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Sisters we need to support other sisters who have products or services available.  This page is an attempt to promote more products produced by women and make them more accessible to the public.  As this page is advertised your product and or service get advertised more. The more exposure the more chances of getting new customers or recognition of your product and or service.


$5.00 90 minutes  Fi si bi Allah-Polygyny, Ta'leem at Masjid of Al-Isalm, Nashville, TN, September 1999, one hour Ta'leem and question and answer session on the subject of Polygyny in America.  Hadayai Majeed, author of Emerging Victorious:  A Dialogue on Polygamy/Polygyny in America.

$5.00  90 minutes  Marriage Seminar Masjid Al Muminun several speakers, Sr. Hadayai Majeed, Sr. Khalilah on the subject of Marriage and how to sustain a lasting marriage.

Peaceful Families Project Training, Feb. 16-18, 2001, Atlanta, GA  Tape II these tapes are given as gifts to those who support the Baitul Salaam Network, Inc., national domestic violence, awareness, prevention and intervention collaboration.  Various speakers from various organizations around the world participated in the intense three day training and networking session at Masjid Al Mu minun in Atlanta, GA.  Sr. Sharifa
Alkhateeb is the organizer and national trainer for this project.  Send a donation to the Baitul Salaam Network, Inc. and request a tape.  There are three tapes total.  You can email to request a tape and receive information on how to send a donation.

An-Nur Creations Product Line CD/Audio Tapes

Calling all Women:  An inspirational, healing CD that will uplift you and
inspire you to want to make a difference in your community.

Kwanzaa Time:  this is a great educational CD that teaches the child
self-esteem, self-determination, having faith in yourself, encourages the child to go for their dreams.

Puzzles and other educational products contact or
call (770) 438-9865 ask for owner/manager Samadah Nur.

CD $15 (US)/Audio Tape $10 (US)


$10.95 US/$13.95 CAN  Emerging Victorious:  A Dialogue on Polygamy/Polygyny in America, author D. Hadayai S. Majeed.  2nd Printing due out by July, 2001.

$12.95 US/$15.95 CAN  Joy of Islam:  Anthology of Praise, compiled by D. Hadayai S. Majeed, over 50 Muslim poets and writers from all over the world have come together to give the highest praise to Allah through the talent of writing prose and poetry.  This will be a collectors items in years to come. Scheduled release July, 2001.  Order your copy now!

When you order your shipping and handling will be quoted.  It usually takes seven (7) business days to process an order.

Sisters list your items here and every time someone visits our page your product and or service gets exposed.  Also when we advertise this page (and we will offend) your product will be exposed.  Email for more details and how to get your product and or service listed.

Don't Be Quiet about this opportunity-PASS IT ON!


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