
This Manipulated Picture is by: Serendipity
Her creativity sickness and amazes me....

I figured that regular guests of this page would like to know when it's updated, hence this page.

Updated June 11th-I'M BACK! Finally out of hell comes me with a new e-mail addy and new section on this page to boot! I've added a challenges page so we can get some fan fiction rolling in. I hope I can bring this page back from flat line and breath new life into it.

Updated December 20th-And boy did I need an update! I split the Stories of Love section up by Author's first names, added several new stories (Stories by Ash-When I Fall in Love, Twilight-and added finished parts to my story 'Midsummer Night's Dream)
This is included with Stories of Passion too (actually just one new story by Reatha).
I plan on adding a lot more stories today if I can and I'm thinking of putting up an images sections of Manipulated pics(which I all ready have) and a section of pics just of Angel and Willow by themselves.
Also, though I am fully aware that my dinky site can not compare to such masterpieces as 'Angel of Mine' and 'It's Always the Quite One's' site I wish I could aspire to be, I hope you may consider voting for me atWillow/Angel Awards
But past all that, Have A Happy Holiday!

Updated October 4th-New parts to 'Vampire Princess Bride', 'Midsummer Nights Dream' and new story, 'Deaf and Dumb with the Lights on'.
I see people have been signing my guestbook which is SO cool! Keep it up, please!

Updated Semptember 26th-I put in about three or four new banners and added three new stories, 'Parallels', 'Dying Of Light', and a 'Midsummer Night's Dream'. Also, there is a new part to 'Getting Personal' so I suggest you check that out if you can.

Updated Semptember 21st-I fixed a LOT of broken links. Including stories and the broken image for the Melinda S. Dawney fic. I also added a Manipulated photo page, changed the format for the front, and the back image in Songs.
That's it for now but there are still some broken links in 'Stories of Passion' that take you to 'Stories of Love' and I'm going to try and fix that.

Updated September 20th-I put in three new stories, 'Getting Personal', 'The Vampire Princess Bride' and 'Interlude to Innocence'. I also put in two new banners, one to 'Forbidden Love' and another to Melinda S. Dawney's fan fic.
I also put in a link for 'Bite Me, Please!'
I have been getting a lot of good buzz from other people about this site and it makes me happy because I want people to enjoy this site and find it as refreshing and exciting as I did when I first came across 'Forbidden Love' two years ago.
Sorry to get all mushy.

Updated September 11th- I put up an Awards page because I now have enough awards to do so! I am also trying to fix all the broken links in Stories of Passion and such.
So if you know of a certain story with a broken link. Contact Me!

Updated September 8th-Thanks to the sublimeAlly, I now have not just one, but TWO beautiful banners for my page. All I can say is:WOHOO!
I also put up one of Ally's stories, 'Lullaby', which is too cute for words and you must read.
Might I add that over 815 people have been to my page but I only have about 9 people in my guestbook. SIGN IT PEOPLE!! I'd sign yours! :P I am very sorry to say that school has reared it's ugly head and updates may be scarce for a while. But I'll try as hard as I can to keep up!

Updated August 29th-Added a link to Lizzie's Labyrinth. I plan on getting some more fan fic up soon.

Updated August 24th- I fixed the Amy Madison banner. I added Part 4 of my 'Sightless' series and three new fics: 'Puppy For Your Love', 'Falling For Willow' and 'Show Me the Meaning Of Being Lonely'. I also won an award for 'Sightless' and I am a MILLION shades of happy!
Please view my award here and go visit Jewel's page.
Thanks to Jewel for the award!!!!

Update August 19th- Put a counter on the main page and added a banner to the site 'Invisible Homework', which features Amy Madison fan fiction!. I've got to start getting more fics. You people have got to start sending me some!!! :P

Update August 16th: Put in a new banner for a page called 'Willow's Guys', it's a great friggin' site! Also put in new fic by Reatha called 'Wicked Willow Goes To The City'
And lastly changed background and picture in the Adult story section

Update August 15th: Put in a seperate page for Adult fics.

Update August 14th: Well this is my new Update page! I put in two new pages, this Update page and a Banner page (because I had too many Banners in Links).
I also got two new pictures from Serendipity.
I rearranged the look of the Stories Of Love page too. I plan on adding some fan fiction when I get the chance.

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