The Quantum Leap of Modern Christianity
Why do Modern Christian
Reject the Faith of their Original Protestant Reformers?
Unanswerable Questions for your Pastor
Second generational Protestant and author of many ideas in modern
Protestantism: John
Calvin. of France. (1509-1564)
Please email me with your questions, objections or comments.
Fellow Christian:
Many modern Christian pastors have taught their congregations that absolutely
no case can be made for the Catholic Faith. That it is the "traditions of man" or that it became apostate early on, (which is the Mormon "Great Apostasy" theory), or that its theology is UNBiblical. (Actually every Catholic
doctrine has Biblical support, they are just the verses not underlined in your
Bible or read in your church). Many modern Christians are then baffled why
Catholics remain in the Catholic Church. The answer is, in part, where else
would they go? Where else would a Christian go to believe as the Apostles taught
the early Church? Isn't that what all Christians desire? To believe as the very
Apostles taught Christ's early Church? Many modern Christians have been taught by
their pastors that Catholic theology is not Apostolic, that it is not the teachings
of the Apostles to Christ's early Church. I would offer the following challenge
for them and their pastor:
here: 3rd Unanswered Challenge for the Modern Christian Theologies: Is Catholic theology
Apostolic? Name one doctrine that isn't. Name one doctrine that Christ's early
Church believed,,, that the Catholic Faith no longer does.
Is there a case for modern Christianity or the
beliefs of your current church? Catholics might reject the
Catholic faith if one could show the link between modern Christianity and the
Apostles. Many of the beliefs modern pastors call "Biblical," were not even
embraced by their own reformers.... What does that tell you? And what does that
tell the very Catholics you would have leave the Church? The Church the Holy
Bible calls:
"The Church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of
truth" 1 Tim 3:15.
some of the beliefs held by modern Christians.
=>These beliefs were either repudiated by Protestantism's own
reformers, or totally unheard of by the first Protestants in the 16th century.
=>And since even the first Protestant reformers did not embrace
these ideas,,, it is virtually impossible for the Apostles to have taught them
to Christ's early Church. For logic follows, since the Bible is a collection of
the teachings of the Apostles, if the Apostles had never heard of these ideas,
it would be impossible for them to write these ideas into the NT Bible.
My friend, just because your pastor says something is "Biblical," doesn't
mean it was taught by the Apostles to Christ's infant Church. It just means it
is "Biblical" to him, here in the 21st century. And if any modern Christian pastor
is free to call "anything" Biblical, we are free to believe anything we want,,,
as long as we call it "Biblical"... A perfect case in point is the "Jesus
Only Pentecostals" who deny the Trinity and call this "Biblical."
Click here: Doctrine of the
United Pentecostal Church - Why We Baptize in Only Jesus' Name.
As you read the following doctrines, ask yourself the "3 Unanswerable
Questions" your pastor can't explain.
1. “Pastor, if you claim
some or all of the ideas listed below are “Biblical,” Why do we find that not
one Christian soul (to include our own 1st reformers) believed such ideas until
the last few hundred years?”
2. “Pastor, since the NT Bible is a
written account of the Apostles teachings, how can these ideas be “Biblical,” if
the Apostles did not teach them or if our own original reformers did not teach
them? How did these ideas get into the Bible for you to declare them
3. “Pastor, is it your position then, that
the Apostles “DID” teach these ideas of yours and subsequently wrote them into
the NT Bible, yet not a single Christian soul taught them *again* until
AFTER the original Protestants and AFTER the Protestant reformation? Does this
make sense? Is this logical? Is this the logic you present every week to
your congregation?”
How will your pastor answer these questions
about the following modern Christian ideas he teaches as "Biblical?"
Logic tells us that if the Apostles
didn't teach it, it's not NT Biblical.
"A Partial List of Beliefs in Modern
The first Protestants (and Apostolic Christianity
for 2000 years) embraced *none* of the following new unorthodox ideas on
Christ's Gospel.
The Holy Bible tells us:
Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8
If Hebrews 13:8 is true, why do we find so many changes to
Christ's Gospel as delineated below?
Click each idea for explanation and documentation for each
idea's author and date of origin:
here: Once Saved Always Saved. Date of Origin: late 16th century by John
Calvin. Previous to Calvin, not a single Christian in the history of the world
taught or believed such an idea to include the 1st Protestants. How then did
this idea get into the Holy Bible if the Apostles did not teach it and put it
here: Prohibiting Baptism to Infants. Date of Origin: 17th century by the
Anabaptist sect. The Holy Bible never excludes infants or children nor to we
ever read of a person being denied Baptism until the age of reason and then
being Baptized. The Holy Bible tells us that "whole families were Baptized" with
no exceptions. Whole families were Baptized through out Christian history until
the invention of the Anabaptist sect who taught contrary to even their own
Protestant reformers.
here: Baptism ONLY by immersion. Date of Origin: 17th century by the
Anabaptist sect. Again prior to the Anabaptist sect, not one Christian in the
preceding 1700 years taught Baptism ONLY by immersion to include the first
Protestants. See
Ezekiel 36:25-26
here: Denial of
the perpetual virginity of the Virgin Mary, believing she had other children,
and denying her historic title "Mother of God". Dates of Origin: the former
dates from the 17th century, the latter is the 5th century Nestorian
Heresy which denied the two natures of Christ by claiming the Virgin
Mary was only the mother of his humanity. This split Christ into two persons,
one human and one divine. This 5th century heresy resurfaced again in
post-reformational Protestantism. All reformers
repudiated this heresy as well as the idea that the "Brothers of the Lord"
were true brothers, vs step-brothers from Joseph or cousins. (There
is no word for cousin in Hebrew).
8. Click
here: modern Christian
Pastor's open acceptance of civil divorce by a secular state authority, and on
that state's authority re-marrying Christians against what God
has previously joined together. Date of Origin: early 20th century. Now
embraced by the whole of Protestantism. Mark 10:9 What therefore
God has joined together, let not man put asunder. 10 And in the house the
disciples asked him again about this matter.11And he said to them, 'Whoever
divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery against her; 12 and if
she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery'" (cf. Luke
16:17-18). The Catholic Church and only the Catholic Church
refuses to recognize the authority of a secular state government in these
9. Click
here: Acceptance
of Female Clergy by many modern Christian churches. Date of Origin: late 20th
century by mainline and now nondenominational Christian churches. Not
only is this unbiblical but it is also Anti-Biblical and contradicts 2000 years
of Christian teaching.
Your current
church may not teach all of these new ideas, but they are all products of the
Bible Only idea which lets modern Christians believe anything they want as long
as they call it "Biblical."
Yet more importantly, all of these ideas must be
rejected as "Apostolic" for not one of them was taught by Protestantism's own
reformers much less the Apostles to Christ's early Church. How can they be
"Biblical" as your pastor has told you, if the Apostles did not teach them and
write them into the Bible?
Ancient, historical Christianity and modern Christianity are
The modern Christian theologies are not what the Apostles taught
and wrote into the Holy Bible.
They are by definition, unbiblical.
The Apostles and your own Protestant reformers would roll over
in their graves if they learned what modern Christianity and your pastor is
teaching today as Christ’s ONE Gospel.
"There is One
Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God." (Eph 4:4)
The Holy
Scriptures tell us that Christ’s Gospel does not change, so how did it change
for your pastor?
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday
and today and forever.
Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange
teachings." Hebrews 13:8-9
My friend, the logic of this argument
is this: if Protestantism's own reformers did not believe the above ideas, how
could the Apostles have taught them to the early Church!? How could the Apostles
have written these ideas into the NT Bible if they never heard of them? How
could these ideas be “Biblical” if the Protestant reformers did not even teach
them? How could these ideas be “Biblical” if the Apostles did not teach them?
The only logical conclusion, is that all of these ideas are but modern
inventions and modern interpretations of the Bible that have zero link to the
Apostles in any shape or form.
How do modern Christian pastors explain this "Quantum Leap" of
their modern theology?
1. “Pastor, if you claim some
or all of the ideas listed above are “Biblical,” Why do we find that not one
Christian soul (to include our own 1st reformers) believed such ideas until the
last few hundred years?”
2. “Pastor, since the NT Bible
is a written account of the Apostles teachings, how can these ideas be
“Biblical,” if the Apostles did not teach them or if our own original reformers
did not teach them? How did these ideas get into the Bible for you to declare
them *Biblical*?”
3. “Pastor, is it your position
then, that the Apostles “DID” teach these ideas of yours and subsequently wrote
them into the NT Bible, yet not a single Christian soul taught them
*again* until AFTER the original Protestants and AFTER the Protestant
reformation? Does this make sense? Is this logical? Is this the logic you
present every week to your congregation?”
How does your modern Christian pastor explain the Quantum leap from his modern
teachings, *past the reformers*,,, to the Apostles (who he claims taught these
ideas and wrote them into the Bible)?
How did the Apostles teach these novel
ideas when Protestantism's own reformers didn't even embrace them?
How did
these ideas get into the Bible if they were invented only centuries ago??
Have you asked your pastor these questions??
That is the irreconcilable problem one must resolve before embracing
modern Christian theology in any shape or form. This is what modern Christians are asking
Catholics to accept as "logical," when in reality it is a physical
impossibility. If modern Christian pastors can answer this "Quantum Leap," I'm sure
Catholics will be on the road to rejecting Catholicism (and the faith of the
Protestant reformers...) and embracing ideas conjured up in the last few hundred
years. How does your pastor explain this? Christ's Gospel does not change
anymore than Christ does.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings." Hebrews 13:8-9
The following site gives the origin of these
modern Christian ideas (and others). The site provides the historical date and the man
who invented these ideas. Just as before Thomas Edison in the 19th century,
there was no such thing as an electric light bulb, likewise, before the last few
hundred years, the ideas that your pastor teaches you are "Biblical," did not
exist either. To say that the Apostles taught these ideas, is akin to saying the
Apostles wrote Scripture by electric lights! It's the same logic. But this logic
is virtually impossible. This methodology is not sound nor logical. Just because
your pastor tells you something is "Biblical" or just because you have believed
something for years on end,,,,doesn't mean it's true. I just want to believe as
the Apostles taught the early Church, no matter where it leads me and no matter
what it costs. I would assume any Christian would, Catholic or Protestant. The
Holy Bible commands us all to:
“Test everything. Hold on to the good.
Avoid every kind of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
Test your pastors
modern theology for apostolicity at:
Click here:
The Origins and Authors of Distinctly modern Christian Doctrines
My friend, can you explain this "Quantum Leap" over your own
reformers? If you can't, and you seek what the Apostles taught the early Church,
here: for HELPFUL LINKS or the 14 sobering questions to test modern Christian
theology for Apostolicity as the Bible commands. Test this modern theology to
see if it is Biblical AND that the Apostles actually taught these ideas. Reject
this theology if you find these ideas to be mere modern inventions, not taught
by Protestantism's own reformers, that have absolutely zero link to Jesus
Christ. The Holy Bible tells us to:
"Keep watch over yourselves and over the whole flock of which the Holy
Spirit has appointed you overseers in which you tend the church of God, that he
acquired with his own blood. I know after my departure, savage wolves will come
among you and they will not spare the flock. And from your own group men will
come forward perverting the truth to draw disciples away after them." Acts
There is a case for the Catholic theology. Perhaps you have just
not given it a fair hearing. I can guarantee you that much of what your current
pastor "says" Catholics believe, is not what they really believe. Always go to
the source. One wouldn't ask the Democrats to comments on Republican ideas, and
likewise, it is not fair to ask modern Christian Pastors to comment on Catholic
theology. Ask "knowledgeable" Catholics what Catholic theology teaches or read
it yourself on this site below or the HELPFUL LINKS
page. Catholic theology was not invented in the last few hundred years as we
find in Christianity, it is the faith of the Apostles and that of your
Christian Fathers for 2000 years. That is why the following claim is easy to
make and substantiate.
here: 3rd Unanswered Challenge for the modern Christian Theologies: Is Catholic theology
Apostolic, name one doctrine that isn't. Name one doctrine the early Church
believed, that the Catholic Faith no longer does.
Again the Holy
Bible commands us to:
“Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every
kind of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
Test modern Christian theology against
Catholic theology for Apostolicity. If one's own Protestant reformers didn't
believe such ideas on Christ's Gospel, why do you? Remember what the Holy
Scriptures tell us:
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and
forever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings."
Please email me with your questions, objections or comments.
God Bless
"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always
be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for
the hope that you have." 1 Peter 3:15
The Catholic Faith comprises the verses not underlined in your personal Bible nor taught in modern Christian seminaries or churches.

Read the Bible verses not underlined in your Bible.
“Test everything. Hold on to the good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21
Suggested reading: