Swollen Members: December 3, 2003 Review

By Chris Tessmer - The Carillon (U of R) (ursu.uregina.ca)

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. It was mere months ago that Swollen Members played Craven as the reigning kings of Canadian hip hop. Now, with the release of their fourth full-length album, one has to wonder where all their creative genius has gone. The beats on Heavy are as interesting as anything on their previous efforts (Balance, Bad Dreams, Monsters In The Closet), yet there really isn’t a track on the album that stands out. The group has always had an exciting live show, but its new album lacks the urgency and sincerity of past efforts. Tracks like “Bottom Line,” “Therapy,” “Concentrate,” and “Don’t Know Why” are good enough but don’t hold the same standards that their last few albums have. A Swollen Members disc is usually full of great beats, and Heavy is no different thanks to Swollen’s DJ, Rob the Viking. Unlike a lot of DJs, Rob the Viking creates all of his own tracks and avoids using samples in his songs. This is a welcome change from a lot of commercial hip hop, where past hits are often recycled with a rap track thrown overtop. Plain and simple, the beats on this album are tight, and are a work of art by themselves. Unfortunately, his three partners on the mic (Mad Child, Prevail, and Moka Only) fail to meet their past standards. Considering Prevail is from Regina, it’s hard to come down too hard on these national rap icons. That said, it’s very disappointing to see a group so talented create something that’s so soulless. Instead of rushing out albums on a yearly basis, Swollen Members should devote a little more time and thought into their next release.

December 3, 2003 [The Carillon (U of R) (ursu.uregina.ca)]