the hills, prairies, streams throughout the county
when the small villages and farms were so active and functional before the
1960's, the now lost history and memories of the pioneer generations and
lifestyles from 1840-1960 continue to hold my interests. The
Cardinal pages are a part of that history and genealogy work.
Barry Zbornik
625 N. Section
Hannibal, MO 63401