A Dream Come True. Sheila's Dream House, Table of Contents
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Contents Menu Updated November 13, 2004

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We must not allow the terrorist to win. The United States of America must remain a free nation ruled by the will of the people. In remembering those lost let us not lose the value associated with individual rights. 

Great, you decided to come in and join me.

Okay, here is the deal. I will make every effort not to bore you with my life story. This site is about my house. A house that I described many times in my mind long before I crossed the threshold.

In a nutshell I am a former school teacher, executive sales person, entrepreneur (still that), bank executive (boring), and a few other interests during my lifetime. I am a divorcee with a beautiful grown (Thank you, Father) daughter, Lisa, a brother Clarence (we call him Jugg), a sister, Alice, and a mother, also named Alice.

I knew I wanted to leave Chicago years ago. I just didn't know where. I considered lots of places, but then, one evening, I sat down with an Atlas and found this spot in New Mexico named Las Cruces. I never heard of it. I went to my trusty computer and bounced out onto the Internet, and in no time I knew a lot about Las Cruces, New Mexico. I immediately planned my trip. Of course when I shared my plan with others they didn't take me seriously. From the Windy City sitting along the shores of Lake Michigan to the southwestern desert? Not likely.

Forest Gump says it best; "Life is like a box of chocolates."

My first visit to Las Cruces was all that was necessary. I loved it. The city is surrounded by mountains, and the desert is truly beautiful; as you will see as soon as I stop running off. I returned to Chicago, put my house on the market, and made plans to move. I believe in Universal Law, and I released to the universe (and my family and friends) my intention of The Father provided as HE always does.

The site tells the rest of the story with images. Navigation is straight forward, and I asked my webmaster to keep the graphics tame so you won't spend a lot of time staring at your computer screen waiting for a page to load. At least I hope that is the case.

I suppose Sheila McCaskill, of Las Cruces, New Mexico is a dreamer, and breathing evidence that dreams do come true. A realized dream is a combination of Faith, internal fortitude, and something that is beyond hope. My pets bring great joy and love into my life. My cats "hug" me every day, and Nevada greets me with great joy through the day. My life in New Mexico has brought into my life changes; but I suggest that they are changes for the better. Each day as I awake in my dream house I am thankful to the Father up above for guiding me to this beautiful desert I now call home. 

I've been in my home for over a year now and without a single regret associated with this life altering decision. If the world in going to hell in a hand basket than I've found the perfect place to watch it. 


Shed No Tears is one of those novels that stick with you.

Table of Contents

Recent December, 2002 Update

Las Cruces, New Mexico

The Desert

Tour The House

New Mexico Winter

My Pets

My Scrapbook 

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