Swollen Members: Nov 13, 2001 Review

By Special DK - ChartAttack.com

T-Dot may be rocking joints like never before, but you'd best be peepin' out the Left Coast to find some of the banginest crews. Look no further than Van-City's Swollen Members. Tag-team mic warriors Mad Child and Prevail fucked shit up with Balance, their last set of banging joints. Hell, they even got props from T-Dot industry bigwigs at the Junos. Now they've dropped Bad Dreams, 18 dope tracks that rock that organic underground shit. Mad Child and Prevail have been taking their wheatgrass (among other green consumables) so they can work microphone acrobatics like Barnum and Bailey. The real story is the production, featuring tracks from the likes of Joey Chavez, Dilated Peoples' Evidence, Rob the Viking, Nucleus and The Alchemist. Beats range from wigged-out Wu-Tang weirdness to smooth old-school shit. Check "Take It Back" for some dope scratching from DJ Revolution, plus an old-school beat that's bigger than John Holmes' unit. Also check "Anthrax Island" — you need cojones the size of bowling balls to drop a track title like that, what with terrorists going postal on the postal system. Once again, the Members bring the noise from the 604 to the masses. Make sure you're dialed in.

November 13, 2001 [ChartAttack.com]