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January 1998

Meet the Staff of Poetry Today Online

A brand new year, and I am sure there are plenty of brand new computers involved on the Internet and with them, a few brand new Poets!
I am looking forward to the Greatness that 1998 is promising in the Poetry Internet Industry.
Here, at Poetry Today Online, we are very excited about what 1998 will bring to the readers of Poetry Today Online.
We are currently securing a full staff of contributing editors to provide you with the utmost of service.
Our latest is our News Editor, RobynLynn M.C., who we are proud to have with us. RobynLynn will be handling *News* items, such as General News, and the Poetry Contest sections.
Sienna has a new title of Assistant Editor. I worked very closely with Sienna the last issue. Her abilities, talents, and what she has to offer our readers is Outstanding!
Mary Broussard who provides Poetry Today Online with its beautiful graphics and also advises us on graphic issues is now our Graphics Arts Editor.
Roberto Quintos is our Feature Editor and has an incredible background in the history of Poetry and will be doing our "Classical Poets" section. His site is currently hosting the Poetry Today Online discussion board.
Over the course of the next three months we will be adding many more editors, specializing in sections, so that we can provide you the very best in Poetry Reading and Services.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite anyone who is interested in working on Poetry Today Online to please contact me.
We have the best in contributing poets! The people who have submitted their websites for reviews, those who have submitted their poetry for the Reader Submissions page, and those who who have contributed their poetry for the Poetic E-mail all deserve a standing ovation! *APPLAUSE*
They have done a fine job of responding to make Poetry Today Online the success that it is and a joy to work.
We are proud to be part of your Online Poetry Services!

Success to you always,

Founder & Editor

Poetry Today Online Staff

Margaret Perkins
Founder & Editor

Assistant Editor

RobynLynn M.C.
News Editor
Poetry of the Heart

Mary Broussard
Graphic Arts Editor

Roberto Quintos
Feature Editor & Poetry Board Manager
Roberto's Words

Copyright 1998 © Poetry Today Online
All rights reserved.
All Copyrights are retained by the Original Artists/Writers/Poets.
Written Permission is required to reproduce in any manner.
Poetry Today Online is not responsible for any information that is
written and/or used by contributing writers in their submissions
nor are views represented by Contributing Writers necessarily the views
of Poetry Today Online or the Staff of Poetry Today Online.
Email: Poetry Today Online

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