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My Bloggy Blog
Wednesday, 30 June 2004
Here is *one* of the poems originally created by me. It's not the greatest, and shares a lot of painful feelings.

By: Me

Scars and bruises
bloody cuts
knifes and scissors
casket shut

Many people
filled with tears
she's gone forever
lost in fears

People miss
that lonely girl
that sad and lonely
miserable girl

she couldn't take it
she took a knife
to live no more

She cried of pain
she screached and screamed
she jerked and twitched
of pain she beamed

she cried and cried
all through the night
she was to die
but tried to fight

she wasn't happy
and had to die
all because of
a certain guy

^it's not all the best but hey. i tried my hardest and shared my feelings and supposedly thats what counts right? mmk. well there ya go.

Posted by hiphop3/su1c1dal_cr1m3_baby at 1:19 AM EDT
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Saturday, 26 June 2004
Some people are so immature.
Wow. Have you ever noticed how immature some people can act. I mean seriously. Like recently the other day, some person that doesn't even know me called me anerxic! She's all you need to go eat more. First of all, it's like lady you don't even know me so back off. Second off all, I eat a whole lot, but I like to stay healthy and fit. I don't just sit on my lazy butt all day long eating, and playing computer games. I go to volleyball camps, and go play volleyball, swim almost everyday, walk around the block, walk my dogs and everything. People act way too shallow, idiotic, rude, obnoxious, annoying, low, and stupid. They make the dumbest come backs to they're own insults. I honestly think that people need to get up and do something with their lives. Instead of wasting their time making pointless, not to mention dumb, insults. People should get an education and actually use it for once. Jesus people get a life! ok well that's all I really have to say for now. I just had a random outburst that needed to be taken care of! lol.


Posted by hiphop3/su1c1dal_cr1m3_baby at 4:44 PM EDT
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Thursday, 24 June 2004
this is my rand0m/b0r3d0m entry. Since I have absolutely nothing to do i figure i'd spill some feelings and questions in need of advice. First of all, I love to write poetry, and telling the truth all of my friends think i'm awesome at it. So I finally entered a poetry contest, I was sort of confident in myself, not putting myself down. Ok, so I wait a few weeks and get an e-mail that says I got in top 3 of the winning poems. (didn't put the exact placing.) So I was happy, proud, ect. and so I read the rest of the e-mail. It said my poem would be published, *If* I sent in a permission slip with my parents signatures and stuff. Well see, that's where the problem begins. See my parents don't know that I like to write poetry, and my poetry is very personal and stuff, and I hate sharing my feelings with my parents, and never do. It's just never been a bundle of help, it usually messes things up when I talk to them. And if I had them sign it, they'd ask to read the poem, and I'd rather them not. So I don't know what to do about it, but I would really like it to be published, it would be sweet! I'm just a confused little girl!
Well, any opinions try to reach me and help me out.


Posted by hiphop3/su1c1dal_cr1m3_baby at 10:07 PM EDT
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Monday, 21 June 2004
*c0nfus1ng m3 all th3 way*
I'm so confused. I don't know what to do with my life but hey i'm living it up to the fullest. Trying my hardest not to be a quiting, drama queen who mopes around about the stupidest things. I'm trying to be optimistic. It is not the easiest, but most definately not the hardest at all.

Quote of the Day:
"Rain can pour, and lightning can strike, but always look for positives."
By: Myself.

Posted by hiphop3/su1c1dal_cr1m3_baby at 10:24 PM EDT
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