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Burhanpur is an ancient historical city, situated in the centre of India, in Madhya Pradesh. It occupies a pride of place in Dawat, and is one of the most sought after places of ziyarat, especially because of Syedi Abdulqader Hakimuddin Saheb(RA). It also has the ziyarat of Syedna AbdulTayeb Zakiyuddin(AQ) and Syedi Jeewanji Saheb.

Qubba Mubarak

Qubba Mubarak - Syedi AbdulQader Hakimuddin(A.Q)(right), Syedi Jeewanji Saheb(centre), Syedna Abdul Tayeb Zakiuddin(RA)(left)

Syedi Abdulqader Hakimuddin(RA) Saheb was born in a family of saints in the times of Syedna Ismail Badruddin(AQ)(1st) and he expired in the times of Syedna Ismail Badruddin(AQ)(2nd), in 1730 (Hijri 1142), thus having the distinction of living in the times of 5 Duat. He became famous as Hakimuddin, justifiably Hakim as he was a healer, both spiritual and physical. Even today, thousands and thousands of Zuwwar flock here with hopes and aspirations, with wishes and yearnings, and they never return disappointed; in place of tears and sufferings, now there is a hope and a smile and sukun.

Amongst the many traditions and practices, he had established, the most famous has been the practice of collecting a nominal amount from each family, to be spent for the welfare of the community, known as Sabil-ul-Khair-wel-Barakat. He has also authored a vast treasury of religous books(Kitab) and Qasida.

Syedna Abdul Tayeb Zakiuddin(AQ) visited Burhanpur in 1199 and made it the seat of Dawat. Syedna Zakiuddin(AQ) had initiated the practice of praying 'Yasin' and 'Innalah' in a pattern of Daur after morning namaz. He also introduced praying of 'Takarrub' after each namaaz. His Roza was built near the roza of Syedi Abdulqader Hakimuddin(RA), as was his wish by Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin(AQ), 42nd Dai-al-Fatemi.

The mausoleum of Syedi Abdulqader Hakimuddin(RA) - "Al Qubbatul Hakimiya" was first built around two centuries back, with brick, sand and lime. In 1405, Our beloved Dai al-Fatemi His Holiness Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin(TUS) expressed desire to rebuild the Qubba without distorting the original structure. On Friday 27th Shawwal, 1414 (8th April 1994) the evening of Urs Mubarak of Syedi Abdulqader Hakimuddin, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin(TUS), commenced Iftetah of the newly rebuilt marble qubba.

As one steps out of the mausoleum, one comes across a beautiful marble "hauz" - the water of which contains healing properties for the believers. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin(TUS), offered a brief prayer, sipped the water and exhorted his followers to take water from this Hauz to earn blessings.

Excerpts from "A Chronicle of the Mausoleum, the Dedication and the Heritage" published by Dawat-E-Hadiyah.
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