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The Betrayal

A radiation leak was concealed, and never taken care of, until people started noticing birth defects in their children. The mutations were mostly physical, some of them hideous, some of them as simple as an inhumanely possible color of skin, or slightly enhanced strength. Some even developed odd abilities, though those were few and far between.This "mutant scare" gave Andall Serge, the coporate titan running the city at the time, an idea. He had often admired the power of the Arcaneans, and had wondered about the power he could wiled with an army of enhanced beings. Noting that a few of the children presented to him had developed mutant powers, he sent out a proclamation to the entire city. He told the citizens of Betatropolis that he was going to have his best scientists working on a cure for the mutations, and workers on the radiation problem, to avert any more tragdy. Blood samples were taken from each child, and their genetic potential was evaluated. The scientists were kept incredibly busy, which prevented them from comparing their research, each being set out on a different component of the cure research. There were a few scientists that were corrupt enough to share in Serge's dream, and they added the finishing touches to each individual child's "cure".

As it turns out, there was no cure. The serum created as a cure was actually meant to divert the mutations from being hideous deformations and actually enhancing the radiation's effects, making each child;s dormant genetic potential come out into full bloom. Serge, Inc. warned the populace that it would take several treatments to "prevent further mutations" when in fact, they were actually enhancing each child's abilities further. The twisted scheme was finally unconvered predominantly by two scientists, a married couple by the names of Dr.Sheri Alder, and Dr.Miguel Alder. They had observed their two children, and noticed that their powers were only increasing, rather than receding, or staying the same. They shared their research with other concerned scientists who had children of their own, and though they disappeared before the truth could be revealed, it was uncovered in full force two years later, when reporters dug up the top secret files.

There are various factions in Betatropolis, each with their own causes and motives.





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